Re-energizing after a dry spell

Jul 27, 2020
I've got so many stories to tell, and usually 3 - 4 in progress at any one time. Yet there are times - like right after I've had a story published - when I just lose momentum; whatever creative spark I have flickers, and I can barely put words down. I usually pull out of it but it takes a while.

Am I alone? If you hit dry spells like I do, what do you do to re-energize your writing efforts?
Go do something else, completely different.

I juggle writing with a part time hourly paid day job, a house reno, and a hobby business. Or, I sit and read, and watch the rain. One or other or all of them then start to demand attention, and I do whichever nags most. I rarely go longer than two days without writing something.
Screw around with whatever until such time as a story absolutely takes control and writes itself. Video games. ( I've built up an impressive list of complete games recently ) Planning, buying, and setting up for my annual fireworks shows. Busy work mocking up potential covers/titles or grabbing inspirational images for stories that might exist some day. Lately, I've just been vegetating on YouTube, rewatching junk on Disney+ and Netflix, and playing solitaire on my phone.

Trying to force it only makes it worse for me.

Just a little shy of a year for me right now. ( The stories published here more recently were actually cross-posted from somewhere else )

I'm getting little sparks, but not enough to do more than trickle out parts of scenes in a couple of fantasy stories in progress. Anything simpler that would go in this name? Nothing. I've got easily half a dozen WIPs that should be simplicity to finish, but I've got nothing. I dig them up every week or two, read back through them, and...

Brick wall.

And absolutely nothing new. Had one that was trucking along for Nude day but hit a speed bump and completely derailed. That was the one spark of new inspiration I've had in ages.
Before I started writing stories to publish here a few months ago, I hadn't written any fiction for years. I'm on a hot streak now with ideas and words coming fast, but I know it probably won't last, at least at this pace. I am enjoying talking to other writers and giving feedback on their work, and I find that it keeps my own writing muscles in shape, so I'm hoping that continuing to edit will help me keep my own output consistent.

I will need to take a break at some point though. My other hobbies and creative pursuits are currently sitting in the corner gathering dust.
I'm like EB. This is a hobby, and I enjoy spending time here and trying to string words together. If it doesn't happen, then I find something else to do. Sometimes that involves just sitting on a bench looking at the ocean, maybe researching umm... Unusual sex topics for inspiration, sometimes playing Pokemon Go outside with our friends kids.

Don't stress over it.
Terry Pratchett used to say that he had to start a new book the same day he finished the previous one, otherwise he'd be unemployed. As a hobbiest writer however, you're not under any such pressure. Kick back, do something else and wait till you're mentally ready again.
At the moment I'm trying to ignore anything new that pops into my head so that I can finish off some stories that need endings. (Mostly so my readers don't hunt me down and kill me!)

I find that unless I'm inspired, it can be like pulling teeth to get the words down. Sometimes, I'll put aside whatever I'm working on, especially if it's something long and complicated. Instead, I'll write something that's quick and fun, and usually more raunchy. I find it can help get the juices flowing again (no pun intended) and I can often get back to writing what I was working on.
I've had the problem, certainly. One time a semi-stranger did a kindasorta intervention, dropped a kind word out of the clear blue sky and that was all it took. (Thanks again, H!)

Other times, yes, just wait, do other things, find other diversions and the steam comes back.

Good luck!
I have this same problem, with most everything. I have no moderation in enjoying a hobby I am completely engulfed in one hobby for a month or so (cant do anything else) then I am on to the next. Then the cycle repeats.

So needless to say you are not alone. ;)
What I'm doing now is taking bits of conversation, and adding them in my stories to move them forward. So, revisiting stories a paragraph or so at a time...
I literally just came off a two month drought and submitted two new stories tonight.

I fully understand, sometimes the words just stop coming.

My only real solution was to eventually just buckle down and do it anyway.

Whether the results are good or bad remains to be seen, but it felt good to finally finish a few stories again.
I literally just came off a two month drought and submitted two new stories tonight.

I fully understand, sometimes the words just stop coming.

My only real solution was to eventually just buckle down and do it anyway.

Whether the results are good or bad remains to be seen, but it felt good to finally finish a few stories again.

I feel this. As to that last part I also get anxious with even the thought of writing, as if I am just gonna do it wrong. Wth is with that lol
I literally just came off a two month drought and submitted two new stories tonight.

Well, good. As we talked earlier this year, I liked your "Jenna" series; it was a fun and pretty realistic read. Good job on the lake party scene, BTW. Entertaining, great mental visuals. I'll keep an eye out for when the-powers-that-be drop your recent works into the "new" hopper.

By all appearances I'm having a dry spell, but no, I am working pretty hard on my series, having lots of fun with the ladies. There are two "holes" in the fourth installment (13 chapters!) that I have my own mental block on - like how to stage an orgy scene in a hospital room, get caught, and be allowed back in, huh? Whole bunches of other stuff references the scene. Painted myself into a corner, basically.

The fifth installment is cooking along with 12 chapters so far, tho' things are still fairly scrambled and there is a lot that I thought was "done" that is clearly destined for the big Control-X.