Random Controversial Thread

not much of a controversy. too many people are on her ignore list.
You know, I've heard reference to the ignore thread, but I've never seen it. Must sink off page one pretty quickly.

Oh, controversy. Um, the Stars are going to win the Stanley Cup. So there!
Re: Re: Random Controversial Thread

Lasher said:
I disagree.

And you're...

Fucking Looney!!!!!!!!!

That's the comeback of the year. Bookmark this thread, folks. ;)
Re: Re: Random Controversial Thread

Lasher said:
Fucking Looney!!!!!!!!!
If I go to lunatic asylem, whould I get laid more often?
Not sure why this is so funny...

Gawd, what an annoying little twit.

I'm sure there's something lots more interesting than this.
Mischka said:
You know, I've heard reference to the ignore thread, but I've never seen it. Must sink off page one pretty quickly.

Oh, controversy. Um, the Stars are going to win the Stanley Cup. So there!

Please! It's the Wings all the way dear.

Indie, my 70 yr old blind neighbour dresses me. She's going to be crushed when I tell her you don't like it.

And you're only up to 42% - keep trying. :D
Dammit, the thread title promised controversy. Well where is it then? I want some damn controversy and I want it now, or someone is going to get sued for false advertising!
Indigo.Rose said:
Fuck. Tell that neighbor she needs to add the combat boots for added hilarity. I'm sure she will be crushed, about as crushed as you will be by my next comment...

You are a neuron short of a synapse, sucka.

Only one?

The combat boots are a must since my pants don't quite reach my ankles.

PK, I really want to grab your ass - is that bad?
Re: Another perspective on the matter

You're missing the point. It's all the fault of these damn Muslim Feminist angry Nazi p_p_man corporate-types that date rape club baby seals against the whole male species George W. Bush.
Indigo.Rose said:
There is tons of controversy here. Read between the lines, you naked elf, you.

oh god, I've got to work at being entertained? At a quarter to midnite on a Saturday? Fuck no. I want obvious, blatant shit, man...