Retreat from the Sea?

Should we retreat from the Sea?

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Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
There are reasons why it should happen. And there are reasons why it won't. I was born by the sea, I have lived by the sea, I will die by the sea.
I never saw a sea until I left KANSAS for MCRD and then it was just a glimpse from the firing range...

By all means, we must leave the Marines there.

Dumbass WaPo.

"The articles are what we use to fill the space between the advertisements."
-a legendary newspaperman​

Professional gossips, windbags and blabbermouths.

Well I voted "Yes -Save the Whales" but I think at least very vulnerable areas should be moved inland.

I live inland myelf but I would not want to be in the wrong spot when something like Sandy hit as I might lose everything, maybe my life. A lot of places though may not be moveable or could afford to do so. :(
Who is murdering the dolphins?

We can cross the Jets off the list...

Since the summer, six dead dolphins have washed ashore with bullet wounds, severed fins and jaws, and stab wounds. The latest was a dolphin found off the coast of Mississippi with its lower jaw missing.

Whether the deaths were caused by the same group or person is not known, but federal investigators are turning to the public for help.
We'll always be close to the sea, or rivers for those further inland. Water routes are traditional for travel and commerce and all of that shit.

We need water to distill Comanchero brand.

The horned toad needs a drink from time to time so he can tell us which way to go.

All those bridges would look pretty stupid over dry gulches.
Here on the Mississippi, we just build on high land because we know our farmland will be flooded by the Army Corps of Engineers to politically protect the Sodom that is Cairo, Ill.

Here on the River James, we have the mighty floodwall built with skillfully pork-barrelled money to save a vital economic development zone from the precarious machinations of the water gods.

Then they decorated it with historical banners.

Then some folks who disagreed with the inclusion of some banners set fire to them.

There's a three little pigs joke hiding in there somewhere, but I am only on cup #2 . . . .
I thought the US had a policy of not retreating from bad situations? :D
Here on the River James, we have the mighty floodwall built with skillfully pork-barrelled money to save a vital economic development zone from the precarious machinations of the water gods.

Then they decorated it with historical banners.

Then some folks who disagreed with the inclusion of some banners set fire to them.

There's a three little pigs joke hiding in there somewhere, but I am only on cup #2 . . . .

The flood wall here is decorated with historical murals, famous people of the state, and a prairie scene that looks straight out of KANSAS that seems to have been some sort of artistic whim that makes no sense what-so-ever...

I wonder if it is strong enough to resist the Madrid Fault.
Man is too stupid and stubborn to move. Even after he has been shown his idiocy, he just rebuilds in the same spot over and over.

His dying motto - 'Fuck Nature, I will conquer all.'
There should be a shrubbery joke in there, too.

And something about empty pints.

As long as my Mopar isn't insulted.
I guess that no one was given orders to hold the position.

Somebody's ex-wife has made the same complaint.

So yesterday, Mom gave me her father's old eight-day clock. It has belonged to his mother before that - or somebody - the tale gets a bit murky. It hadn't run in 30 years. She set it on the kitchen table so I'd pick it up, and she fed me and left the room. The damned thing started running. I brought it home, wound it, got it synchronized, and it's running happily now. :eek:
There was a Pawn Stars episode where a guy brought in a high-end antique naval timepiece for determining position, but it would not run, so they low-balled the guy, who was in a hurry.

Long story short, when the expert got there, he removed a shipping wedge and the thing ran perfectly.

:D ;) ;)
He is. We'll go out and play later. They're still sleeping in, the lazy kids.

He liked the old Mopar. Approval rocks. But he's still an unrepentant Hemi-guy, while I am stuck on big-block wedges.

I can buy 10 tons of wedge engines for the price of a new Hemi . . . . :mad:
He is. We'll go out and play later. They're still sleeping in, the lazy kids.

He liked the old Mopar. Approval rocks. But he's still an unrepentant Hemi-guy, while I am stuck on big-block wedges.

I can buy 10 tons of wedge engines for the price of a new Hemi . . . . :mad:

There's no accounting for taste.

We're just two cranky old guys up in the balcony...

They do not see how insulting an old mule creates a veritable new jack-ass. :D
There's no accounting for taste.

We're just two cranky old guys up in the balcony...

They do not see how insulting an old mule creates a veritable new jack-ass. :D

Two old fussy bastards . . . with rifle and lots of ammo.

Actually, Junior gets a lot of this stuff. He's really years ahead of his age, in many ways. And he suffers from one-trial-learning skills, too.

I gave him his own horned toad when he was small. :D
I see a red sky this morning giving me warning...

First I teach Bo 3 and then we shoot the AR-15 I purchased for the wife on Black Friday.

Such a colorful day...

... and it begins in 15 minutes :cool: