request for an audio reader


Dec 14, 2012
I am a big fan of the audio stories (text w/ audio) on the site and I would like to find out if any of the female authors would be willing to read a homemade short story with their gorgeous voice. If this request is in the wrong section of the forums please correct me!
I am a big fan of the audio stories (text w/ audio) on the site and I would like to find out if any of the female authors would be willing to read a homemade short story with their gorgeous voice. If this request is in the wrong section of the forums please correct me!

I would love to do this. I've wanted to read my own stories onto the audio section for ages but am unclear as to the technicalities of how to go about it. If you can help me find that out I will totally be up for this.

I have a husky voice with a cut crystal English accent (although I'm Scottish). People on crossed lines on the phone have been known to beg me not to hang up but to give them my number (As If!). When I get a bit of a cold, I phone the bank immediately and ask for more money which they beg me to take from them. In fact I caused the banking crisis because I had a good throat infection at the time! ROFLOL.

Seriously I do have a sexy voice and I would love to do this. I have a good quality microphone too.
PS As I see you are a posting virgin, I'll just warn you. If you get any weird posts in here, ignore them. Most intelligent trolls I ever came across. Love them all to bits. Lots of good fun if you like a bit of rough ;) but newbies can be freaked. Do not try to engage with them, they will take you to the zoo and scrag you then fight over the pieces.

You do not have to give anyone nude piccies to come and post in here!

Well I certainly appreciate your interest! It's still a work in progress as I work out the framework and flow but when I have something presentable I'll let you know.

As for advice, the best stories I have listened to speak with a confident voice, they speak softly and carefully. You need to be careful not to sound like you are reading off a paper with a level voice that sounds like a robot but instead put emotion into it with a fluctuating voice and sexy improv where appropriate. Basically if you aren't interested in it, it won't work, simple as that.
Well I certainly appreciate your interest! It's still a work in progress as I work out the framework and flow but when I have something presentable I'll let you know.

As for advice, the best stories I have listened to speak with a confident voice, they speak softly and carefully. You need to be careful not to sound like you are reading off a paper with a level voice that sounds like a robot but instead put emotion into it with a fluctuating voice and sexy improv where appropriate. Basically if you aren't interested in it, it won't work, simple as that.

ROFL. If you want me to do this, PM me. Believe me, it will not sound like a paper!

Thanks for this, I got some good advice off friends on here about how to do an audio story. I will be progressing one of my own. If you'd like me to do yours, let me know.
haha glad to hear it! Believe me, I've heard a few that sounded like a presentation for an english class. I should have something ready for you by the end of the work for sure, thanks again, I will PM you.
haha glad to hear it! Believe me, I've heard a few that sounded like a presentation for an english class. I should have something ready for you by the end of the work for sure, thanks again, I will PM you.

Fab! (whispers in husky murmur). Looking forward.
PS As I see you are a posting virgin, I'll just warn you. If you get any weird posts in here, ignore them. Most intelligent trolls I ever came across. Love them all to bits. Lots of good fun if you like a bit of rough ;) but newbies can be freaked. Do not try to engage with them, they will take you to the zoo and scrag you then fight over the pieces.

You do not have to give anyone nude piccies to come and post in here!


Don't think that by deceiving newbies you'll get away with avoiding your pictorial responsibilities, Ms. Smith!