

Jun 23, 2008
the fetish board has a rathole thread, but the gb really needs to have one as well. just a different stall. dump it here.
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There actually is one of these less than an hour from where I live. Sometimes I think about that.


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If it's anything like your gif, it could be quite an experience. Have you had any good referrals?
lol, just joking with friends. A girl I know followed some internet rabbit hole and ended up with a list of gloryholes in my state. I doubt it's real, but it's like a 50 minute drive from me.
lol, just joking with friends. A girl I know followed some internet rabbit hole and ended up with a list of gloryholes in my state. I doubt it's real, but it's like a 50 minute drive from me.
I wonder if they have online reviews for them like restaurants. The one in your gif looks like a good one.
The gloryhole concept is interesting but a little more risky than I would entertain. Perhaps a club with high standards where someone could walk down a row of gloryholes with the cocks hanging out and then order one to be sent to her room.
I am trying to look up this place to get an idea of what it looks like. I don't know where she was looking to find this place. The searches I am doing all are for gay guys and are usually someone's house.

Aren't there like adult bookstores? That's what all the porn centers around.
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I am trying to look up this place to get an idea of what it looks like. I don't know where she was looking to find this place. The searches I am doing all are for gay guys and are usually someone's house.

Aren't there like adult bookstores? That's what all the porn centers around.
did your quest get you anywhere?
Does it really matter? :unsure:🤷‍♂️
No, that side would not seem to matter as they are invisible. What would be of most concern it seems to me is the person inside being exposed to potentially diseased organs, and the potential to thereby spread to new gloryholers. Monkey Pox comes to the forefront at this point in time.
wrap your willies!

a pox upon ya!

npr was on about monkey pox as being a disease effecting men who had sex with other men. fauci was talking it like AIDS in the 80s. but everyone kisses now a days. swapping fluids is universal. a little less since covid. hence the need to wrap your woman up from head to toe, to protect the womb from foreign infection.