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Literotica Guru
Mar 28, 2012
Read about an author that did this as a writing exercise and in his novels. He would open his dictionary to a random page, then use some of the words on that page to describe the room his characters were in.

I got a page in the 'C's

'Walking into the room Sebastian notice the bear skin rug laying like a flat carcass before the empty fireplace. The rickety card table sitting across it seemed out of place with the higher quality furnishing. The smell of cardamon drifting in from the kitchen also did not fit the decor.'

Give it a try, it isn't easy.
Caleb stared at the high-boy for several minutes, lost in the high-energy music playing on the hi-fi. The dresser, angled across a corner, was the new highlight of the room. They wouldn’t need the high chair anymore, his wife informed him that morning. Angry at the loss of another child, Caleb kicked the highly polished wood before throwing his high-ball into the fireplace.