Rapier Wit


Literotica Guru
Nov 14, 2010
Rapier Wit (closed for strawberryJUICE))

Marcel Thibideux trudged up the path to the manner house of Lord Camric. He had been in England now for nearly six months and as bad as the weather was when he got here in the summer the winter was even worse. But at least when he reached the manner house he could slip into the kitchens and warm by the fire before going to the barracks for his new assignment.

The cold wind lashed at his wool cloak as he dipped his head lower to power through the last 40 yards to the gate house. With his head down and pulled back in the hood as far as he could manage he did not see the fresh horse apples and planted his cuffed boot right in one.

"Merdi", he muttered. Just a few more steps he thought and he would have been ready to warm him self in the kitchens. Instead he would have to go scrap his boots while standing in the cold longer.

Passing the gate house he nodded to Henry who manned the gate. With a flash of his cloak he showed he was already armed with rapier and main gauch and then tucked in his boot was his other knife which he carried always.

A few minutes later with cleaned boots he was in the kitchens stamping his feet to bring feeling back. Even a few running late he couldn't resist the fire and decided to grab a few rolls and an apple. The kitchen staff scowled but were not going to quarrel with an armed man. With his tardiness he lucked out and saw Gywn come in from the upper part of the house. She was a vision and he couldn't help but stare. She was well proportioned and he started to build up the courage to go speak with her.

Just then the door to the courtyard opened a cold gust blew in. Charles the head of the household retainers stood there and spotted Marcel.
"Come on you lazy French bastard! Stop staring at the kitchen maids and get your ass to the barracks."

He looked up at Gywn one last time and saw her look of disdain before heading for the door and the cold.

OOC: My apologies but I forgot to label this SRP as closed for strawberryJUICE. Please do not post.
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It was another day in the uneventful life of Gywn ap Madoc. She had been living with her uncle for for five years now and could leave whenever she wanted now that she was eighteen. But she knew she would never be able to leave. Before coming to England she had been a noblewoman of excellent birth and so she didn't have any really of which she could just use to provide for herself and her sickly mother.

Gywn was lucky that she got to sleep on the trundle in her cousin Elizabeth's room. She was Elizabeth's personal chew toy and therefore whatever the 'sweet' Elizabeth wanted she got. If a man was looking too fondly at Gywn she was punished and sent to the kitchens to work all day.

Gywn shivered in the cold snowy day. She had to get water and warm it for Elizabeth's bath. 'Why couldn't she have one of the men do it for her', Gywn thought to herself. The sound of people brought Gywn's attention to the front of the castle. It was the new guardsman Gywns uncle had hired on. He was a handsome man and not as frightening as Elizabeth said the men from Normandy were. He didn't look like he would hurt anyone but Gywn knew that if anyone threatened the saftey of the castle he would protect it by any means.

It was useless to look at a man like that. There would be no husband for her. The day that her father had died had seen she had no dowry and her uncle liked to have the free labor and what little her mother got from her husband paid for their food. Though she didn't need a dowry to be a mans mistress and she didn't lack for the looks and suggestions.

Gywn had long ago steeled herself from those feelings and would brush off what flattering things a man said to her. They wanted one thing and Gywn was a good girl that didn't take her turn in the hayloft like the other maids. "Gywn, where have you been. Elizabeth needs that water and you are to attend her. I hear there is to be a guest today and Elizabeth swears if she isn't looking her best she won't go", said Mary. Gywns aunt. "Yes right away,milady",Gywn replied in a mono tone as she started the lift the heavy containers of water. "Gywn, call me aunt. Its what I am. I hate seeing you out here working all day and I wish you would let me talk to your uncle"

This was always the discussion with Gywn's aunt. Gywn just wish she could get her aunt to understand that talking with the lord of Camric waas futile. If anything Gywn would be punished for complaining. " Milady, please do not. I am content in this life. How is my mother", Gywn asked trying to change the subject and that usually helped. " Not well, Gywn. Those herbs you got helped a little but she has gotten colder and has began to cough blood." Gywn was about to run straight to her mother when Elizabeth screeched from her chamber. "Gywn, I need you now. Hurry!" With vunerable eyes that told anyone she would love to throw the water to the floor and go to her mother , Gywn nodded to her aunt and ran up the stone stairs.

Elizabeth was sitting in front of her mirror putting up her hair. Gywn envied those golden locks with hate. She would be accepted with that hair. Now she was a freak and if that wasn't all she had a curvy body that made her stick out and gain unwanted attention. "Here, milady. Is there anything else you require?", Gywn asked her cousin. "Yes, Gywn, I need you to stay in the kitchens tonight. I won't have you. Fill our guest with the lustful thoughts you are always giving our male guests", Elizabeth said with a crude tone. "Yes, Milady", Gywn said leaving the bedchamber and heading for the kitchens. She had probably gotten caught tooking at that french guard again. How many lashes would she get tonight? Ten? Twenty?

Gywn was caught unawares by Marcel. He was there eating his meal before duty with the rest of the men. Unsmiling, Gywn walked to Skye, the cook, and started piling her food on a plate. Walking to the table seemed quite the fete. One of the men reached around as she was walking to a chair and pinched her bottom. It had happened many times to her already. Nothing would come of making a fuss. She did turn an ice look at the man who was guilty and calmly sat down to eat.

(( Sorry I sort of skipped ahead and I might of rambled more then I wanted to. I tend to accedently do that in intro posts. Enjoy!!!))
A wiry framed, brown haired man sat in the corner of the meal hall, eating apart from the guards. His eyes were a deep grey, and he sat leaning against the wall with one foot at the edge of the table, delicately picking scraps of chicken from the bones on his plate. His piercing grey eyes observed every motion in the room. Long experience as an archer had made him keenly observant. However one thing in the room did seem to pull at his attention. the lovely Lady Gwyn making her way through the dining hall, and one of the savages clutching at her rear.
He may have only been an immigrant from the colonies in Ireland, but O'leary still knew what was expected of men, and how to treat a noble lady. He stood from his corner of the room, drawing a poorly stitched canvas hood from his hunters vest, and throwing it back from his head. He moved and passed beside the Lady Gwyn, nodding his head to her and twisting about in a somewhat over-acted bow, before turning to the guard who had assailed the good lady, and striking him solidly across the jaw. The fat bastard hit the ground and his jowls wobbled like a turkey struck in the chest by an arrow. The surrounding guards stood to their feet, but O'leary produced an elegant silver dagger and drove it heavily into the table. The guards sat down and resumed their eating, wary of the 'mad Irish bastard' as he was sometimes termed.
O'leary returned to his seat glancing at the lady Gwyn.
"I live to serve, M'lady", he said, n a thick irish brogue, before returning to his meal, a wry smile on his tanned face
_______________ i'm sorry, I can't seem to delete my post, my apologies i'm new to the site, if you could PM me instructions on how to do so, i would greatly appreciate it and i'll be out of your hair, my apologies once again
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As Marcel left the warmth of the kitchen he heard an uproar of laughter and with a glance back saw another retainer named Charles pinch Gywn's rear as she walked by. The laughter cascaded again as she looked down at him fiercely. All he could do in the last moment of warmth was shake his head and harbor a wistful thought of a handful of her rump.

Once out in the cold he trudged to the barracks and took a good deal more care avoiding the horse apples and other animal leavings. He passed two more of the guards on the way and they exchanged nods. As he passed one of the chamber maids they exchanged glances which if he was right held the promise of warmth no fire was likely to provide. Knowing better than to delay when he was already being summoned by name he told himself that he would pursue that later and plowed on.

Once reaching the barracks he slipped inside and found it to be warmer than outside though not nearly as warm and good smelling as the kitchens. After all it was the barracks and instead of hot breads baking and meats roasting this place was just warmed with a small fire and to many unwashed male bodies. Even so it was warm enough for him to remove his cloak which he hung on a peg along one wall.

Marcel was a normal sized man with close cropped light brown hair and pale blue eyes. He preferred to remain clean shaven even as many of his English cohorts grew out thick beards to help keep their faces warm. His hands were callused from first a life of hard farm work and then hard work practicing with a sword. His clothes were jaunty in color with a deep blue vest over his lemon yellow shirt. He stamped his feet again to knock some feeling back into them as his black boots were not quite warm enough.

Finally, he saw that Edward, the Captain of the Guard, was not yelling at other retainers and took his chance to be yelled at this morning. As he walked over by the fire and Edwards desk he tried to steel himself for what was sure to be a blast furnace of fury.

"It's about time you showed up you French shit. We received word last night that the Duke of Eddington will be stopping here for the night. There is to be a reception for him and his entourage so we are changing the guard schedule. You, God and Mary help us, are going to be watching her Ladyship Elizabeth for the rest of the day and through the night. Keep your mouth shut and your eyes away from her ladyship. Now get over there and don't let me hear you were trouble... or late!"

With that Marcel turned and walked away. Edward could be vile sometimes and it is only the pressure of unexpected and uninvited guests that could focus him into being so brief and well not hospitable but not openly hostile. In short order he was wrapped in his cloak and headed for the main lodging to seek out Elizabeth's chambers. When he got there he relieved the guards waiting outside and took their place. It was not his place to disturb her ladyship with the mundane business of who guarded her person only that he be invisible until such time as he was needed.

As he stood outside that door he could here the muffled voice of Elizabeth speaking in a high pitch. It could only be Gywn she was speaking too and he strained to listen.
"I heard about what happened in the kitchen. Meghan told me that some man grabbed at you. I think this should be proof that you can't be present infront of our guest. Mother disagrees, since you are family, but really only we know that. To everyone else you are just some Lords get. Now, I want you to put up my hair and stay in the kitchen until I send Meghan for you", Elizabeth screeched to Gywn.

This was very typical of the girl to do. She couldn't have any competition, though how Gywn was a threat was beyond her. Gywn was penniless, ungraciful, and too cool by far to make a good wife and to a Duke no less. "Yes, milady", Gywn said simply. "You know, I hate when you speak to me like that. I am high above you and I expect your respect. Now, say 'Yes, Mistress. Is there anything else you require?' Oh and maybe you should talk in that soft voice that you use to attract so many men"

Elizabeth always knew how to really hurt and bite at Gywn. Even when Gywn was only thirteen and Elizabeth fourteen they hadn't gotten along. Elizabeth would always try to get Gywn in trouble, though she didn't really have to go to much trouble. No one would ever believe a poor little welsh girl. Gywn only wished that they would notice that she was also half English and their kin.

Gywn often wondered what it would have been like had her father lived. He had gambled all their monies away so they would be destitute, but maybe her mother would not be so sickly and would smile more. Gywn knew that she would, but now she would have to put on a ghost of a smile and remain content with her lot in life. "Yes, Mistress. Is there anything else you require?", Gywn said as softly as she could muster.

"Yes, actually. I will require another bath, so return with the water and my soaps. I also took a nap earlier and so the bed will have to be made. Oh, any the bed pans. I can't have myself freezing and you know I will expect you to set out my bed gown and leave. I won't have your slut eyes looking on what a proper lady looks like"

For a minute rage burned in Gywn's eyes. She couldn't believe that she was being treated in such a way. She was a noble lady herself. She should be addressed as Milady and Mistress, but no she was just known as Maid Gywn. "Yes, Mil-Mistress. All will be prepared for you", Gywn said with a curtise to Elizabeth and slowly backed out of the room. Turning the knob and opening the door, Gywn was readying herself to bold, but instead connected to a wall of muscle.

Gywn turned her famous icy glare at whoever had delayed her escape and gasped as she saw who it was. It was Marcel! What was he doing here? Was he tending to Elizabeth's......amusments? But that couldn't be, she was as innocent as the pure driven snow. Was he interested in Elizabeth and trying to lead her away for a roll in the hay. Gywn was actually furious. Elizabeth had never shown Gywn love, but Gywn knew she had to protect the girl from this man.

Gywn grabbed onto his arm and pushed him outside of the door with her. "What are you doing here, Guard? Don't you have some other......duties to perform? " For a seducing lecher, he did have the ability to cloud her mind at times. He was proabably just that good. "I know what you are up to and I won't stand for you triffling with my lady. Leave off", Gywn said with a flick of her wrist.
The voice of Elizabeth rose in volume and pitch as he stood there and he could hear a murmured response and the sound of feet headed for the door. As the door opened behind him Marcel turned to pay his respects to Lady Elizabeth but before he could Gywn ran into him. The impact made him react instinctively and one hand fell to his sword while the other reached out and grabbed Gywn roughly by the shoulder by the shoulder.

"What are you doing here, Guard? Don't you have some other......duties to perform? I know what you are up to and I won't stand for you triffling with my lady. Leave off"

Annoyed at her tone and still holding her shoulder he nudged her back against the cold stone wall and stared back at her.

"I am here because this is my post for today so I am performing my duty. Do not presume to order me elsewhere when it is his Lordship who placed me here to guard his daughter not triffle with her... or with some chambermaid for that matter."

With those last words he nudged her firmly back against the stone again before his hand fell away from her shoulder, brushing along her arm in the process. His other hand remained on the pommel of his sword as he took a step back from Gywn to give her ample space to walk past him. He matched her glare with one of his own staring directly into her eyes as if daring her to challenge his right to be here again.
His menacing voice brought a shock to Gywn. Never had anyone ever thought to talk to her like that, but Gywn had never behaved as rudely as she had just done. With a simple curtsie to Marcel, Gywn backed away from him slowly. It wasn't that he had frightened her, he had grabbed her and pushed her up against a wall and Gywn had found her pulse spike and her cheeks begin to heat. Gywn was never going to admit to even herself that he had made her feel things she thought would never happen for her.

Finally out of the hallway, Gywn made her way to her mother's chambers. Mair was starting to look more and more frail. She had the beautiful blond hair that Gywn so coveted. But Mair was only the shadow of the woman she used to be. She was pale and as skinny as a starving serf. She still found a way to smile at Gywn though but her mind was slipping and she was being told that Gywn was being treated as well as the Lords own daughter. That was a lie of course, but Gywn could never find it in her heart to tell her mother.

Gywn sat herself next to her mother, smoothing down the plain brown tunic that she was wearing. Mair was awake and smiling at her daughter. "Gywn? What are you wearing? Where are the silks you said you were going to model for me. I want to see what a fancy English lady you can look like", the small voice said as Gywn's mother reached up to play with Gywn's simple braided hair. Gywn was supposed to 'dress up' a little for her mother, but in the rush to get to her mother, Gywn was unable to dress as her uncle would have her. "Oh, mother! It seems.....my maid lost them with the laundry. This was all that I could find"

But Mair surprised Gywn for once in their lives together. "I may never get another chance to say this Gywn, for I know I am not long in this world. I fear for you and I know why you have lied to me for so long. I know what you do here and I fear that when I am gone from this world something terrible may happen to you. I don't think I could ever stand for that. I-I put away some monies for you. It is in my trunk and was from my father when he passed on. I want something more for you, but please, tell no one of this.", but Mair couldn't continue. She started coughing in terrible fits. Gywn rushed to get a cloth and saw that Gywn's aunt had been truthful. There was blood on the cloth and that worried Gywn. She gave her mother a sleeping draught and left the room.

Her brown skirts swished in the air as she moved quickly to the kitchens. There was so much on her mind already that she didn't notice the man in front of her. She collided head first into him and almost bashed herself over the head. Two times in one day, she couldn't be that clumsy. The man leered at her for he was rewarded with a flash of cleavage from the maid in front of him. He was nicely dressed with furs aplenty and he moved to bow. She curtsied and tried to escape quickly. This man had to be the Duke and if Elizabeth saw her she would be whipped for sure. The man grabbed her arm and started talking to her, but Gywn was only looking at end of the hallway.

Gywn tried to pull her sleeve from the Dukes arm, but it was too late. Behind the Duke, Gywn saw Elizabeth and.........oh no, Marcel, coming for dinner. Elizabeth stopped and stared intently at Gywn. Oh, no! What would happen to her. Would she be whipped, or just thrown out. But there was an evil glint in Elizabeth's eye as she looked at Gywn, who had finally pulled herself out of the Dukes hold. She had to get out of there now. She lifted her skirts and ran for the kitchens while she could hear Elizabeth's flirtatious laughter behind her.
When Elizabeth emerged from her chamber she was in a foul mood and Marcel had to almost jump back to avoid her as she swept down the hall. She ignored him almost completely with the exception of a furious glance over her shoulder to make sure that he was not following to close. As the swept through the halls headed to the Great Hall he admired the sway of her hips underneath the velvet dress. Soon enough though he was focused back on his job and watching the hallway in front of them.

As they rounded a corner he saw the familiar figure of Gywn in front of them and the Duke with her arm in his hand. He heard a hiss of anger escape Elizabeths lips before she forced a laugh. As he refocused from her to the Duke he saw Gywn disappear down the hallway. Quickly though he lost track of that thought as the requirements of the job swept them to the Great Hall and the formalities of welcoming their guests.

He eyed the guests professionally and attended to the needs of his charge. Eventually she became irritable about a forgotten bauble in her chamber and looked about furiously for Gywn, having forgotten banishing her to the kitchens.

"You, guard, go to my chamber and fetch my pearl necklace."

He started to object as his duty was here but was cut off. Walking out of the room he headed for her chamber not knowing where to find this necklace and uncomfortable at the prospect of searching her rooms for it.