Reagan's Daughter Posed Naked for Playboy


Literotica Guru
Jun 21, 2009

Since people make such a big to-do about the peccadilloes of certain US presidents' families, I thought this might be germane. So if you've ever been curious about what Reagan's daughter looks like nude, here you go. And for added hilarity, her breasts are being covered by a black man on the cover. Awww. All you Repugs must be so proud!

Good grief man. Could you be any more intolerant of differing views? This is the best you've got? Can you form an intelligent debate of something of substance?

Since people make such a big to-do about the peccadilloes of certain US presidents' families, I thought this might be germane. So if you've ever been curious about what Reagan's daughter looks like nude, here you go. And for added hilarity, her breasts are being covered by a black man on the cover. Awww. All you Repugs must be so proud!

Hey yo

Your BFF's "daughter" has a TRIPLE XXX pic up on the net

and she is underage

And for added hilarity, her breasts are being covered by a black man on the cover.

Actually, it's a white man with a bronzed-up tan.





Scoff at her if you wanna, but you know her sex game is on point.

Since people make such a big to-do about the peccadilloes of certain US presidents' families, I thought this might be germane. So if you've ever been curious about what Reagan's daughter looks like nude, here you go. And for added hilarity, her breasts are being covered by a black man on the cover. Awww. All you Repugs must be so proud!

LOL...yes, Reagan was GREAT, and yeah, I'd fuck the girl. And those old magazines with girls with natural tits are great, too.

NOW here's your payback, slime monster. Enjoy!
She is no Bush.

But she's got bush. :D

I wouldn't scoff at that. That's some good stuff.

She needs a little more booty, though.

Yeah. *sighs*

Everything is tight and sweet and I'd step out with that in a heartbeat, but...that Nassatol factor...shame she couldn't inherit some of Jenna Von Oy's whooty genes.


In case nobody knows who this is, it's "Six" from the TV series Blossom. Back in the day during the college years, we used to watch this show just to check that ass. It was like, "waaaait...when did she get that?"
*looks above, smells air*

Ahhhh...Racist Shitstain Wednesdays! Gotta love 'em! :D