Requesting suggestions for continuation of Paradise series


Feb 26, 2022
Currently, there are two parts to the Paradise series that are published (links in signature). The second story ends with the senator revealing her preference for women and introducing the main character as her partner. They decide that the senator will move into Kelly's (MC) house.

Part 3 will start with moving in. I am considering bringing another lady to visit and have some fun. Then should this bring a conflict to the couple? The angst could lead to some hot makeup sex. I am also beginning to feel like this story may have run its course. It will end up with a happy ending for sure, but I'm not sure what that means yet.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.
A happy ending for who?
"Because my suggestion would not end happily for the Senator. As I see it, the third character is an intern, still uncertain about her attraction to women. Kelly seduces her for the Senator, but it is the Senator who suffers the scandal, is forced to resign. The governor appoints Kelly to fill the vacancy*. Kelly promotes her lover the intern to Chief of Staff...

*because the governor is female also & another ex-lover of Kelly