reflections on Nature...


That's Professor to You!
Dec 30, 2001
Even though it is a dreadfully depressing time of year...try to look past the commercialism and the idotic obsessive nature of many people out there. Remember the snow forts kids used to build....the cheery snowmen smiling and also remember the Beauty of just standing still and feeling the power of winter.....the silence that so many holiday songs are about....the wonderment .....Just enjoy!
Even here in slimey houston it is cold...low 40s and 30s...cold for us...but you can still feel this powerful silence that is so powerful...I can still stop whatever I am doing and walk outside and feel the chilly silence as our earth sleeps. It is a powerful feeling....not empowering....but powerful because you can feel the power of nature just by standing out in it...or in your backyard....on a busy street...its there its always there.
I wrote that in the middle of holiday depression around the Xmas season...the same is true of Valentines Day that I loath ....except there are signs the Earth is waking up....
Here in the farnorth the seeds of spring sleep safely under blankets of snow-

Reminds me of TS Eliots opening of "The Wasteland"

April Is The Cruelest MonthApril Is The Cruelest Month

:rose: ;)
"Whan in Aprille..." First few lines of Geoffry Chaucer's General Prolouge for the Canterbury tales...(in the original middle english!)
My Daphne is blooming! The world is right when my Daphne blooms.

I just brought some in. I will survive!
The pear trees are blooming....our azeleus are blooming flower bushes....

its so pretty....chilly still but frosted glass....
ksmybuttons said:
My Daphne is blooming! The world is right when my Daphne blooms.

I just brought some in. I will survive!

nice to hear flowers are poppin somewhere-

South I take it?

The suggestion of it suffices in the face of the lack of IT.


well ok so its not that summery here...but its a nice thought anyway....
Silverluna said:
"Whan in Aprille..." First few lines of Geoffry Chaucer's General Prolouge for the Canterbury tales...(in the original middle english!)

In thilke mirrour saw I tho
Among a thousand things mo,
A roser chargid full of rosis,
Tha with an hegge about enclos is
Tho had I such lust and envie....

Troilus & Criseyde

eagleyez said:
nice to hear flowers are poppin somewhere-

South I take it?

The suggestion of it suffices in the face of the lack of IT.


Western Oregon. Our weather is comparable to Great Britain.
eagleyez said:
In thilke mirrour saw I tho
Among a thousand things mo,
A roser chargid full of rosis,
Tha with an hegge about enclos is
Tho had I such lust and envie....

Troilus & Criseyde


DUDE! I have to read that next month!!