Real Media stuff.



So, I tried to DL an audio story which was in Real Media file. Admmitedly, I didn't have MS Real Media player installed because it sucks. I though I might be able to play .ram on Windows Media Player.

The result of my attempt was that I got an error message: the file is not Real Audio format - unable to DL.

What does this mean?

Was the file I was attempting to DL currupt, or do I need to install RMP to DL?

Why does people use crappy program like RMP when WMP will suffice?

Well, at least it wasn't QT...
when you open a RM file it 'downloads' it from wherever it happens to be, even if its on your hard drive.

With my RM player at home, you open a file and it pre-caches it, saying its downloading.

I couldn't DL from Lit at all.(That's probably I don't have RMP installed)

I used to have it on my PC, but whenever I DL a story from Lit, I couldn't save it on my harddrive, so I rarely bother with audio stories any more. Thus explaining my RMP-less PC.
I have RM on CD. I think RM Pro can record files, but I ain't paying extra shit for Micropenis.