Realistic progress of an incestuous relationships ?


Really Experienced
Apr 27, 2007
What would be considered a realistic progress of an incestuous relationships between adult brother & sister ?
ok, I guess my wording were not clear, my fault. I actually meant, how such a relationship might progress giving the state of the current society that look down on incest.

btw, TonyClifton, great captions :)
What would be considered a realistic progress of an incestuous relationships between adult brother & sister ?

Once upon a time, it would have meant controlling all of Egypt.
Too bad you're a couple of thousand years too late and living in more enlightened times :rolleyes:
Once upon a time, it would have meant controlling all of Egypt.
Too bad you're a couple of thousand years too late and living in more enlightened times :rolleyes:

it also led to Akhenaton, severelly mentally challenged, deformed and worshipped the sun... not as a god... just the sun as a big ball of fire
it also led to Akhenaton, severelly mentally challenged, deformed and worshipped the sun... not as a god... just the sun as a big ball of fire

I'm not condoning incest here!
Although.... life was a lot simpler when humans didn't have a clue.
it also led to Akhenaton, severelly mentally challenged, deformed and worshipped the sun... not as a god... just the sun as a big ball of fire

What about Cleopatra who was the product of brother-sister marriage ? She also married her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII.
Why would anyone want to control all of Australia?

I think it was about two hundred years ago when the British gave up.

I believe they gave it back to the Chinese, or was that Hong Kong?

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, nobody in Australia produces jack squat and does not export anything that I know of.

I don't know how their country exists without exporting something.

What a bunch of fucking lazy ass people.

I heard the Chinese sold Australia to North Korea and they are planning to make nuclear bombs.

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All joking aside...not much one. You will/should never have children. You can only get married in a couple of states, Tenn. and Ark. come to mind. About the only thing you could do is live together, have safe sex and grow old and fat.

Anyone finding out about your relationship would most likely consider it wrong.

Good luck though.
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I think it was about two hundred years ago when the British gave up.

I believe they gave it back to the Chinese, or was that Hong Kong?

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, nobody in Australia produces jacks squat and does not export anything that I know of.

I don't know how their country exists without exporting something.

What a bunch of fucking lazy ass people.

I heard the Chinese sold Australia to North Korea and they are planning to make nuclear bombs.


The Auzzies gave us Fosters beer! They gave us a pawn on the barbie! They gave us Paul Hogan, even though we threw him back. They actually export a lot of mutton. But you can get sheep almost anywhere.
The Auzzies gave us Fosters beer! They gave us a pawn on the barbie! They gave us Paul Hogan, even though we threw him back. They actually export a lot of mutton. But you can get sheep almost anywhere.

Also, Hugh Jackman as well
What about Cleopatra who was the product of brother-sister marriage ? She also married her younger brother, Ptolemy XIII.

yeah.....but you left out the part she had to or die. that kinda tended to happen alot to political rivals...and she was what 18 and he was 12?

little details like that

dont you hate it when masturbation material doesnt match reality