"Rebuild": The Game Thread


Aug 18, 2013
This is a dead thread!

There is NO reason for "Rebuild" Writers
to subscribe to this thread.
It is a "depository" for the Host's posts
to which links in the other threads connect.

Links to posts in this thread:
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The Zombie Riots Begin

9 September 2017, Just after Midday
  • Barely into the 1st Quarter of the Oregon-Virginia football game at Autzen Stadium, Eugene, Oregon, rioting erupted.
  • This was no ordinary riot by ordinary trouble makers, though.
  • The maniacal rioters were attacking other people, clawing and gnawing at them.
  • The Press would later call the rioters Zombies.
  • The number of Zombies seemed to rise exponentially as the next couple of hours passed.
  • The unaffected Humans attempted to flee the stadium, leaving many trampled people as "road kill" for the hungry Zombies.
  • As the Zombies chased people on foot away from Autzen in all directions, the mayhem spread throughout Eugene to the north, west, and south; and throughout Springfield to the east.
  • By dusk, ever urban and suburban area within 5 miles of Autzen was affected to some degree, either by the mayhem of the actual Zombies or the looting by Humans that followed.
  • All branches of Law Enforcement, as well as the National Guard, were called out but to no avail: there simply was no stopping the mayhem.
  • It would be learned later that evening that similar Zombie Riots were occurring across the planet, always in areas of with concentrations of people.
At the Knight Library on the University of Oregon's main campus:
  • A mile to the south of Autzen Stadium, beyond the foot and bike bridges that span the Willamette River, the flight of Humans and pursuit by Zombies spread to the main campus.
  • Security at the Knight Library began sending library patrons home and was about to lock up the building when Humans fleeing Zombies pushed their way in and took shelter.
  • The Zombies were unable to get past the double protection of the heavy main doors and the fire doors secured behind them.
  • At the time of this post, the number of Survivors in the Knight Library was 28, including 8 elementary school children. (See the Character List, which will soon be linked here.)
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NAME: Ria van der Plas

AGE: 45

GENDER: Female

Ria is 5,9 tall and weighs 189 Pounds, which makes her chubby. This doesn’t disturb her, she is fit. She swims once a week, rides her bike whenever the weather allows it.

She has short dark-blond hair, the white threads get concealed as soon as they appear. Blue-green eyes in a roundish face with dimples in her cheeks when she smiles.

She doesn’t normally speak much, she is a bit shy, but has learned to mask it over the years. She rarely opens a conversation though and if she isn’t sure of the topic, or a person who starts a conversation with her, she can be quite brusque in responding. Because of this people who don’t know her often think she is arrogant.

If a topic interests her she wants to know ‘everything’ about it. She loves books and spends hours in libraries and bookstores, browsing through books, reading bits and pieces before she decides on a book.

She is a no-nonsense type of a person, in her manners as well in her style of clothing. She prefers jeans and comfortable shoes although she enjoys the occasional dress-up for a wedding or such.

She is helpful, polite and generous up to a certain degree; she won’t offer you her proverbial last undershirt if it is freezing cold. She would offer you a cup of hot tea from her thermos flask if she happened to have it with her though.

Dithering around is not her way; if something has to be done, it has to be done, and if nobody volunteers to do it, she does it.

She was born in 1968 on August sixth in a little village in the Netherlands.

She is not afraid of animals nor of hard labor, in her youth she had to lend a hand to her uncle, who had a farm, quite often.

She even knows how to butcher a pig or chicken although she never has killed one herself.

When she was 19 she started to study to become a psychologist, switched to history and geography after two semesters because psychology wasn’t very logical and straightforward in her opinion.
When she realized there weren’t very much jobs a historian with geography as a second, could apply to, she added classes in didactic and pedagogy to become a teacher after graduation.

In 1992 she married and some years later two daughters completed the family. Ria kept her job as a history teacher but reduced the hours.

Sadly she and her husband filed for divorce in 2011, even if she wanted it as much as her husband, the following year was not easy on her or her daughters. Which was the reason she was now having a three months sabbatical in which she wanted to travel Northern America since she reckoned the twins would now be capable to look after themselves for a while.

She is a Judoka, theoretically; due to many hours spent in the dojo her daughters trained in.

She is a good cook, albeit she is known to re-create historical recipes sometimes.

Also, theoretically, she knows how to cook soap, knows healing herbs, can stich a wound, knows how to build a defendable castle, brew beer and many other things that caught her interest long enough to read one or more books about it.

She will proceed as she always has: practical, moving forward, doing what has to be done.

If sexual interactions occur my character will not participate in any bathroom related things except a shower à deux, nor in humiliating or degrading or painful actions. She also is as straight as one can be.

I am Dutch, English is not my first language.
Mistakes and the occasional typo will happen, I really prefer well-written posts and will edit if someone brings my mistakes to my attention.
My posts can be short as well as long.
NAME: Max Taylor

AGE: 62 (born 4 July 1952)



  • 5'6", 155#, a bit frail looking though he is actually in good health.
  • Green eyes, often hidden behind sunglasses, even indoors (as further explained below).
  • White beard and hair, cut short and almost always under a tightly rolled stocking cap.
  • Quiet, polite, unassuming, helpful, generous to a fault.
  • He likes looking at the pretty college "girls" but rarely talks first to them, fearing he will be called a "dirty ol' man".
  • A life long, low wage, laborer, Max is envious of what the graduates have waiting ahead of them. (Well, not anymore, that is. :D)
  • He is often viewed as being "quirky" because he almost always wears his sunglasses, even indoors. What people don't know is that his indoor pair are broken: one lens falls out repeatedly, and one arm is held in place with tape. He is too proud to tell anyone or ask for help in buying a new pair.
  • Born 4 July 1952.
  • Grew up on a small working farm.
  • 1970: After a falling out with his father, he volunteered for Viet Nam War at 18.
  • Spent most of his 4 years with a Special Forces strike team in Cambodia and Laos. (Saw a lot, but never saw anything like he's seeing now with the Zombie Riots.)
  • 1974: Came home to find his father dead of a heart attack, his mother in a home with terminal depression, and his brother spending the money he'd gotten from selling the farm on drugs, women, and fast cars. The family farm is now a shopping mall.
  • 1975-85: On the road with an Outlaw biker gang.
  • 1986-93: Oregon State prison for Manslaughter after a bar fight.
  • 1995 to present: The only work he could land was janitorial work under the supervision of a former (and now deceased) Army buddy at the University of Oregon's Knight Library.
  • Rather comically, he has been taking classes -- free, what with being an employee -- and was going to graduate Spring 2015 with a degree in Environmental Studies.
  • He knows the library like the back of his hand. He will be able to help them find what they need to survive ... so long as they can keep the Zombies -- and Pillagers -- outside the library's doors.
  • He can provide history of the Eugene area. (OOC: Obviously, I am from here.)
  • Max has no where to go and no one for whom to get home, so he will be perfectly happy with staying inside the relative safety of the library.
  • He won't be any help when it comes to fighting -- he's too old and frail -- but he still remembers the booby traps of Viet Nam ... and, more importantly, how to make them!
  • Max likes women, and he likes sex. Or, at least, he thinks he does. It's been a while ... a long while. ;D
  • If I do get involved in a sexual role play, I like to write them in a separate thread that can then be linked to the "Story" thread. Then, those who are interested can read it and those who aren't can skip over it.
  • Max is mostly here to point other Characters in the right direction, to give clues as to where things might be found, to give hints about actions that might be worthwhile. Think of him as one of those Tutorial characters who talks to you during the new game you just downloaded to your Tablet or Smart Phone.
  • However, if someone does want to interact with him on more of a PC level, I am more than happy to do so. I just don't want to get bogged down in a lengthy role play situation that takes me away from managing the Game Thread portion of the game.

About me:
  • I am anal about spelling and grammar.
  • I write both short and long posts.
  • I am on the internet almost every day for at least a few minutes.
  • I typically check for new posts in the morning, at lunch, and immediately upon getting off work, as well as during the evening at home.
  • I shouldn't have a problem with keeping my Characters or the Game Thread portion up to date.
Cast of Characters

How This Thread is Organized

Last Update: 25 August 2013
There are currently 28 Survivors in the Knight Library, incl. 8 children.

(read the notes at the bottom of this post for more)​

  • Peter Lee: Eugene Local; Grad Student; "Self appointed" Leader of the Library Survivors.
    • (NPC): Male; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
    • (NPC): Male; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
    • (NPC): Male; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
    • (NPC): Male; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
    • (NPC): Male; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
    • (NPC): Female; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
    • (NPC): Female; Lookout and/or Scavenger.
  • Max Taylor: Eugene Local; Viet Nam Vet; Janitor, Knight Library.
    • (NPC) -- Male; New assistant to Max.
  • Lola: NPC actually, available for adoption by another writer; Female, UO Student, Diabetic
  • Daniel Campbell: 20 year old Canadian; hunter/"lookout" (Available as a PC if you want him)
  • Lee Garner: Eugene Local; Army Vet; Paramedic and Part time Bartender.
"Unsupervised" NPCs inside the Knight Library: These NPCs are available for Writers to "adopt" as their own. Keep in mind that you are responsible for them, meaning that if we run out of food or other vital resources, they will come to you for support. (I will explain this more later, when we get a little more in depth into the "survive and thrive" portion of the role play.)
  • NPC, male, Elementary School Teacher.
    • 4 students, ages 9-10.
  • NPC, female, Elementary School Teacher.
    • 4 students, ages 9-10.
  • NPC, male
  • NPC, male
  • NPC, male
  • NPC, female
  • NPC, female
  • NPC, female
  • NPC, female
Note: Some of the NPCs above have not been mentioned in "Story Thread" posts yet, but they will be soon, so I am adding them now to give all of you the sense of how this page will eventually look.
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If the information below doesn't answer your question, feel free to PM the Host or, if applicable, any other writer you feel is more able to answer the question for you:

Concerning Zombies Specifically:
Concerning Characters and Character Creation:
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Consumable Resources

(NOTE: Fearing conflict between the Library "residents" over the food and drink -- a mini "looting" event -- Max the janitor removed 80% of the items from the vending machines from the Employees Lounge and 50% of the food items -- coffees, teas, condiments, etc. -- from the Employees Kitchen. This is not

  • VENDING MACHINES (Employees' Lounge): Empty.
    • Coffee maker and coffee: 120 bags (12 cups per).
    • Various teas, ciders, etc.: 140 servings.
    • Fridge: Misc items, such as condiments, pickle jar, etc.
  • HIDDEN "MEALS": 50 meals, taken from the vending machines/kitchen by Max and hidden.
  • LOST AND FOUND: Items here will be made available to Writers in two ways:
    • Freely: I will list items that are available for anyone to use, that list coming soon.
    • Chance: If you want something special, I will give you a chance at getting it. Odds are longer for items that I think are less likely to have been in a Lost and Found or that I feel are just a little too convenient for you to have.
  • More to come.
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NOTE: NPC. See very bottom of Profile for explanation​

NAME: Peter Lee

AGE: 28



  • 6'2", 200#; fit, buff. (Women drool over him typically.)
  • Steel blue eyes.
  • Brown hair with blond highlights, always fashionable styled.
  • Tattoos (to be described later).
  • Confident, extroverted; eager to be involved; a natural born leader.
  • Particularly confident with women; very charismatic; hard to resist.
  • A bit self centered and -- it will be learned -- self serving.
  • Recognizable to campus "regulars" for reasons that will be later revealed.
  • His background is unknown to all at this point. (More details to be posted as they are revealed.)
  • Leadership.
  • Emotional support.
  • Defense against dangers.
  • Peter will immediately become involved in the security of the Library and safety of those inside.
  • He will show great concern for the emotional calm, peace, and well being of the others ... particularly the women he is interested in fucking.
  • Other than this, I can't say anything yet.
  • Oh, yeah!
  • Peter is a horn dog, and he isn't going to let a bunch of Zombies outside the library from keeping him from getting laid inside.
  • Kip: Lookout and Scavenger.
    • 18 year old male.
    • Senior, Junction City High School (NW of Eugene).
    • Decathlon Star: running and javelin throw will come in handy.
    • Brother, who is a Frat boy on campus, survived the initial Zombie Riot.
    • Family in Junction City was untouched by the initial Zombie Riot.
    • Virgin, shy with girls.
  • 4 other males.
  • 2 other females.
  • Peter's purpose in the story is two fold:
    • To provide drama. He will get involved with the female characters in sexual situations and other adventures; and he will get involved with the male characters in scouting and defense situations and other adventures.
    • And, as with my first Character Max, he will provide "stimulus" to other Characters, giving clues to actions they may or may not want to take. Think of him as that Tutorial characters in your new video game, the one that teaches you how to play and advance.
  • If someone does want to interact with him on more of a PC level, I am more than happy to do so, particularly if it is a sexual situation. Peter is a horn dog, as is his writer. :D
  • I don't want to get bogged down in a lengthy role play situation that takes me away from managing the Game Thread portion of the game, so such role play situations will be short, relative to most sexual role play scenes.

About me:
  • I am anal about spelling and grammar.
  • I write both short and long posts.
  • I am on the internet almost every day for at least a few minutes.
  • I typically check for new posts in the morning, at lunch, and immediately upon getting off work, as well as during the evening at home.
  • I shouldn't have a problem with keeping my Characters or the Game Thread portion up to date.
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FAQ: "Can my Character begin the role play with a firearm or other weapon?"

The answer to this question depends upon when your Character joins the role play. Initially:
  • No fire arms are allowed. Fire arms must be discovered by Characters during their Scouting missions.
  • If your Character is male and would have been carrying a pocket knife on an Autumn afternoon, you may have that.
  • If your Character is female and would have been carrying Mace on an Autumn afternoon, you may have that.
  • Yes, I know, the above sounded sexist. But I've never known a woman who routinely carried a pocket knife, nor a male -- other than cops and men who deal with dogs during their public work -- who routinely carried Mace.
  • I am trying to limit the weapons initially to encourage you to go out into the world and look for them.
  • Initial possession of a weapon may mean that I veto your possession of another valuable. So, what's more important to you? A lunch box with a full meal in it that may feed you for 2 days? Or a 3 inch pocket knife that you may never use?

If your Character is being introduced later in the story, weapons will need to be discussed at that point.
FAQ: "If my Character gets bits or scratched by a zombie, does (s)he turn into a Zombie?"

As of 20 August 2013, the day I last updated this answer, that answer was not yet available to the Writers. I have an answer to this question, but I am not prepared to divulge that information yet. Sorry. You're going to have to find out.
FAQ: "How many Characters will there be in the Library, and will there only be Characters inside the Library, or will they be outside, too?"
  • Initially, all of our Characters will be inside the Knight Library.
  • In addition to the identified (Writer or Host played) Characters, there will be a dozen or more NPCs (Non Player Characters) written by the Host.
  • Over time, as new Writers join, they can either assume the role(s) of NPCs inside the Library as PCs; or create new Characters outside the Library.
  • These "outside" Characters can deal with the "inside" Characters either outside the library; or they can seek to join the community inside the Library.
  • Over time, those inside the Library will discover that they have to deal with the outside world. It will simply be impossible to survive -- let alone thrive -- inside the Library walls without additional resources from the outside. Think food, medicines, clothes, fuel, and more. This fact will bring them into contact with new Characters, either Writer PCs or Host NPCs.

Forget everything you think you know about Zombies from the movies and books. Unless it's stated here in this page, it is unknown.

(A note: I use the word "affected", rather than "infected", because I don't want anyone to presume that a disease or virus is involved. The cause of "Zombie-ism" isn't yet known to the public-at-large.)

  • Unknown.
  • The initial unconfirmed reports in the Press quoted government officials, saying that "Zombie-ism" was probably caused by a virus or bacteria, manipulated to attack the human brain, then weaponized and released in crowds.
  • As of yet, this is unconfirmed.
  • Unknown.
  • All that is known so far is that at each Zombie Riot location -- more than 30 in 20 countries -- the number of Zombies seemed to grown rapidly, ultimately affecting thousands, possibly tens of thousands of people within just hours.
  • Initial, unconfirmed reports suggest that the number of Zombies continues to rise, suggesting some form of contagion.
  • The movement and activity of Zombies is already known to change with their consumption of Human flesh.
  • Stage One: Before eating Human flesh:
    • Mentally:
      • An affected Human goes from being mentally normal to psychotic in less than an hour.
      • An affected Human becomes increasingly agitated, then violent, then murderous, and finally begins eating the flesh of non-affected Humans.
      • They appear fearless in the face of danger, not hesitating to rush directly at Humans who are armed with fire arms or other weapons.
      • They appear single minded, with their attention only on attacking and eating Humans.
      • Initial reports indicate that once they detect Humans, they will not give up the quest to attack them unless they are distracted by other Humans elsewhere. (For example, many of the Zombies outside the Knight Library that first day were still there the next morning, not having seen or heard any other Humans to pursue.)
    • Physically:
      • Initially, a Zombie moves exactly as it had as a Human.
      • The one noticeable difference is that they don't seem to stop moving.
      • They are always on the move, searching for Human flesh. They will walk quickly about while searching; and once a Human is sighted, they will run full out to catch that person.
  • Stage Two: After eating Human flesh:
    • Mentally:
      • Once they begin eating Human flesh, a Zombie's mental faculties begin to slow. The differences are noticeable within minutes of them "eating dinner".
      • It's almost as if Human flesh is bad for them, despite their obvious desire to eat it. (Right now, all of the McDonald's burger fans are thinking, "Hmmm..." :D)
      • The more Human flesh they eat, the more their brains slow down.
      • They seem to become less intelligent; and their senses -- hearing, sight, and smell), which they need to "hunt" -- begin to fail on them.
    • Physically:
      • Zombies become physically slower and lethargic proportionally to their flesh consumption.
      • They lose speed, strength, and agility.
  • Stage Three:
    • Mentally:
      • Ultimately, Zombies are as stupid as a post.
      • They almost have to stumble into a human to realize it's there.
      • Activity by the Human increases detection -- such as lots of arm movement or noise making -- but if a human is just walking by, it is hardly noticed.
    • Physically:
      • They are virtually no threat in the last stage.
      • The only way they'll be able to feed upon a Human is if that Human sticks its own arm in the Zombie's mouth.
      • It is at this point -- when it is no longer able to feed -- that the Zombie's body begins to whither, with the flesh dying and falling off of them like the King of Lepers.
  • Initially, Zombies don't look any different than they did when they were still Humans.
  • Over time, just as would happen to you or I if we did not concern ourselves with out appearance, their bodies will become dirty, their hair will become mussed, and their clothes will show filth and wear.
  • For a visual, just imagine you yourself being on the streets day in, day out, never once worrying about what you look like.
  • Zombies can be killed just like a Human: gun shot, knife, object to the skull, whatever.
  • The difference is that while a human who is injured by a weapon might shrink away in pain, a Zombie doesn't seem to feel pain and will continue to hunt and attack until it is disabled and/or killed.
  • A Zombie who has reached Stage Three in its consumption of Human flesh and is no longer feeding will simply stand in place or sit down and rot away. (It's too early for me to tell you anymore: this is already more than is actually known by the Characters.)
  • No. For some reason, non-human animals that often scavenge dead animals shy away from Zombies.
  • However, these scavengers are not shy about eating on the uneaten remains of the Humans that were killed and not fully devoured by Zombies.

More to come over time.
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Originally Posted by blackpenman
NAME: Daniel Campbell
AGE: 20 (born June 21, 1997)
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 5'11", 170 lbs, athletic build. He has greenish grey eyes. Has a close cut beard.
PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: Very reserved, not awfully conceited. He tries to be humble, but know when to take credit. A son of a hunter and a hunter himself, he has learned patience from his father. Despite his "rugged good looks" and his talent for sports, he is a bit awkward around girls, but loosens up a lot aroun his friends.
BACKGROUND: Born June 21, 1994. Grew up Canada, very close to the forest, and he used to go out with his father to go hunting. He was taught how to use a rifle, and after a while, he got used to using it and develepod his aim and patience. He can go for hours, being still and silent, if need be. He graduated high school and decided to go to Oregon for college, thinking he would have better luck at later finding a job if he went to an American college. He has been in Eugene for only two years, and hasn't really left the college much in that time. He is still a Canadian citizen, but was due to apply for American citizenship later in the year.
WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER THE "GROUP": He is a skilled hunter, and very patient. Is also good at stalking prey, at being silent and still. Knows how to use a gun quite well, and can use a knife just as well, not just for fighting, but for gutting, skinning, and stuff like that. He had a pocket knife his father had given him that he had kept with him in his pocket during the school year so far after having almost been beaten up by a gang last year.
HOW DO YOU SEE YOUR CHARACTER PROCEEDING FROM HERE OUT?: Daniel will, no doubt, stay and try to help everyone. He knows the importance of sticking together to survive. And besides, going out alone is suicide, so staying in the Library is his best chance of survival.
ARE YOU INTERESTED IN SEXUAL INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER CHARACTERS? Like said above, Daniel is awkward around girls, but he has wanted to lose his virginity for a while now...
DID I MISS ANYTHING? I am experimenting with Daniel right now, not too sure if I want to keep him for the entire RP. I might want to ditch him and choose a different character.
WRITER INFORMATION: I am online for a lot of the day, but it takes a while for me to write a really good post. I might take a day or to to figure out what I will write. I also try to keep my spelling and grammar errors to a minimum, but I always make the occasional mistake. I try to make my posts the right length for the situation. I prefer quality over quantity. Also, I am new to this type of format for a RP, so I might need a little bit of help with it along the way. I check for posts regularly throughout the day.
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The Basic Needs of Survival

Just as in the case of someone lost in the wilderness, our Library Survivors will need to fulfill the basic needs of survival, including:
  • Potable Water.
  • Shelter.
  • Security.
  • Food.
  • Warmth (or fire, in a wilderness situation).

Since our role play takes place on a University Campus, I'll assign a grade to each of these categories. Failing grades in this case does not mean returning home as a college dropout, ever to sling burgers at McDonald's or stock shelves at WalMart. No, in this case, failing grades could very well mean Death.

At the beginning of the role play, the fulfillment of these needs is receiving the following grades. Keep in mind that the Characters only just arrived at the Library:
  • Potable Water:
    • Short Term: "A"
    • Long Term: "F" (if the city water service fails, there is no current backup plan)
  • Shelter: "B" (no beds or bedding is as of yet arranged, but the Characters are out of the elements)
  • Security: "I" ("Incomplete", as the Library has not been fully surveyed)
  • Food: "I" ("Incomplete", as the Library has not been fully surveyed)
  • Warmth:
    • Short Term: "A"
    • Long Term: "F" (the library is heated by natural gas, which may run out, and currently there is no back up plan in place.

As time goes on and conditions change, I will update these grades. Kudos -- and Points -- to anyone who can come up with a way to improve the grades; and, on the other hand, if no ideas are coming to you, you can "spend" Points and I will give hints toward methods, projects, etc., that could improve the grades.

This could be a fun idea ... or it could be a bust. We'll see.
Okay, so I created a new "Update Thread" that can be found at this link. If you are currently a member of the role play (or wish to be), you can delete your subscription to the thread you are currently reading and subscribe to the new one.

FYI, continue to subscribe to the Seeking Thread. It will be used as our Q&A Thread, where writers can post for the entire group their questions, comments, gripes, and more. Please, don't turn it into a Chat room, with back and forth two and three word questions and comments. Such conversation is best reserved for PMs, don't you think?

NAME: Cassandra Moore (stage name Fantasia Thunderjuggs)

AGE: 27

GENDER: Female

PICTURE: http://blog.scoreland.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Cassandra6750_08.jpg

Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Blonde
Measurements: 34FF-25-36
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 130 lbs

The adventurous type, loves to play pool, loves to race cars, goes to a closed track and makes her ford mustang fly!!
She is a real character; she wants nothing more than to enjoy life. She is a naturally playful and happy person, and not much gets her down for long. Her world is a fun place. She's very easygoing about things and comes across as genuinely warm, charming, and friendly, which happens often since she deeply enjoys personal interaction (which she does with a lot of laughing, flirting, physical touching, and eye contact).

Lives at home with parents. Father still treats her like daddy's little girl, even though she started to wear a EE-cup bra at 15. She works at the “silver dollar” strip club in town. Goes to college during the day. Saved up enough money from stripping to buy a Ford Mustang. This is her baby!

She is a good dancer … Knows how to play pool well … can race a car like no tomorrow … quick learner? From school she does know about drugs (not those kind!! … she is a pharmacy major)

Character is anxious to get back home and check on her parents

Yes … She loves sex! She is a very erotic creature, largely because she finds flirting and sex to be fun.

College Major: pharmacy

Here to improve my writing skill!
NAME: Lee Garner

AGE: 28


PICTURE: http://http://www.justjared.com/photo-gallery/2085722/milo-ventimiglia-paramedic-23/

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Jet Black
Height: 6’ 0”
Weight: 185 lbs

PERSONALITY DESCRIPTION: A bit of paradox in himself, very spirited individual when it comes to recreation activities. Loves playing sports; running, football, rugby…etc. enjoys the competition but always competes more with himself. Enjoys going out with friends to bars, concerts, camping, and fishing. In his professional life he is much more reserved, while always ready to crack a joke, he is fairly calm and subdued under pressure, as stress goes up his tends to focus more, almost to a fault shutting out the world around him or others who aren’t directly involved. Friendly demeanor, but can be a bit rough around the edges in his speech, and offends some with his bluntness. Loyal to his friends, but slow to trust completely.

BACKGROUND: Graduated college with a degree Psychology, got bored with his job after school, didn’t feel as rewarding to him as he hoped, thought he would helping others, but turned out observing behaviors of rats in cages wasn’t very thrilling. Joined the Army, served for three years and then got out, lost a close friend in combat and couldn’t fully come back from it, not enough to get back on the battlefield at least. Now works as a paramedic, moonlights now and then as a bartender at a local bar his buddy owns. When he isn’t serving the drinks, he’s drinking them. Lives alone in an apartment. Enjoys going out with friends and meeting ladies, but has not been able to develop a relationship deep enough to have a serious commitment.

WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO OFFER THE "GROUP"?: Has a decent understanding of combative tactics. Knowledgeable of first aid and able to help out with light medical assistance. Able to keep a level head in tight situations. Sense of humor can keep the group lighthearted.

Giving the mayhem going on, he will try to make sense out of the chaos by helping those immediately around him. Feeling more comfortable during stressful times, he’ll just try to get others to safety.


Did I miss anything: Will be slow to get too close to anyone, but willing to lend a helping hand. He is calculating and somewhat callous in his decisions.

WRITER INFORMATION: Here to have fun, I use to write stories often when I was in college, but have gotten away from it, and can’t wait to get back.

Last Updated: 22 Sep 2013​

    • Currently on city grid.
    • Backup plan: none.
  • WATER: Working.
    • Currently on city system.
    • Backup plan: none.
  • SEWAGE: Working.
    • Currently on city system.
    • Backup plan: none.
  • INTERNET: Working.
    • Currently on satellite.
    • Backup plan: none.
  • CELL SERVICE: Working.
    • Currently on national grids.
    • Backup plan: none.
    • Currently on local service.
    • Backup plan: none.
How Characters Are Listed

If you see an error or inaccuracy, please PM me.​

The "Cast of Characters is organized in descending order by:
  • Writers' names.
  • Their PCs.
  • The NPCs those PCs "supervise" (or have authority over).
  • And finally, any additional NPCs that are currently "unsupervised" and looking for a "task master", meaning one of your Characters.

What is a PC, what is an NPC, and why is this distinction important?
  • Player Characters:
    • PCs are the key Characters.
    • They will have posts in the Story Thread often.
    • They have profiles.
    • They are long term (or at least longer term) characters.
    • They are not killed off willy nilly by the Host.
    • However, if their Writer sends them into severely dangerous situations, injury and or death is a possibility. So, the lesson is: be smart with your PC (and your NPCs, for that matter).
  • Non-Player Characters:
    • NPCs are typically secondary Characters.
    • They don't often post from their point of view but instead are included in the posts of their "supervising" Characters.
    • They don't have Profiles but may be mentioned in the profiles of their "supervising" Character and/or in the "List of NPCs" which the Host will be assembling soon.
    • They are often short term (or shorter term), expendable Characters.
    • They can be killed off by the Host. In fact, that's part of their purpose, to provide fodder for the cannons or, in this case, lunch for the Zombies.
    • An NPC can always become a PC. If the NPC belongs to you, you can "advance" the NPC to PC status simply by contacting the Host; or if someone else wants to write that NPC, contact the "supervising" Writer and ask if they are interested in giving up their NPC.
    • Because NPCs are expendable -- and therefore protect their PC from some if not all danger -- they are worth having. HOWEVER, NPCs require resources -- food, etc. -- which means that resource depletion increases proportionally to the number of NPCs. If you, the Writer, wish to have a vast number of NPCs, you better be able to take care of them. If moral and/or health decrease below an acceptable level ... well, let's just say it won't be pretty.
Character Descriptions in the "Characters" page:
  • Characters are listed with a very short explanation of who and/or what they are.
  • In the beginning of the role play, many Characters will not yet have a "role" within the group of Survivors.
  • Others -- such as Peter Lee -- will be listed with "roles" that they took on themselves, not asking for permission of the other Characters. These roles may change, vanish, or be taken by someone else.
  • In the first days of the role play, don't worry too much about these descriptions. Remember: role play time is greatly reduced compared to real time. A good example is Peter's description as Leader. At the time that I posted this message, less than half a day had passed. Tomorrow, we may have a new leader, and the day after that another. There's no need to sweat over "temporary" titles yet.
  • However, if you see a glaring error, PM me so I can fix it.
Last edited:

NAME: Alana ( Derry) Brennan

AGE: 22

GENDER: Female



Eyes; dark green
Height; 5 ft. 6 in.
Weight; 125
Hair; flaming red, worn long
Build; slim, athletic

Derry is outspoken and easily provoked. She has lost most of her accent, except when she is angry. Hasn't been lucky in the men department, the latest one being a good example. Is pretty hostile about men at this point. Has always been a loner, interests include; reading, stand-up comics, going to the ballet, and the zoo. Likes to learn new things, then move onto the next thing. Is sort of a rebel without a cause, therefore doesn't easily trust. But gets along well with children and animals.


Her family came to this country when she was 8 years old. Originally from county Sligo, Ireland. Her father is a policeman as are her two older brothers, her mother is a nurse. Has a degree in biology and was happy to get a research job in the university. Her job includes, dissections, identifying parasites, and using new chemicals to control the said parasites. Works well on her own, needs little supervision which is the way she prefers it. Has taken self-defense courses, both in kick boxing and street fighting. (much more worthwhile then just straight exercise in her opinion)


Her self-defense skills would come in handy if confronted by dangerous humans or zombies alike. Knowledge of chemicals ...if she had access to a lab, she might come up with some formulas to repel the zombies. Has a good knowledge of the university grounds, including some ways to get from one building to another without going outside.


Derry is anxious to know if her family is OK...but otherwise is quite willing to make the best of this “new society” She would be interested in helping the kids and others to adjust to whatever life is going to be like now in this uncertain times. She good in a crisis, having grown up in a police family and knows how to take care of herself and if need be, others.


Yes I am interested in sexual interactions with other characters. But that said, she isn't going to be easy, since she doesn't trust men, and is pretty touchy at the time of the riots. So be prepared to do a lot of chasing...


Can post several times a week if needed. Can write both long and short posts. Haven't role played with much violence....just sayin. But I am adaptable...so we shall see.

Sally Jones 22 f
Physical description Tall Large Redhead in a wheelchair with short legs.
Personal description Funny, Sarcastic, extremely intelligent.
Background Born june 1991 NJ. Undergraduate in history, writer, present as an outreach to disabled community, both intrigued and annoyed by her special status. "I don't want to be a pet project"
What does she offer
A strong, passionate commitment to survival and awareness of being a medical lab rat. She understands the danger and the mind set, of the zombies and their unique opportunities for research. She is a stubborn strong woman who will galvanize the survivors
She desires sexuality based on rehab as well as mere touch, she has been made a slave to science with an iron will.
Name Sally Jones
Age 22
Gender Female
Physical description A Tall Well Built Redhead, in wheelchair.
Measurements 44 42 44 177lbs
Personal description Extremely intelligent, sarcastic, combines wit, and drive. Determined to proof her worthiness.
Background Undergraduate History, savant style reader, historical and literary interests. Deeply resents being a pet project.
What does she offer boundless energy, a born leader, hot tempered but clever.
Does she desire sex relationships? Without question as she has been labeled asexual by her keepers. Sees zombies as worthy of study both intellectually and sexually.
Where to go from here. Sally will drive those without courage, she will nag, encourage seduce, and maintain energy. Sometimes finds it difficult to tolerate others lack of interest.
What is this?

This thread is a side story to the Zombie themed role play, "Rebuild". This side story takes place in a building near to the University of Oregon's Knight Library, the initial scene of the larger story.

Please, feel free to follow along with this story. Although it takes place elsewhere, with two characters not currently in the larger story, it will eventually intersect with the other story.