

Jan 27, 2003
Congratulations on your engagement! He's one lucky man and he'd better realize it or I'll remind him (somehow) of it all the time!

Did you think I'd let it slide on the other thread without doing this? :D
Oh shit! :eek:

Thanks. It was totally unexpected. I think I'm pretty lucky myself. :D

I was hoping! lol
Super-ultra congrats!! Lucky you! And what a lucky guy!

The only thing I can think of to say is...may every day you share be as happy as this one.
wait!! What?? Where? When?? Details, Kitty! Details!!

RAINAAAAAAAAAAA!! Congratulations!!!!

Did he get down on one knee?

Have the ring already picked out for you?

Did you get all teary eyed?

Details woman details!

I assume that the Gang Bang Bitches will be your lucky bridesmaids. We could wear black-leather mermaid dresses and biker hats with demi-veils. It would be loverly, really. :)
Ooopsies, young Julio here has come to wish you the best, Raina. You must now kiss him goodbye as you join the wonderful world of marriage. :D

k¡tty said:
Did he get down on one knee?

Have the ring already picked out for you?

Did you get all teary eyed?

Details woman details!


LMAO! Thanks everyone.

No kitty, he didn't get down on one knee. We've just been talking about the future a lot lately, and agreed to move in together soon (he has a roommate to consider) and the possibility of marriage...later.

Then today he dropped the bomb. He just told me he wanted to get me a ring, he said he'd looked at some, but didn't know what I'd want. (I'm picky lol) He asked me to go shopping with him tomorrow to find one I want. It's more of a promise ring than anything. We haven't picked out a date or anything so serious. We've just agreed that at some point...in the relatively near future we'd get hitched.

I did get kinda teary though. I'm pretty giddy. :D
lmao Nora

We can wear Chains in place of the customery pearl necklaces, 6" stiletto black knee high boots but what to carry?
Oh God, I'm laughing my ass off.

Yes, Gang Bang Bitches as bridesmaids. Sweet! Nora, you can be my Mistress...er...Maid of Honor.
k¡tty said:
lmao Nora

We can wear Chains in place of the customery pearl necklaces, 6" stiletto black knee high boots but what to carry?


Duh, gf...leather roses!


Raina, we're all giddy with happiness for you! :kiss: :rose: :heart:
Yep yep

Smart man letting you pick out the ring yourself, I think I'd have aproblem with someone doing that on their own. Lawd knows what they'd pick out.. *shudder*. Unless they had fantastic taste and knew what you'd love.

Long engagements is the way to go I'm thinking.. at least that's what I would prolly want if I ever get engaged again. lol

((hugs)) I'm so happy for you and it's so great to see you this happy!
Raina said:
Oh God, I'm laughing my ass off.

Yes, Gang Bang Bitches as bridesmaids. Sweet! Nora, you can be my Mistress...er...Maid of Honor.

Mistress of honor gets to carry a whip and lead you down the aisle on a leash, hon. *grins evilly*
Nora said:

Duh, gf...leather roses!


Raina, we're all giddy with happiness for you! :kiss: :rose: :heart:

Leather roses! Perfect! It'll look like a weird biker wedding.

:kiss: Thank you Nora. I'm still a little shocked at the whole thing. lol. If you even knew how amazed I was that he even looked at rings all by himself.
I bet he felt like a MORON doing it! muahahhahah! His first taste of the yoke. *grins*

hmm....hope the families won't be shocked by your non-traditional wedding. :D
Leather roses..

See that is why you are the Mistress Nora.

k¡tty said:
Yep yep

Smart man letting you pick out the ring yourself, I think I'd have aproblem with someone doing that on their own. Lawd knows what they'd pick out.. *shudder*. Unless they had fantastic taste and knew what you'd love.

Long engagements is the way to go I'm thinking.. at least that's what I would prolly want if I ever get engaged again. lol

((hugs)) I'm so happy for you and it's so great to see you this happy!

It won't be anything fancy, and it'll definitely NOT be a classic engagement type ring. I'm not a huge fan of diamonds anyway, so it'll probably be an amythest or something like that.

Yes, definitely a long engagement. The wedding part will be really small too. We're both Wiccan, so it won't be your "normal" wedding either

He just got through a tough divorce, and the first wedding was the traditional White Wedding with a horse drawn carriage and releasing the doves and all that junk. Most definitely NOT my taste. I'm thinking the leather and Gang Bang Bitches might be the way to go though. LOL

Actually, I would kinda like a huge traditional wedding, but only as revenge on the 5 friends that I've been a bridesmaid for. I think they should all have to buy awful mauve satin shoes that cost a fortune and pinch their feet...and some gawdawful hideous dress that they can never wear again. Maybe a different color for each one? Whatcha think? *evil grin*
Powder blue


Baby pink

Sunny yellow

Lime green

If you really want revenge, make 'em go in truly traditional wiccan garb. *grins*
k¡tty said:
Powder blue


Baby pink

Sunny yellow

Lime green


Perfect! Let's see, I've worn Pink, Mauve (still have the shoes...can you tell I'm bitter?), Black, Grape, and Teal.

The one I was a Maid of Honor for, I saved her wedding because during the ceremony, a HUGE spider was crawling on the giant bow on the back of one of the bridesmaid's dresses (Yes folks, a giant bow on a BLACK dress). I managed to tactfully pick the spider off with my bare hands before anyone noticed...but in the video, it looks like I'm groping her ass.

The one I bought the mauve shoes for...well, mauve was her third color choice. Not to mention, she accused me of "ruining" her wedding by not staying at the expensive hotel that she had picked out for us to stay at. I stayed at Motel 6 and still spent over $300.00 on that fucking wedding. All I can say is they better stay married. LOL

The one I wore the "grape" dress for...I looked like...well, everyone here has seen Barney right?
Nora said:
If you really want revenge, make 'em go in truly traditional wiccan garb. *grins*

OOOOHHH!!! Even better! Skyclad it is. Mwahahahahaha.
Raina said:
OOOOHHH!!! Even better! Skyclad it is. Mwahahahahaha.


Knew you'd like it.

You shoulda let the spider crawl up her fucking back. Woulda been funnier to watch her screaming and prancing about trying to get it off in the videos. :)