Random Body Writing Ideas


Literotica Guru
Jan 1, 1970
Autograph Book
Sexy girl goes to a convention and ask people to sign her.

Bar Code
Brothel sex workers get bar codes tattooed unto there body so clients can scan them with their phone to get a list of services they provide as well as contact info for private parties.

Birthday Wishes
Instead of signing a card a girl will ask her friends to sign her body for her birthday.

Black Light Ink
A girl who is secretly kinky writes on her body in ink that can only be seen at the club so she can be slutty there and not feel embarrassed out in public on the way there. Alternatively black light tattoos.

Check Yes Or No
A girl decided to go old school and make it obvious she likes a guy by writing on her tit and providing a marker.

Hidden Treasure
At a party a map is drawn on a beautiful woman's body during a scavenger hunt. What hidden treasures await the first who can decipher the clues. May require several trips.

Honey Do list
Wife writes task she would like her husband to do on different parts of her body with different rewards when he marks one off.

A wealthy countess invites several wealthy gentlemen to a special party at her estate by have the invitations written on women and asking each to deliver them to a certain gentleman.

John Was Here
Leave your mark before sneaking out in the morning. This couldn't end badly right?

Lip Stick
Writing Dirty Messages on the body in different colors of lipstick.

Property Of
A woman gets this written on her plus a name before going out in public

Secret Messages
A female spy gets her body tattooed to smuggle out the enemy coded secrets. Now someone has to decipher it.

Sign In Sheet
Guest are encouraged to sign the body of a woman who will be intimately photographed at the end of the party.

Slave contract.
A slave contract is written on the back of a slave.

Special Menu
The restaurant menus are written on the servers breast. She has to turn around to show you the specials.

Spell Book
A wizard with a perverted sense of taste writes his tomes on beautiful women's bodies. Your the young sorcerer in training he just took on as an apprentice.

Sun Tan Lotion
Writing dirty words on your girlfriend when she falls asleep on the beach. Good luck getting that off.

Walking Billboards
Companies begin paying street walkers to wear temporary tattoos to advertise there products.

Welcome Matt
When visiting a party a girl opens the door mostly naked with the exception of the words welcome written across her chest in ink or body paint.

Year Book Day
Students get together to sign each other. That one girl you always liked has a special spot just for you.
It's not really erotic, but I had the idea of a woman who discusses having various New York bridges tattooed on her body. She is being tongue-in-cheek about it and is not really serious. Nevertheless, she puts some thought into it. One of her ideas is to have a three-quarters view of the George Washington Bridge on her back. For her arms, she needs "low-profile" bridges like the 145th Street Bridge and the University Heights Bridge. I have considered a series with this character in it, but it would be quite long and I haven't done it yet. Also, you have to be a New Yorker to get some of the jokes.

Ah, you joined in January 1970? What kind of computer were you using back then? Also, you had one long series which ended six years ago. Why not write up some of these ideas in stories? In fact, you have been brainstorming ideas for a while now.
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anything with Groucho would be fun. Though Harpo's horn offers lots of possibilities also.
The Smother's Brothers did a song about a tattooed/painted woman (the song starts just past the one minute mark): Map of the World

I've seen several pics of girls covered in words from markers or lipstick - quite often very humiliating things - while most of the "art" could be covered by wearing regular clothes, I still imagine it would take days for everything to fade. So, imagine being the second guy that week . . . :)
The Smother's Brothers did a song about a tattooed/painted woman (the song starts just past the one minute mark): Map of the World

I've seen several pics of girls covered in words from markers or lipstick - quite often very humiliating things - while most of the "art" could be covered by wearing regular clothes, I still imagine it would take days for everything to fade. So, imagine being the second guy that week . . . :)
Some of them simply get them as tattoos, which I'm sure that they will regret as they get older. Also, the really big ones can't easily be removed by a laser.

One doesn't have to fictionalize the strangeness of some of these markings. One girl I saw had a gridwork, I'd call it, of black lines down one of her arms. It may have started at her shoulder. I'm sure it wasn't intended, but it reminded me of the steel framework of a building.
A little expansion on one or two of your ideas:

A husband wants his wife to explore being a hotwife. She's aroused by the fantasy but too timid to agree in real life. On vacation he gets her to agree to "say yes to anything anyone asks" in that Tony Robbins take-a-chance kinda way. She agrees because she doesn't think anyone will ask her anything nearly as risque as her perv husband thinks they will... especially given her low self-esteem about her looks... which is part of why her husband likes the hotwife idea... to show her that she's wrong... men see her as sexy all the time. First morning at the beach the husband helps with sun block... and writes "I'll say yes, just ask" across her shoulder blades.

A wife gets drunk (at a bachelorette party of course?) and cheats. The next morning she looks in the mirror and sees that her fling from last night left his name and number in sharpie... just below her breasts. She spends a week or more hiding this fact from her husband by only having sex with the lights out... but is turned on by the thrill/risk/naughtiness of knowing her husband is on top of her and her lover's name is literally right there between them.

Same wife gets drunk and cheats, but this time the name & number are on her ass so she doesn't see it... but her husband does. He angrily calls the number to confront the guy. The guy apologizes... "Dude, I'm so sorry. I was totally drunk and didn't know she was married. Well, not at first at least, but, once we started, I couldn't stop myself... she's so hot." The husband is surprised to find himself reaching for his growing hardon while he asks for more and more details about what happened. In the end he gives the guy his wife's number and they agree that he'll call and tell her that she wrote it on his body in her drunkenness... and hope for a second date... with the agreement that the husband gets all the details again.

And a minor variation: I remember seeing models wearing painted on clothing. (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=painted+body+clothing&iax=images&ia=images) A woman has realistic clothing panted on her... and walks out in public... feeling totally naked. Some people notice. Some do not. She gets on the subway or a bus to make sure some people get a nice close look.
The sign-in sheet idea... but, it's at the bachelor party. Strippers mingle about giving lap dances, etc. All of them have elaborate sexy masks on since the wedding is to have a Masquerade Ball theme. There's also a table with a (masked) naked woman on it where the grooms friends are invited to write a message and best wishes to the bride and groom (with an assurance from the groom that he'll pass them along to his sweet bride-to-be). The friends of course take great pleasure writing provocative messages to and about the bride-to-be. Unbeknownst to the friends, the body they are writing on and groping and fingering and licking... is the bride to be.

Or, unbeknownst to the GROOM? Until that night when he gets home and his sweet innocent bride undresses.