REDWAVE's "Hall of Fame"

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999

1) "(I) am subjected to constant abuse, insults, and vilification here (mostly by undercover government agents and right-wing political operatives)"
On Literotica

2) "I am the radioactive cesspool of the imagination-- and I love being me."
Incoherent Sig Line

3) "You notice further that, even when I specifically point out that he has not denied being "Hanns," he still doesn't deny that he's "Hanns. At a certain point, the failure to deny becomes a tacit admission."
On the burden of proof

4) "Man, when I saw that jet slam into that huge building on TV-- that was the coolest thing I've seen since 1992."
On his delight at the World Trade Center attack and the LA Riots

5) "Bush is clearly much worse than Hitler, who at least brought full employment and prosperity to Germany."
Regarding Bush's push to invade Iraq

6) "I strongly suspect this was a political assassination ordered by the White House. When future historians compile the list of Bush's crimes, it is likely the murder of Paul Wellstone will be on it."
On the death of Sen. Paul Wellstone in a small aircraft.

7) "Is there any doubt that every keystroke I make is being monitored by shadowy government agents? ... DCL is, at the very least, a CIA (or similar agency) 'asset.'"
After discovering that I predicted he'd post a thread concerning the death of Paul Wellstone

8)"Just got back from an anarchist anti-war conference."
On being an oxymoron

9)"But the U.S. military is so brutal and vicious, it even murders its own soldiers! Think of all the American soldiers who have died from 'friendly fire.' They don't give a fuck about you! They're just using you as pawns in their dirty game of world domination."
From his Cannon Fodder (Veterans) Day essay

10)"The wheels have now been set into motion. I will do everything in my power to see that paganangel is prosecuted to the very fullest extent of the law."
On his legal prowess

11) "The ruling class deliberately stirs up and perpetuates all forms of prejudice, all types of backward ideology, in order to divide and conquer the workers and the oppressed masses generally."
One of his hundred "Illuminati" theories

12) "I provide the overwhelming majority of the intellectual content of the Literotica board. Without me, and my keen socio-economic-political criticism, it would truly be an intellectual wasteland."
On himself

13) "I expect to get locked up as a political prisoner well before 2004-- sometime next year, most likely."
On how much the government fears him

14) "Historians of the future will likely record that World War Three began October 7, 2001, with the commencement of U.S. terror bombing of Afghanistan. "
On equating Kabul with Poland

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Can we make this a sticky thread?

Not that way, perverts.
The first Trade Center bombing.

(REDWAVE's correction is below -- he was referring to the riots in LA.)
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"Teacher, he's threatening me, he's making death threats. I demand you call the FBI on him!"

social studies, 5th period
"Lucky" Luciano High School
Las Vegas, NV
October, 1964.

The reference is to the Los Angeles upheaval of 1992.
Ah. The "upheaval". Some of us call them riots. Or is "looting" really just "re-acquistion of wealth".
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Ah. The "upheaval". Some of us call them riots. Or is "looting" really just "re-acquistion of wealth".

Depends on who you're looting from. I don't think there was much wealth being redistributed in that riot.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Ah. The "upheaval". Some of us call them riots. Or is "looting" really just "re-acquistion of wealth".

I think that this approach is covered in the Redwave "Equitable Re-Distribution" clause.
Sun, Wonder Woman's arms are really moving fast. At what point do they reach up and pull off her top?
So while I was crying (yes I was) at Reginald Denny being pulled from his truck and beaten, you were popping open a Jaggermeister and singing "The Internationale"?
I cried when I saw Rodney King being savagely beaten.

Would you have cried for the people that he could have killed in his crack-enduced thrill ride?
^5 Raw. Rodney King is still having a difficult time. He's been oppressed so much that his rap sheet is even longer now than it was back in '92.
I cried when I saw Rodney King being savagely beaten.

Wait a second. With the money Rod got from his lawsuit, he's now one of the rich. Does that mean we can now laugh at his getting beaten?

I am sooo confused.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
But not Denny?

Why not?

Because he was white and deserved it? Tell me I'm wrong, because I hope I am.

Denny was a wealthy oppressor of the masses, dammit. haven't you read anything REDWAVE has posted?
I had just turned 17 that summer. It was right before I left for school and my parents were having serious reservations about letting me go a year early because of the riots.

I was pissed. All I could see was how unfair it was that something that had nothing to do with me was about to ruin my life.

Then I saw the news.

I stopped crying when I saw Reginald Denny being pulled from his truck and beaten.

I also stopped being a self absorbed little brat.
I cried at neither. Cops will be cops and frustrated uneducated idiots will get the idea. I just want to ask Mr Denny why he slowed down. These guys weren't Tianenmen Square protesters, they would have moved, very quickly too.
RawHumor said:
Would you have cried for the people that he could have killed in his crack-enduced thrill ride?

Once the "ride" was over and he was on the ground subdued the physical force should have stopped.