
BTW - Registered to vote?

If so, are YOU afraid to go to the polls?
I was talking to REDWAVE and that would be the polls in Lost Wages if he even votes.
One out of two . . .

Well, I'll answer half your questions. I'm not afraid to go to the polls, because I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white male.

That's right-- in an earlier time, people like you called people like me a "traitor to the race." These days, however, you have to be a little more circumspect.
Indians did that?

How awefull!

I'm truly sorry. I think they meant trader... The language was new then.
Re: One out of two . . .

Well, I'll answer half your questions. I'm not afraid to go to the polls, because I'm a middle-class, middle-aged white male.

That's right-- in an earlier time, people like you called people like me a "traitor to the race." These days, however, you have to be a little more circumspect.

I prefer to call you what you are. A paranoid weasel.
Re: One out of two . . .

That's right-- in an earlier time, people like you called people like me a "traitor to the race." These days, however, you have to be a little more circumspect.

Actually, that's what people like YOU call people like J.C. Watts or Colin Powell. People like tell people that you should vote one way or another just because of how you look or how much money you make.

Pardon the toe-stepping, SIN.
Turnabout fair play, ugh

Let me ask you a question, SINthysist. Do you really have any native American blood? And if so, what percentage, and what tribe(s)?
My maternal Grandmother was Cherokee/Swedish and my maternal Grandfather was of the Iroquois Nation.

You do the math... I just say half cause it's easier and I'll never have children due to childhood illness so I don't need to pass the story and amounts on for any particular reason.
I have a little Cherokee in me, not much. Ethnically, I'm mainly Scotch/Irish-- Celtic, not Teutonic.

My weed dealer is a full-blooded Tlingit. He's pretty cool.

What's the matter-- you only want to continue the conversation if it's antagonistic?

OK-- you fuckin' apple! That's right-- apple! Red on the outside, but white on the inside!

Take that!
I know what Bigotry is first-hand, to continue a civil conversation. See dad, the redneck racist married a fair-skinned, dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty. Little did his Tuetonic Majesty ever dream that an injun was gonna pop outta da woodpile...

Hated me. Got the scars to prove it.

That's why I wonder about you sometimes and whether or not you're seeing real, in your face, racism every where you go in America because I don't see it.

Get my drift...?
Let me get this straight-- you're saying your Dad was cuckolded by a redskin?

Saying I see racism everywhere I go in America is a crude caricature of my actual position. I think there's a lot of subtle, "covert" racism, and relatively little overt, virulent racism any more. I think most people are NOT racist, but the capitalist system deliberately perpetuates racism (and all other forms of prejudice) in order to divide the working class. Keep us fighting among ourselves, so we're unable to unite against our common enemy: the bosses.
I'm saying he never realized he was marrying one based on appearances.
That's politics dividing them, not the capitalistic system. Even your Communist Utopia will have politics...