Reid: More funding needed to prevent ObamaCare from becoming 'train wreck'


~Armed and Fuzzy~
Mar 14, 2001
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he shares colleagues’ concerns that the Affordable Care Act could become a “train wreck” if it’s not implemented properly.

Reid warned that people will not be able to choose health insurance plans on government health exchanges if federal authorities lack the resources to set them up and educate the public.

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I guess he finally read the bill. :cool:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) says he shares colleagues’ concerns that the Affordable Care Act could become a “train wreck” if it’s not implemented properly.

Reid warned that people will not be able to choose health insurance plans on government health exchanges if federal authorities lack the resources to set them up and educate the public.

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I guess he finally read the bill. :cool:

The Big O was careful to set up funding for well into the future but, if additional money is needed, as I predicted a while ago would happen, that appropriation will have to start in the House. :devil:

Do you think it will be? :eek:
Wait a second...

Harry Reid is a liar. This was going to be a money maker and a money saver.
Oh it's a money maker all right(apparently not quite enough for someone)!! Just not for us peasants. ;)

I know it has to be true because anytime since its inception that we said it would end up costing way, way more than the rosy projections, all of the angry white Democrat men went bat-shit crazy and called us liars.

Even their FemiNazis...

Sure, it pays for them when they're in the emergency room. When they could've been treated for a whole lot less if they'd been seeing a doctor for preventive care. And guess who pays for that expensive care through higher premiums.

AJ, this isn't rocket science. Even you can do the math. Heh.
It's gonna turn out like this, isn't it?

I like it just the way it is.

In other news, the stimulus keeps on rolling. I should finish up this stimulus in two weeks, and damn if the Big Boss Man isn't sending me to his next project.

Speaking of projects:

5 days left and it is gardening sabbatical until the end of the month.

I cannot wait. Hell, maybe I'll quit early...

:D :D :D
I know it has to be true because anytime since its inception that we said it would end up costing way, way more than the rosy projections

Even the rosy projections were bloated....there is no fucking reason why we shouldn't be getting a bulk discount on pills....IV's... syringes...etc when bought in bulk..esp with fuckin' public funds.

But reality is by the time the industry gets done rat fucking the public cookie jar this thing is going to cost way more than UHC would at MSRP prices. 500 dollar aspirins for everyone yaaaaaaaaaaay!!!:rolleyes:

My cool guy high speed Ti/space plastic knee would have cost me just under 70,000 had I walked in there with a bag of cash.

You know what they charged the gubbmint?? Almost a million fucking dollars...."We need more funding!!" mother fuckers need less greedy slime balls in their Wheaties is what they need.

all of the angry white Democrat men went bat-shit crazy and called us liars.

Even their FemiNazis...

They have a point long term, it would hurt up front, but it's logically sound....reality is when the gubbmint (the people) is getting ripped off so fuckin' hardcore that just is never going to happen....

From the MIC welfare in the hundreds of Obamacare...the plan is clear. They will keep ripping us off right to the fuckin' brink of economic and or social disaster....but they wont crash it....keep that gravy train going.

Why would they do anything but manage us into being their financial slaves running as close to redline as they can keep us??

In the next 20 years the 95% will continue to gladly surrender an even greater percentage of their wealth and prosperity to the 5% at the beckoning of their elected officials, right down to the bare bones of survival.
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It is simple economics and easy politics.

Government is the least efficient way to pick winners and losers or to manage resources because they do not, in fact, make economic decisions, they make political decisions.

It is only their sycophants and Myrmidons who believe in magic pixie tax dust that brings about unlimited rainbows and skittles. The politicians know the truth; if you control health care access, then you control the behavior, e.g., you do not have to outlaw guns, but you can de-prioritize a gun-owner's treatment.
5 days left and it is gardening sabbatical until the end of the month.

I cannot wait. Hell, maybe I'll quit early...

:D :D :D

What would they do if you do? Give you a bad reference? Fire you? Fuck 'em.

If this guy really said this, he's more cornball than we thought:

Ihope his knee is rehabbing well. All indications are that it is. He's fun to watch.

Off to stimulate something.
EVERYTHING they said abut ObamaCare was a LIE

EVERYTHING we said about ObamaCare has turned out to be true
The train is going to wreck and in spite of Harry's belated attempt to pin it on the Republicans the Democrats are going to have the honor of having their hand on the throttle.

"Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey Jones you'd better watch your speed."

You are WRONG

The REPOZ will be blamed

The MEDIA will make the BLAME stick

The REPOZ are DUMZ, they will don Velcro so the BLAME will stick even more
The train is going to wreck and in spite of Harry's belated attempt to pin it on the Republicans the Democrats are going to have the honor of having their hand on the throttle.

"Driving that train, high on cocaine,
Casey Jones you'd better watch your speed."


The primary concern is that many uninsured Americans aren't informed about the need to get insurance and what their options are. Lots of people are ready to just waltz through 2014 without insurance and will end up furious come tax time.

Hospitals aren't going to be able to write off losses for treating uninsured people as easily even if they end up treating uninsured people who just don't know about or don't care to follow the law. Or they're just low-IQ people. So yeah, there's the potential for a lot of problems when this thing comes online. We need a whole lot of public education. TV commercials, that kind of thing.

So is Reid right, is it a good idea to educate America? Or are Americans and our healthcare providers better served by mishandling the transition?

A couple trillion looking for mythical WMDs in Iraq is okay but a few billion for health care education is a bad thing?
The primary concern is that many uninsured Americans aren't informed about the need to get insurance and what their options are. Lots of people are ready to just waltz through 2014 without insurance and will end up furious come tax time.

Hospitals aren't going to be able to write off losses for treating uninsured people as easily even if they end up treating uninsured people who just don't know about or don't care to follow the law. Or they're just low-IQ people. So yeah, there's the potential for a lot of problems when this thing comes online. We need a whole lot of public education. TV commercials, that kind of thing.

So is Reid right, is it a good idea to educate America? Or are Americans and our healthcare providers better served by mishandling the transition?

A couple trillion looking for mythical WMDs in Iraq is okay but a few billion for health care education is a bad thing?

Same shit we've been listening to re. public education for the past 40 years. The mantra is always, "More money" and the outcomes are always the same.........'disappointing' is the kindest word you can use.

AJ has the right of it, if the government is involved it isn't economics, it's politics. It's all about political power and has very little to do with healthcare.

ObamaCare is and will be a huge disaster

The DUMZ, along with the media echo lytes will scream




ObamaCare is and will be a huge disaster

The DUMZ, along with the media echo lytes will scream





No it won't. But they're damn sure going to try. They have to because they're going to be very desperate going into the 2014 elections. Especially with the shit pot of new taxes that are going to hit the middle class the hardest and nothing to show for the money.

No it won't. But they're damn sure going to try. They have to because they're going to be very desperate going into the 2014 elections. Especially with the shit pot of new taxes that are going to hit the middle class the hardest and nothing to show for the money.


It will stick

Just as when 4 people were KILLED by Obama in Benghazi

The PRESS blamed Romney for BRINGING up a LEGIT issue and didn't ask Obama why he did nothing

THE PRESS WILL THE REPOZ....the charge will stick....the REPOZ will make sure the charge will STICK.....because the REPOZ are passive and the DUMZ are AGGRESSIVE