Re-post: my best pics yet!

Well, as usual you put lie to my idea of not liking cock pics. :p
Holy shit!!!!!!!

I'll say more after I pick my jaw up off the floor! :eek:
I came in from the GB, but I wanted to say that you fucking rock!

That is the first time I've seen that from a dude and been able to tell him that he fucking rocks.

Do you ever cum from that?

I love your pics, and am very impressed.

Thank you for sharing them and if you show more, you will get many gold starfishes!
hardfastyoung said:
Where is everybody? No ladies feeling frisky tonight? :)

Maybe this will get some attention?

Dizzam!!! :eek: You got my attention that's for damn sure!!!
hardfastyoung said:
Oops, sorry, Cipher, confused. I hope you check out the rest of the pics. You gals still need to help me think of some more to shoot! What's the kinkiest thing you can think of?

I did check out those pics..i sent you a PM.

You're not confused..LoL Barrio means "neighborhood/hood" But it can mean any hood.

Hmmm..I gotta think about some ideas for your pics..Altho, in my opinion, you're pictures are SUPER so whatever angle etc etc you shoot them at will be all good to me!!! LoL:D
hardfastyoung said:
Cipher you are too kind. I wish you'd tell me e x a c t l y what you want me to see Or doing?

Thank you for the PM, I believe you have a new one in your box.

You're pretty kind yourself mister :)

Hmmm..i need to PM you back..LoL :devil: LoL
WOW and Double WOW!!!!! I love the pics and I gotta say your cock is gr8 looking....I would love ta trade places with U on suxing ;) :p