Reader voting / views count - opinions please


199 story Noob
Jun 22, 2021
I write as a hobby and I've discovered a few interesting things on my 'Published Stories' page. Have you noticed anything similar on yours?

My five most-viewed stories are about people having anal sex with close relatives.
Going by my viewer voting / story ratings, people love to stare at women smoking cigarettes.
My story with the most comments is about a disease that makes people crave anal sex.

According to the information above, readers are WEIRD! (Or perhaps I am?)
According to the information above, readers are WEIRD! (Or perhaps I am?)

I think the only way you can argue mathematically that a reader is weirder than a writer is to produce their comments.

Otherwise it's all on you...

Also you fly in the face of the recieved wisdom here that anal sex with close relatives is an anthema to the I/T crowd.
I write as a hobby and I've discovered a few interesting things on my 'Published Stories' page. Have you noticed anything similar on yours?

My five most-viewed stories are about people having anal sex with close relatives.
Going by my viewer voting / story ratings, people love to stare at women smoking cigarettes.
My story with the most comments is about a disease that makes people crave anal sex.

According to the information above, readers are WEIRD! (Or perhaps I am?)
Since you wrote the stories they seem to crave, how are your readers any different?
Also you fly in the face of the recieved wisdom here that anal sex with close relatives is an anthema to the I/T crowd.
'Farmer Frannie the Family Fanny' is my second most popular story, and I think the title matches the contents. It's been viewed 125k times.
The most popular chapter I've ever written is 'Anything chapter 1 - For Mommy's Boy'. The description is 'Man gets sexual revenge on his terrible mother.'

I admit, people's reading habits can't be weird unless writers produce weird things for them to read.

I'm not trying to offend readers or make them look bad, I just found it fascinating.
I can't claim to be fully normal myself, if I've written stories like the above. LOL
Just beware of weird tasting readers.

Now you're driving me crazy. What was the commercial on TV that played on words this way? Something like "People don't want [blank] with good taste; they want [blank] that tastes good."
There was an old Rod Serling story where the aliens who visit earth all carry a book entitled, "How to Serve Man." In the end it is revealed to be a cook book as thousands of people board the alien ship to go to a new world.
Now you're driving me crazy. What was the commercial on TV that played on words this way? Something like "People don't want [blank] with good taste; they want [blank] that tastes good."

Charlie the Tuna. Pretty sick, if you think about it.
Very good. I could not for the life of me remember what the product was.
I remember those commercials when I was a little girl. It freaked me out that Charlie actually wanted to be hooked through the mouth and dragged to the surface to be suffocated and beheaded, just because he had a fantasy that people would appreciate him.

Now, I kind of think it's a good metaphor for being a writer.
I remember those commercials when I was a little girl. It freaked me out that Charlie actually wanted to be hooked through the mouth and dragged to the surface to be suffocated and beheaded, just because he had a fantasy that people would appreciate him.

Now, I kind of think it's a good metaphor for being a writer.
There was a writer who describe Mr. Peanut as a quisling, and I thought that was perfect.
I remember those commercials when I was a little girl. It freaked me out that Charlie actually wanted to be hooked through the mouth and dragged to the surface to be suffocated and beheaded, just because he had a fantasy that people would appreciate him.

Now, I kind of think it's a good metaphor for being a writer.
Charlie must have been invented by somebody like Don Draper. It must have been a good campaign, because Charlie still appears on the cans.

Draper finally cracks in the last season and tells the truth about his experiences with Hershey chocolate bars. Interesting that the show mostly referred to real products.

There was an old Rod Serling story where the aliens who visit earth all carry a book entitled, "How to Serve Man." In the end it is revealed to be a cook book as thousands of people board the alien ship to go to a new world.
It was based on Damon Knight's story "To Serve Man." It was very short, and I recall the Twilight Zone episode padding it quite a lot to fill half an hour.
It was based on Damon Knight's story "To Serve Man." It was very short, and I recall the Twilight Zone episode padding it quite a lot to fill half an hour.
Did you recognize the spaceship in the story? It was a slightly modified version of The United Planets Cruiser C-57D from Forbidden Planet. Yeah, I'm a movie freak like my father before me.
It was based on Damon Knight's story "To Serve Man." It was very short, and I recall the Twilight Zone episode padding it quite a lot to fill half an hour.
And the horror genre has been beating this like a dead horse since, most recently in "The Menu".
Readers' opinions are much like assholes. Everyone has one, many of them stink, and a few are downright nasty.
But like the old joke goes, what does a nine volt battery and a woman's asshole have in common?
You know you shouldn't stick your tongue in either, but you do it anyway.