Random Poll

married and he knows, even knows my password but mostly we read stories together and once in a while we go over some threads I enjoy and hit the chats for a laugh.
Married. She knows I look at porn but not this sight specifically. She doesn’t know that I frequently engage in cyber sex.
Married. My wife and I sometimes peruse forums together. Especially the ones on the general board with lots of pics and videos.

She has helped me w some of my stories and poems too.
So I’ve got some theories about some things and I’m nosey lol
I want to know what percentage of people who are interacting here are married. My hypothesis is that basically almost everyone is, but I could be wrong.

So I give you…

A poll without a poll because there doesn’t seem to be that option anymore

Are you:

Married and they “know you’re here” which means they probably don’t or at least don’t know what you’re doing here

Married and they actually know you’re here

Dating casually

In a relationship

Single (divorced, separated, not currently involved)
Married and we share this account and just about everything else
I tend to think most people on here are married and aren't satisfied with their sex lives.

I've been divorced for a long time. I feel empathy for those who are in relationships and don't get the sex they want. But there comes a point where choices need to be made.
I am single. I never married. And not currently in a relationship.
So I’ve got some theories about some things and I’m nosey lol
I want to know what percentage of people who are interacting here are married. My hypothesis is that basically almost everyone is, but I could be wrong.

So I give you…

A poll without a poll because there doesn’t seem to be that option anymore

Are you:

Married and they “know you’re here” which means they probably don’t or at least don’t know what you’re doing here

Married and they actually know you’re here

Dating casually

In a relationship

Single (divorced, separated, not currently involved)
Married, and they know