Reminds Me Of The Nazis And The Jews...

And where in HELL have you been?

I've been worried sick!
Interesting thread. Quite a few people are iged apparently.
Only if you stop the crap about the "Nazis" killing Jews, and rather recognize the fact that the people that actively hunted down the Jews, processed them to the concentration camps, shot them in trenches, filled out the paper work, guarded them at concentration camps, put them in the chambers and turned on the gas, and burned them in the crematoria, the people who knew damn well what was going on and did nothing to help the Jews flee Europe or try and shut down the camps, the religious leaders, especially the RC, that did pretty much nothing to help, were all Christian. The Germans, French, Poles, Ukrainians who were involved were all Christian; the US government that could have brokered a deal to alow the jews to emigrate (such a deal was on the table from the Germans) were full of Christians and more then a few Christian leaders, including Cardinal Spellman and the US Bishops, The head of the Southern Baptists and other "christian" leaders, made clear that settling those "Damn Christ Killers" in the US was unacceptable, as did most Americans of the time.......

The point? Religious intolerance and hatred isn't limited to any one religion, they are all guilty of it. Protestants and Catholics killed each other in Northern Ireland, In Africa Catholics and Protestants go at each other, in Uganda, a heavily Catholic country, they were seriously proposing passing a bill making homosexuality a death penalty offense, and the Bishops of that country supported the law (they eventually passed a bill without that, but it still has draconian laws for openly gay people) stinks whether it is Muslim, it stinks whether it is Christian or any other faith. You sardonically said that the Christians homes were torched because they were intolerant, making the point that those doing it were the real perps...well, 6 million Jews were put to death by Christians, simply because they were Jewish, so which is the skankier religion?
"well, 6 million Jews were put to death by Christians, simply because they were Jewish, so which is the skankier religion?"


The German Nazis were Christians...I'll bet that was a shock to them.:)
Only if you stop the crap about the "Nazis" killing Jews, and rather recognize the fact that the people that actively hunted down the Jews, processed them to the concentration camps, shot them in trenches, filled out the paper work, guarded them at concentration camps, put them in the chambers and turned on the gas, and burned them in the crematoria, the people who knew damn well what was going on and did nothing to help the Jews flee Europe or try and shut down the camps, the religious leaders, especially the RC, that did pretty much nothing to help, were all Christian. The Germans, French, Poles, Ukrainians who were involved were all Christian; the US government that could have brokered a deal to alow the jews to emigrate (such a deal was on the table from the Germans) were full of Christians and more then a few Christian leaders, including Cardinal Spellman and the US Bishops, The head of the Southern Baptists and other "christian" leaders, made clear that settling those "Damn Christ Killers" in the US was unacceptable, as did most Americans of the time.......

The point? Religious intolerance and hatred isn't limited to any one religion, they are all guilty of it. Protestants and Catholics killed each other in Northern Ireland, In Africa Catholics and Protestants go at each other, in Uganda, a heavily Catholic country, they were seriously proposing passing a bill making homosexuality a death penalty offense, and the Bishops of that country supported the law (they eventually passed a bill without that, but it still has draconian laws for openly gay people) stinks whether it is Muslim, it stinks whether it is Christian or any other faith. You sardonically said that the Christians homes were torched because they were intolerant, making the point that those doing it were the real perps...well, 6 million Jews were put to death by Christians, simply because they were Jewish, so which is the skankier religion?

Well said.
"well, 6 million Jews were put to death by Christians, simply because they were Jewish, so which is the skankier religion?"


The German Nazis were Christians...I'll bet that was a shock to them.:)

They were, Hitler was a self proclaimed Catholic, and most of the Nazi leadership, german military, and most of the German people were Christian (Lutheran and Catholic), they were heavy church goers. I have heard all the apologists, that the Nazis were satanists, that they were occultists, but the fact is that most Germans were Christian (whether they behaved like it is another story). Want a little fact? The German military had the word "Mitt und Gott" on their belt buckles ("With Our God").
"well, 6 million Jews were put to death by Christians, simply because they were Jewish, so which is the skankier religion?"


The German Nazis were Christians...I'll bet that was a shock to them.:)

I consider ALL organized religions to be skanky. Right now, fanatical Muslims are the worst, but that might change in a decade or so.
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Only if you stop the crap about the "Nazis" killing Jews, and rather recognize the fact that the people that actively hunted down the Jews, processed them to the concentration camps, shot them in trenches, filled out the paper work, guarded them at concentration camps, put them in the chambers and turned on the gas, and burned them in the crematoria, the people who knew damn well what was going on and did nothing to help the Jews flee Europe or try and shut down the camps, the religious leaders, especially the RC, that did pretty much nothing to help, were all Christian. The Germans, French, Poles, Ukrainians who were involved were all Christian; the US government that could have brokered a deal to alow the jews to emigrate (such a deal was on the table from the Germans) were full of Christians and more then a few Christian leaders, including Cardinal Spellman and the US Bishops, The head of the Southern Baptists and other "christian" leaders, made clear that settling those "Damn Christ Killers" in the US was unacceptable, as did most Americans of the time.......

The point? Religious intolerance and hatred isn't limited to any one religion, they are all guilty of it. Protestants and Catholics killed each other in Northern Ireland, In Africa Catholics and Protestants go at each other, in Uganda, a heavily Catholic country, they were seriously proposing passing a bill making homosexuality a death penalty offense, and the Bishops of that country supported the law (they eventually passed a bill without that, but it still has draconian laws for openly gay people) stinks whether it is Muslim, it stinks whether it is Christian or any other faith. You sardonically said that the Christians homes were torched because they were intolerant, making the point that those doing it were the real perps...well, 6 million Jews were put to death by Christians, simply because they were Jewish, so which is the skankier religion?

you are INSANE
They were, Hitler was a self proclaimed Catholic, and most of the Nazi leadership, german military, and most of the German people were Christian (Lutheran and Catholic), they were heavy church goers. I have heard all the apologists, that the Nazis were satanists, that they were occultists, but the fact is that most Germans were Christian (whether they behaved like it is another story). Want a little fact? The German military had the word "Mitt und Gott" on their belt buckles ("With Our God").

As with you, I was not totally right or wrong from what I can find out.

Here is one learned viewpoint on the subject.

But then I look at the Catholic religion as modern day flavored water compared to the original coke a cola.
I found this part interesting for different reasons.

Liberals on the American campus scene are the ones who oppose the "imposition" of "Western" science as universal: "Hey hey, ho ho, Western culture's got to go!" They think that "the Black experience", "the gay experience" etc. can found equally valid worldviews which heterosexual White males have so far suppressed with their pretence of universalism. White science is not only not better, it is worse than the rest, for it has caused environmental degradation and the nuclear threat. This diversity of worldviews was also accepted in Nazi Germany, at least by Nazis. Thus, there was good Aryan science, such as quantum physics, and there was evil Jewish science, such as relativity theory. For a different kind of relativistic downplaying of reason's universal claims, one of the ideologues discussed in this book, Ludwig Klages, valued image-consciousness (as in dreams or shamanic trances) and myths over reason; and this preference for "biocentrism" over "logocentrism", we "find also in Hauer and in numerous street philosophers" in interbellum Germany. (p.86)

Those are rather extreme examples, but relativism is all around us in less obtrusive forms. Particularly, in religion, liberals undermined the old certainties of the Bible (to Protestants) or Church tradition (to Catholics) by an appeal to reason and free interpretation of these sources of authority. This led to widely divergent schools of exegesis, and once those floodgates had been opened, other types of pluralization followed suit. One of these is along ethnic lines: nowadays, liberal Church leaders accept that Africans should have their own cultural emphases and give expression to these in an African liturgy, Indians should bring Hindu elements into their liturgy etc. This is not all that different from the Nazi-era idea that there should be a distinctive German Christianity.

The core of Poewe's thesis is that "liberal Christianity" was the gate through which millions of Christians removed themselves from the Christian spirit to embrace National-Socialism. This was true in the case of apostates like Hauer, through his liberal revaluation of Christian non-conformists frowned upon by the traditional Church, but also of Church-loyal "German Christians". Some kept on calling themselves Christians while others openly turned against Christ, but their ideological estrangement from true Christianity was fundamentally the same. The end result of relativism was this: "There is no dogma, word or scripture. German morality is not rigidly chained to words but changes as reality changes and as the original nature adapts to new conditions. It is a convenient moral relativism that Hauer and his cohorts developed. In the final analysis, it is (*) a fighter ethic that negates all moral ties except those with respect to the interests of one's own Volk." (p.15)


I don't think you can compare an Arab riot, which they seem to do at the drop of a hat, to Adolph Hitler and what he did and accomplished. That's like comparing the stream of water that flows down my gutter, to the Nile River....
Oh, for a minute there I thought this was about middle eastern men and women.
Actually it is about an very old Anti-Christan movement gaining new support world wide in these later years.

It's not like it is unexpected or not anticipated it's just the effects can be deadly.
I don't think you can compare an Arab riot, which they seem to do at the drop of a hat, to Adolph Hitler and what he did and accomplished. That's like comparing the stream of water that flows down my gutter, to the Nile River....


I am comparing the increasing SLAUGHTER of CHRISTIANS in the MIDDLE EAST


Christians take shit from everyone, always have.....

and are being KILLED


as we speak


Yes, like JEWS and NAZIS

the biggest JACK ASS was Pope Benny.....who, while his PEOPLE are slaughtered

He railed against at CHRISTAMS TIME
I don't think you can compare an Arab riot, which they seem to do at the drop of a hat, to Adolph Hitler and what he did and accomplished. That's like comparing the stream of water that flows down my gutter, to the Nile River....


Actually it is about an very old Anti-Christan movement gaining new support world wide in these later years.

It's not like it is unexpected or not anticipated it's just the effects can be deadly.

Don't forget that Christians massacred thousands of men, women and children on their way to the Holy Land during the Crusades and while there. There will always be people who use their religion to kill and murder, unfortunately..Just as unfortunately, American Christians seem to think they are the only religious group who should deserve a medal for being persecuted. And usually when they think they're being persecuted, they're not.

Don't forget that Christians massacred thousands of men, women and children on their way to the Holy Land during the Crusades and while there. There will always be people who use their religion to kill and murder, unfortunately..Just as unfortunately, American Christians seem to think they are the only religious group who should deserve a medal for being persecuted. And usually when they think they're being persecuted, they're not.

As people like yourself are so fond of pointing out ,there is no one left alive from back then so why do you care?

and what does that have to do with modern day?

We know we are only a mental Goose step away the starting of the end times but it is our duty to resist as long as possible.

We see it coming in the schools, courts, and legestuare...and here.