Rejected story!


Nov 27, 2009
Hey, so I've been working quite hard on a story I thought was pretty good, and I can think of no particular reason for it to be rejected, but apparently it was recently denied. The story was "Yet another high school story" can someone explain why it was denied?
I guess that's that

No relief for Yoyo I guess.

The end result though is that I won't be writing any stories for Chyoo. I'm pretty grumpy about this, but can't expect anyone to care, I guess. I don't think I'd be so annoyed if whoever had denied my story had given some reason, either on the site itself or here at the forums.

It's too bad, because it's a great site in a lot of ways, but it will continue to shrink and fall in to disrepair if it routinely pushes away new blood.
Did the moderator leave any reason for rejecting it?
I don't see a rejection reason. Perhaps it was based on the first page, which isn't story, but discussion about the story.

Given what I've read in the rest of the story, I've approved this story. Looks good.

Hey, thanks Torg... sorry for the melodrama, but I figured a little "woe's me" might get the ball rolling. Hope people enjoy the story.
The story is currently closed to new threads; Yoyo says he'll "open it up once I've set things up quite a bit." Current deepest thread... 27!

That has got to be pretty close to the biggest commitment to setting up a story I've ever seen; Yoyo, it's clearly a labor of love and I wish you the best with it.
Haha... yeah, I'm a bit of a control freak. You should see me working on collaborative projects in real life. Anyway, I've opened the story up. It was time...
I'm having the opposite problem, I have a guy who keeps re-contributing the same chapter no matter how many times I knock it back with feedback. It is always the same material never changing a single line.
I'm having the opposite problem, I have a guy who keeps re-contributing the same chapter no matter how many times I knock it back with feedback. It is always the same material never changing a single line.

You could always report it and get it deleted permanently.
I'm having the opposite problem, I have a guy who keeps re-contributing the same chapter no matter how many times I knock it back with feedback. It is always the same material never changing a single line.

I've seen that thread continually disappearing & reappearing. I'm curious what your problem(s) with it is/are.
He knows what my problems are, I've told him every time I reject it. frankly I wish I could ban him from adding to my story at all, his threads don't contribute anything to the overall plots, he just writes short chapters of lead-up and never follows through.

It's like saying 'I want to see this happen but I don't want to be the one to write it.' So I get half a dozen dead branches that lead nowhere, which is irritating for readers.

How do I report these chapters, do I just PM a mod or what?
He knows what my problems are, I've told him every time I reject it. frankly I wish I could ban him from adding to my story at all, his threads don't contribute anything to the overall plots, he just writes short chapters of lead-up and never follows through.

It's like saying 'I want to see this happen but I don't want to be the one to write it.' So I get half a dozen dead branches that lead nowhere, which is irritating for readers.

How do I report these chapters, do I just PM a mod or what?

Use the Report a Thread link at the bottom of the CHYOO page.