Reading Suggestions


Cautiously Optimistic
Apr 6, 2001
If you had to suggest only one book for a friend to read, what would that book be? Why would you recommend this particular book?
i really enjoyed About A Boy by Nick Hornsby. i've suggested it to a lot of people and most have enjoyed it.

*edited b/c i forgot half of the assignment.

i would suggest it because i think it shows how our lives can be interconnected with people completely different from us if we will just open ourselves up to them
Elizabeth Haydon's Rhapsody Trilogy. It is a great fantasy series. She takes you into an amazing world and on a fantastic mesmerising adventure.
amelia said:
i really enjoyed About A Boy by Nick Hornsby. i've suggested it to a lot of people and most have enjoyed it.

Hey, I have a signed copy of that one! Ain't I special? :D
My name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok.

It's a mixture of Judaism, Christianity, Art and familial struggle as portrayed by a boy and his love for Mom.

It was the first time I felt connected to a life.
The Old Man and the Boy
Paradisio, Pergetorio, Inferno
Oliver twist
The Caine Mutiny
20000 leagues under the sea
journey to the center of the earth
Diane Ackerman's A Natural History Of The Senses. Non-fiction, written in a charmingly poetic style. Informative and good fun.
Of course, I'd recommend any of her books to people.
Aquila hates lawyers because Aquila doesn't read the fine print.

(five is greater than one - just trying to help if you're also mathematically challenged ;))
lavender said:
Aquila hates lawyers because Aquila doesn't read the fine print.

(five is greater than one - just trying to help if you're also mathematically challenged ;))

Going above and beyond the call of duty.

Engineers are never mathmaticly challenged... we just have slight glitches in the system.
The Cat in the Hat

Everyone should get back to basics every once in a while.

After that:
Superpowers Defeated: Afghanistand and Vietnam Compared by Douglas Borer.

My professor rocks and so does his book.
Azwed said:
The Cat in the Hat

Everyone should get back to basics every once in a while.

Good choice...the old Dr. is always full of wit and wisdom, just this evening Summery, Caly and I had a reading of the classic Green Eggs and Ham.

My book recomend would be Galapagos by Kurt Vonnegut.
About A Boy

The Shipping News

Hitchiker's Guide

The 48 Laws of Power

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

Moby Dick
The Satanic Verses, by Rushdie. Most amazing book I've ever read.

The first 50 pages were hard going, but then it all started to make sense and I couldn't put it down.
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein

If I only had one choice, that would be it. It examines som many fascinating aspects of society such as religion, marketing, law, sexuality, marriage, government, etc.

Truly a thought provoking and magnificent read!
hi all! im trying to lose my virginity, so i figured id pipe up instead of lurking...

im breaking the rules with this one, but if you like fantasy, then read The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan... he provides a good mix of action, character development and political intrigue (there are other authors and series that do each of those better induvidually, but he provides the best mix of all of them without neglecting any, IMHO) plus, you wont finish it anytime soon, (he is on book 10 as of now, and most of them are at least 600 pages, and some run close to 1000)

Just my two cents :D
Einstein's Dreams- forgot the author but its an amazing piece of fiction. Look for a black and copper cover.
The Man Who Fell In Love With The Moon by Tom Spanbauer. I don't know where to start with they "why". I read a good blurb about it that i'll try and find later.

That or Geek Love. This is too hard. I give up for now.
Speaks the Nightbird by Robert McCammon only because I just finished it and enjoyed the hell out of it. A fictionalized account of a witch trial in 1699 Carolina.
Sohie's World by Gaardner

It's written for kids and adults like Harry Potter and is a great story about the history of philosophy.

The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

It's the closest a white girl can get to being in a black girl's shoes. Toni Morrison deserves the Pulitzer and Nobel prizes that she has.
lavender said:
If you had to suggest only one book for a friend to read, what would that book be? Why would you recommend this particular book?

That would depend on the friend -- I'd recommend a different book to each of my friends, based on what I know about likes, dislikes, and reading ability.

Stranger In a Strange Land is a good book to recommend to most people for the reasons mentioned above, but I can think of two friends off the top of my head who would only be offended by it.
Weird, good call. Nothing like a little Heinlen in the evening.

How about 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?' Phillip K. Dick was the man.

BTW the book was made into a movie called 'Bladerunner'