Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction


Really Experienced
Dec 28, 2020
Just yesterday I put down a section in this chapter of my work, a part of the growing empire where I wanted to show just how dystopian the "trade" part of the empire turned into. I had a man forced to pay a loan after his signature was copied to take out a loan in his name by copying the signature from his house-buying contract. I thought to myself that this is perhaps ridiculous and perhaps a bit too much.

As if God himself wanted to upstage me, my youtube feed came to show a lawyer talking about a case where scammers were taking out loans in other people's names.

This ever happen to you? Thinking you went past the line of believability and then seeing that reality is still more than that?
That's sort of what identity theft is all about. I'm kind of surprised anyone hasn't been aware of that for years.

I can't recall the author but he said the challenge with satire these days is whatever you write today is likely to be tomorrow's headlines.
The closest I've got is writing about hot sex, and then having even hotter sex.
Not on Lit, but my first novel attempt included some Catholic priests as characters. I considered part of the plot having one of them being a child abuser with another being expected to cover such things up, but felt that was becoming too much of a cliché.

Flicked to the news: two separate stories of abuse by Catholic priests. Hm. A week later, undecided, I looked at the news again. Yet another abusive priest news story. I decided the universe was telling me something and wrote the story, hopefully not in a clichéd way.

Sex can definitely be hotter than some commenters can imagine. I had one complaint that a gorgeous 18-year-old girl would feel shy and nervous about getting naked in a lesbian sauna, not as confident as I'd written her. No, it's definitely possible she'd look round at nude women of all ages and sizes and get over herself instantly!
This ever happen to you? Thinking you went past the line of believability and then seeing that reality is still more than that?
It reminds me of the song "Kodachrome" by Paul Simon:
"If you took all the girls I knew when I was single
And brought 'em all together for one night
I know they'd never match my sweet imagination
And everything looks worse in black and white"


I'll never be surprised by reality ... unless I see a real Martian tentacle monster.
I'm reminded of what the Joker says in the fantastic beginning sequence of The Dark Knight: "What doesn't kill you makes you stranger." Life is much stranger than we think it is. Normality is a thin veneer over a lot of very weird stuff, if we're just prepared to look at it. With social media platforms like YouTube we can pull up examples of weird stuff very easily.

Not to get political, but I would say that for the last seven years in the US I've been constantly surprised by American political events. I keep thinking, "Surely, THAT can't happen," and sure enough, it does. The political scene is completely different from the way I would have guessed it would be 25 years ago. The Internet has had impacts I did not foresee.

On sexual matters we seem to be as conflicted as ever: more liberal in some ways, more prudish and judgmental in others. Weird stuff just keeps happening.
Sometimes reality makes for some really great story telling. There’s a sexy scene in Barstow - Another Road Trip! Pt. 02 that on the surface seems totally ridiculous and an over-the-top fantasy. But it happened IRL. We were there. And it wasn’t us.
On sexual matters we seem to be as conflicted as ever: more liberal in some ways, more prudish and judgmental in others. Weird stuff just keeps happening.
You know, that one makes me think. At the same time you have incest being the most popular kink ever for years straight and yet you cannot mention it in casual conversation. Like, not even on the theoretical fantasy scenarios... it's like people have engaged in doublethink, simultaneously damning it and secretly fapping over it.
You know, that one makes me think. At the same time you have incest being the most popular kink ever for years straight and yet you cannot mention it in casual conversation. Like, not even on the theoretical fantasy scenarios... it's like people have engaged in doublethink, simultaneously damning it and secretly fapping over it.

I've wondered if it's because in porn it's so obviously fake. It's more of a fig leaf to set up a scene than the real kink.
In real life...
I've wondered if it's because in porn it's so obviously fake. It's more of a fig leaf to set up a scene than the real kink.
In real life...
Oh, I'm not in favor of people doing incest in real life. I'm aware of its problems. And I think that the whole step-stuff is cowardice. But I can't even mention the word without some of the most rational people exploding.
Oh, I'm not in favor of people doing incest in real life. I'm aware of its problems. And I think that the whole step-stuff is cowardice. But I can't even mention the word without some of the most rational people exploding.

I find the whole situation with it in porn...odd. I'm sort of curious why it has taken off, but part of me doesn't want to know.

I've always thought the step thing was just different. One of my HS friends Dad got remarried to the mom of one of our classmates. So she had literally known her new step-brother longer than her Dad had known his new wife. I think they are just a month or two apart in age, if they had been dating prior to their parents meeting would it have mattered?
Weird situations...
You know, that one makes me think. At the same time you have incest being the most popular kink ever for years straight and yet you cannot mention it in casual conversation. Like, not even on the theoretical fantasy scenarios... it's like people have engaged in doublethink, simultaneously damning it and secretly fapping over it.

Of course. They go hand in hand. The taboo is what makes it so sexy.
You know, that one makes me think. At the same time you have incest being the most popular kink ever for years straight and yet you cannot mention it in casual conversation. Like, not even on the theoretical fantasy scenarios... it's like people have engaged in doublethink, simultaneously damning it and secretly fapping over it.
There are people that write incest that are totally against it in real life and think it's gross. I am not those people.
Nothing surprises me anymore with this wretched planet. I've seen enough movies and Simpson's, that it's a mere waiting game for the next bullshit. Foooorrr instance; last night I was watching a video by ClownfishTV talking about influencers wanting to sue TikTok for being addictive. Yep. Funny thing is the app, if you scroll long enough, has it's own videos to tell you to take a break, do something else, you've been scrolling for a while. No self-control, no accountability with these chucklefucks.