Real vs. Surgary

Virgin Man

Really Experienced
May 21, 2002
Is there a visual way to tell if a woman is natural or Surgically enhansed.

If not, what are the touch give-aways?
I've always felt I could just "tell" by looking; few women I know have breasts that don't sag, even just a little.

Breasts are imperfect (in their perfection!) and aren't the same exact size and shape as each other, so that could also be a giveaway.

As far as feeling them, another thing I've heard but not experienced, is that they don't "jiggle," that there's not as much give to a fake breast as a real one.
what, have you not seen many? It's sooo obvious to other women, I can't imagine it's difficult for men.

Bottom line, if they look to perfect to be true, then they're probably bought and paid for.
A enhanced boob to the touch is a lot less plyable

I went out with a woman who had had one of her breasts re modeld after a car accident and you could feel the implant as a fermer(sp) bubble in side

as for look cant say as she had a lot of scaring from the accident around her ribs
Men are Oblivious

peachykeen said:
what, have you not seen many? It's sooo obvious to other women, I can't imagine it's difficult for men.

Bottom line, if they look to perfect to be true, then they're probably bought and paid for.


No, I've never been with a woman who was "bought and paid for". But, in any case, I'm sure that its not nearly so obvious to a man as to a woman.

My thanks to everyone for their replies
if you're really curious, go take a look at some of the porn sites that specialize in featuring real breasts, and then have a look at some porn star sites. That should give you some basis for comparison.
Normally, if you look at a woman who is naked, her breasts will sag. How much depends on many factors: age, genetics, childbirth/breastfeeding, etc. Breasts that have been "surgically enhanced" don't have that sag - in fact, they stand almost straight out in a lot of cases. (there are excepts to both, naturally)

The easiest way for me to tell if a woman has had breast implants is to look at the shape of the breast itself. Normally, a breast will slope downward. One that has an implant will almost look like two circles or globes sort of "stuck onto" the chest.

Another way to tell? Ask a woman to lie down. Normally, unless her breasts are very small, the breasts will slope to each side. (If she is lying on her back) If she has had implants, they will still stand up, no sloping to the sides.

The touch, I've been told, is different. I've never felt breasts implants, so I can't say. I've heard, as stated here, that they are "harder", more "firm" than natural breasts.
I don't know if this is true, but I've always heard that girls with implants have a 'perma-nip'. That is, they nip even when it's warm outside. It's supposed to have something to do with the way the implant is put it, and it cutting off certain nerves or something like that.
If I may be blunt, if it looks like she has a couple of softballs sitting on her chest, they're not natural. :p
I am a male who's girlfriend has breast implants. we've been together for 7 months now. AFTER month #5, she asks me "do you notice anything different about me" ...

Turns out she has breast implants and I never knew. No scars, the perkiness is about the same, as is the feel. No DEAD giveaways that say "IMPLANT!" ... so, here I was all fooled ...

Its hard to tell for alot of guys, but women can find em REAL QUICK!
I would say no. They felt the same to me. As long as the don't come out of the skin .. I'm a happy man.

But then again, women who get breast implants usually don't like the look of themselves, or have a good reason for the implants. Men need to respect a womans choice and not make a big deal out of it. If she's showing/letting you play with her breasts, respect them and her and leave it at that.
do breasts make the woman any more or less desirable? to me real or fake it doesn't matter and if you have taken anatomy classes you can tell...also as stated above the lie down things works too. but really if all you care about are her breasts then what is the point? not trying to be a dick so if i pissed anyone off i'm sorry :(
Fake boobs just look sorta they wouldnt be soft to touch at all. And they sit straight up when they lay down. They just....dont look RIGHT!!!!!!
My humble opinion

Unaugmented is just fine and dandy.

But if it makes someone feel better, of course, 'tis their perogative.
capricious_chic said:
lol.. but really.. do most men care if they are real or not???

I don't know about most but my husband told me he and his buddies were talking about this and it was kind of a 50/50 split between those who didn't care and those who preferred natural, with 1 guy opting for fake all the way. (But I know that guy, he's kind of a nut job.)
Virgin Man said:
Is there a visual way to tell if a woman is natural or Surgically enhansed.

If not, what are the touch give-aways?

It's harder to tell now, the old implant style was soooooooo obvious, they looked like hard grapefruits stuck on a chest. Stood up straight 24/7, and there was a possiblity of not only losing sensation in the nipples, but also the nipples getting a type of infected rash where they have to be removed completely. Can you imagine someone without nipples?

Anyway, they have a new type of implant that is naturally more expensive, but instead of inserting through an incision in the nipple, they insert through an incision in the arm pit . Nipples are safe that way, and the implant sits differently, lower in the breast, creating a "natural look".

I don't have implants, I like my small perky, breasts, but I do live next door to a plastic surgeon. So that's the down low.
ok, once at a job, we got a new employee. all of the girls knew RIGHT AWAY from looking at her that they were FAKE. and this was very recently, so it was the "new model boobies". however, upon chatting with the males in our store, none of them had any clue, and even debated with us. (we asked her later, and yes, they were fake) it's possible, ladies, that it's much easier for us to see the signs because we have breasts of our very own. personaly, being bi and having this super-power of detecting fake breasts i TOTALLY prefer real ones. just mho! ^_^