Reader increase on old story


Really Experienced
Jan 16, 2001
I keep track of the votes and views on my stories to gage my writing and to keep the editors honest. I recentle had a surge in views on one particular old story "Nancy the Drama Teacher" by 2,000 views over the past week. This is my typical monthy total. I have no new story currently at literotica to justify this surge. Also was included 6 more votes. The story was pushed from a 3.83 to a 3.85, so the votes were in line with trend. None of my other stories had jumps in views. I contend that since I had a jump in votes, which is suppose to be automatic as opposed to the delay in views, this was not a computer glitch.

Has anyone else experienced unexplained jumps in views of old stories and votes (for those who keep track.) What would cause this in only one story. I can not imagine a story getting around by "word of mouth" unless .... I used a real high school name (Cox- sounds like a gag name.) and location (Norfolk, Virginia- No fuck, Vagina) in my fictional piece.... Gosh, I hope I didn't fuck up the career of some drama teacher after the entire high school read the story. That would be a bitch.

I think I will keep an eye on the papers and change my name.
NaughtyMike... are you sure you weren't just bored and flicking over your old stories yourself?

okay i was kidding ;)

i think there possibly has been some kind of delay with views and votes etc. chill out about it, it'll all settle down again eventually.

either that or some schoolkids got hold of your story and then told all their mates about it ;) oops maybe there's some truth in that, i wrote that last sentence without reading your last paragraph... psychic...?
I have jumps in views and votes, myself. If you're part of the top lists or were part of the contest, you can have your audience get more interested in stuff you've written. It's also possible that the lurkers on the board wanted to see what you were all about and voted for you while they were at it. My unexplained jumps are usually accompanied by feedback. Unfortunately I've had unexplained jumps where some erstwhile fan has decided that I wasn't treated fairly enough in scoring and while this is tocuhing, it's not what I want in votes. Laurel was good enough to remove all but one from the guy (assuming it's a guy).

Personally, I'd just assume that someone clicked your name through from the Halloween Contest and liked what they read.
KillerMuffin said:
I have jumps in views and votes, myself. If you're part of the top lists or were part of the contest, you can have your audience get more interested in stuff you've written. It's also possible that the lurkers on the board wanted to see what you were all about and voted for you while they were at it. My unexplained jumps are usually accompanied by feedback. Unfortunately I've had unexplained jumps where some erstwhile fan has decided that I wasn't treated fairly enough in scoring and while this is tocuhing, it's not what I want in votes. Laurel was good enough to remove all but one from the guy (assuming it's a guy).

Personally, I'd just assume that someone clicked your name through from the Halloween Contest and liked what they read.

Someone yes, but we are talking about a good thousand votes. I would think my incest story would get the biggest boost. However none of my other stories show no large step increase. So a 1000 or so readers over the last week read my Halloween story, liked it and all read about Nancy the Drama Teacher...

Thought Nancy sucked then didn't read anything else...I am not buying it KM. It doesn't make sense. There was no feedback on this one. I would have assumed the step increase would have came while the story was on the new list, as usual. Could there be a 3 week or month delay in views and votes?

If I recall, didn't Laurel and Manu institute a policy whereby the story categories flip to a new letter of the alphabet each day/week/month or something? Say it started on the letter 'A' - next week the main page for that story genre would kick off with stories with the letter 'B' and so on.

That might explain it. Maybe 'N' came up for your story's category, and many a reader took a fancy to read it (to positive results, I must say!).

Assuming of course, that what I mentioned is true. If not? Uhhh... Helluva coincidence? Word of Mouth? Archane, supernatural, unholy powers?
flawed_ethics said:
If I recall, didn't Laurel and Manu institute a policy whereby the story categories flip to a new letter of the alphabet each day/week/month or something? Say it started on the letter 'A' - next week the main page for that story genre would kick off with stories with the letter 'B' and so on.

That might explain it. Maybe 'N' came up for your story's category, and many a reader took a fancy to read it (to positive results, I must say!).

Assuming of course, that what I mentioned is true. If not? Uhhh... Helluva coincidence? Word of Mouth? Archane, supernatural, unholy powers?

Maybe it will get stuck on 'N"