Regulating deepfakes


Literotica Guru
Jun 22, 2002
Vice reports Congress Is Trying to Stop AI Nudes and Deepfake Scams Because Celebrities Are Mad . They cite "The new bill, called the No AI FRAUD Act ". In the proposed law, which hasn't been introduced yet, we find 'likeness' means an image(s) that is 'readily identifiable as the individual'. As some of us recall, the use of body doubles is not uncommon--Who's Nailin Paylin for example. Further, 'readily identifiable' seems wildly broad. Lord knows I can't ID any of the new celebs out there. Betting it's not going to become law.
It’s a bipartisan bill, might have a chance. I’m sure something needs to be done to protect folk.
The solution to AI fakes is to make them copyright infringements or fraud. The penalty for which should be the disgorgement of all gross profits plus 3x damages (normal for fraud) plus atty fees/costs.

Take the latest Beatles song for example; it's an AI fake but it's being promoted as something from the group. Whoever did it owes the band and it's label/promoter the royalties plus the penalty.

Basically, hit AI hard enough in the pocket and this crap will stop.

Oh, and there's a difference between parody and fraud. One is open, the other clandestine.