Republican Teflon wearing thin


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
Ronald Reagan had his Teflon armor. Parts of it fell off, when the Iran–Contra scandal became public.
Poor Mitt Romney- parts of his Teflon armor are falling off and he has not reached the voting booth, yet.

"Look at the king! The king is in the altogether, he's altogether as naked as the day that he was born.

"The king is in the altogether; it's altogether the very least the king has ever worn!

"Call the court physician; call an intermission. The king is wide open to ridicule and scorn!

"The king is in the altogether, and it's altogether too chilly a morn."
Smirking after telling the press how oh-so-sorry Americans were killed overseas isn't helping him.

who needs telfon when you have the liberal media with thousands and thousands of sos pads to scrub off the char.
Ronald Reagan and his Teflon Armor

It is so strange, to see where today's Conservative attitudes had their beginnings.
And how they have returned to their most basic of tactics.

The beginnings of today's Conservatives, were the start of focusing on making issues purely political.
They ran on a Law and Order ticket.

The Conservatives were determined to have a Death penalty law in California.

One of their political ads emphasized the vulnerability of the "pitiable defenseless woman," raped, and having
no access to justice against her rapist."

They re-used the tactic of using the image of a raped woman. The Conservatives were determined
to paint Dukakis as weak and soft on crime.

People were convinced of Dukakis's responsibility for the rape of a woman, by a violent offender.

Today, that woman has become reduced to an disposable envelope that contains a fetus.
And the fetus that must be given a chance to develop, at the cost of a woman's life.

Today, a woman is called a slut. Today, a woman must accept a medical rape with an instrument
in order to receive permission to abort a fetus implanted by a rapist.

What is the bottom line, that did not get discussed ? The Death Penalty is one of the things that bankrupted the state of California.

What Conservatives wish to return to, is lost far in the past ? Even Ronald Reagan changed and evolved during his lifetime.
(Though it was cloaked and hidden from the masses that "believed" in him.)
"Blaming the Media" is soooooo 2008.

But, But, the administration and the media are telling us that the Libya raid was a spontaneous crowd protesting a film. A spontaneous crowd that was armed with RPG's. Seems suspicious to me.
But, But, the administration and the media are telling us that the Libya raid was a spontaneous crowd protesting a film. A spontaneous crowd that was armed with RPG's. Seems suspicious to me.

No they're not.
July 28, 2012

"Call me a converted skeptic. Three years ago I identified problems in previous climate studies that, in my mind, threw doubt
on the very existence of global warming."
- Richard A. Muller

Our results show that the average temperature of the earth’s land has risen by two and a half degrees Fahrenheit over the past 250 years,
including an increase of one and a half degrees over the most recent 50 years. Moreover, it appears likely that essentially all of this increase
results from the human emission of greenhouse gases.