THE WRITERS ART by James J.Kilpatrick.
Santa brought me this book. I've read most of it. It includes all the usual stuff but whats different is Kilpatrick includes plenty of examples of what he means, and he clearly defines arcane writing terms. So when he speaks of thesis-antithesis coupling you know what it looks like and see how it works. ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY! IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES, IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES. TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON, A TIME TO BE BORN AND A TIME TO DIE.
Santa brought me this book. I've read most of it. It includes all the usual stuff but whats different is Kilpatrick includes plenty of examples of what he means, and he clearly defines arcane writing terms. So when he speaks of thesis-antithesis coupling you know what it looks like and see how it works. ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU, ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY! IT WAS THE BEST OF TIMES, IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES. TO EVERYTHING THERE IS A SEASON, A TIME TO BE BORN AND A TIME TO DIE.