
Links don't work for me. I'll just say that I got nothing against the PR's except for the Sharks.

Tuesday night after rising GOP star Mia Love brought down the house with her inspiring convention speech, the stomach-turning Left labeled the black conservative a “token” and an “Aunt Tom.”

Meanwhile, revoltingly racist, woman-hating Wikipedia vandals were hard at work updating her entry with disgusting slurs like “House Nigger” and “dirty, worthless whore.” The page called her a “total sell-out to the Right Wing Hate machine and the greedy bigots who control the GOP.”

MSNBC refuses to air any Republican speech by a minority

In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz, a Latino American, MSNBC opted to show commentary anchored by Rachel Maddow from Rev. Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/28/m...ing-every-speech-by-a-minority/#ixzz24xLyVRbb
If the Republican party has a tendency toward racism, I'd say the Democratic party has a tendency to demonize the rich in a way that expresses itself in truly ugly bigotry.

MSNBC refuses to air any Republican speech by a minority

In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz, a Latino American, MSNBC opted to show commentary anchored by Rachel Maddow from Rev. Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/28/m...ing-every-speech-by-a-minority/#ixzz24xLyVRbb




From my own personal experience I come up against this in the "Citizens United" case where the assumption is that all corporate money, not some, not most, but all corporate money is going to be put to evil use.

I also come up against this when Democrats have a blind belief that they always benefit the poor and that "The rich and powerful" are always trying to keep poor people from voting.

There is an underlying prejudice toward disliking the rich and railing against the rich that is prevalent in the Occupy Wall Street movement in the same way that the Tea Party had an underlying current of racism at their rallies.

"Romney happy to party while black people drown?"

***UPDATE III: Yahoo just announced they have terminated Chalian effective immediately.
***UPDATE II: Romney camp comments: "It hasn’t even been 24 hours after the primetime speech line up at the Republican National Convention last night, and you can already tell how successful and powerful of a night it really was by the complete and utter meltdown the mainstream media is experiencing today. ... Most shockingly, Yahoo! Washington Bureau Chief David Chalian got caught on an ABC webcast saying that Mitt Romney would be “happy to have a party when black people drown.”
Joey is a bagga full o shit

In reality

Liberal journalists finding (i.e. making up) Republican racism everywhere

August 29, 2012 | 9:32 am

Timothy P. Carney

Senior political columnist
The Washington Examiner

The job of many liberal journalists these days apparently is to discern veiled Republican racism wherever they can find it – or make it up.

The Washington Post’s Harold Meyerson, for instance has a tired column today asserting that “today’s Republican Party represents the worst traditions of the South’s dankest backwaters.” Basically opposing tax hikes and greenhouse-gas emission caps show the GOP’s roots in white racism, or something.

Meanwhile Jack Hitt at Harpers rolls out a Republicans-are-Racist charge that involves ignoring all the relevant facts.

[A]s a Puerto Rican party functionary—Zoraida Fonalledas, the chairwoman of the Committee on Permanent Organization—took her turn at the main-stage lectern. As she began speaking in her accented English, some in the crowd started shouting “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!”

The chanting carried on for nearly a minute while most of the other delegates and the media stood by in stunned silence. The Puerto Rican correspondent turned to me and asked, “Is this happening?” I said I honestly didn’t know what was happening—it was astonishing to see all the brittle work of narrative construction that is a modern political convention suddenly crack before our eyes. None of us could quite believe what we were seeing: A sea of twentysomething bowties and cowboy hats morphing into frat bros apparently shrieking over (or at) a Latina.

Hitt should have left it at “I honestly didn’t know what was happening.” And his editor should have read that line and decided not to publish the baseless insinuations.

Here’s what happened, Jack:

RNC Chairman Reince Preibus had called for a voice vote to approve the Credential Committee’s report. Ron Paul delegates objected, because the committee had refused to seat half of the Paul delegates. When the voice vote came, the “Noes” clearly were louder than the “Ayes.” (Ron Paul backers are pretty good at shouting.) Preibus ruled that the Ayes had won, and then he ignored many yells of “Point of Order.”

The Paulites began chanting “Point of Order,” trying to stop the proceedings so they could have a roll-call vote or even a debate. They also chanted “Seat Maine Now,” in this period.

Some Romney backers from delegations near Maine responded – for better or worse – by chanting “U.S.A.! U.S.A.!” over the Paulites’ chants.

Preibus, meanwhile, was just trying to steamroll ahead, and so he brought on Puerto Rican Republican Zoraida Fonalledas, who tried to speak over the parliamentary objections of the Paulites – and thus over the “U.S.A.!” chants of the Romney backers.

From this brouhaha, Harpers’ Jack Hitt concludes it was probably a bunch of racist Republicans shouting U.S.A. at a woman with a Hispanic accent. Seven hours later Hitt added a footnote citing BuzzFeed’s Zeke Miller explaining what actually happened.

Miller’s reporting so thoroughly debunks what Hitt wrote that I would have expected Hitt to retract it. But when it comes to charging Republicans with racism, the standards are different, I guess.
From my own personal experience I come up against this in the "Citizens United" case where the assumption is that all corporate money, not some, not most, but all corporate money is going to be put to evil use.

I also come up against this when Democrats have a blind belief that they always benefit the poor and that "The rich and powerful" are always trying to keep poor people from voting.

There is an underlying prejudice toward disliking the rich and railing against the rich that is prevalent in the Occupy Wall Street movement in the same way that the Tea Party had an underlying current of racism at their rallies.

ah...yeah...the real life experience thing. o.k...I use that too. My life experience has been different so I guess we will have to agree to disagree.
ah...yeah...the real life experience thing. o.k...I use that too. My life experience has been different so I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

From my point of view I see that Republicans are at least ashamed enough to try to hide their racism and it isn't encouraged by the leadership, though it may be tolerated in the ranks because it also brings in votes.

Democrats feel completely justified in demonizing the rich and are evangelical on the subject.

Anyway, this is individuals and not entire parties, and it's my viewpoint and not yours.

I'm pretty equally skeeved out by the tendencies of both parties to be hateful in different ways and to not get called out on it by their brethren and sistren.
Puerto Ricans openly hate the Japanese and Irish.

Kettle calling the pot black.

MSNBC refuses to air any Republican speech by a minority

In lieu of airing speeches from former Democratic Rep. Artur Davis, a black American; Mia Love, a black candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Utah; and Texas senatorial hopeful Ted Cruz, a Latino American, MSNBC opted to show commentary anchored by Rachel Maddow from Rev. Al Sharpton, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes and Steve Schmidt

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2012/08/28/m...ing-every-speech-by-a-minority/#ixzz24xLyVRbb

If they showed every speeches made by white people and none made by minorities, I'd say you were probably on to something. But MSNBC is pretending to offer gavel-to-gavel coverage, and let's face it, most of its viewers would rather watch its regular primetime hosts than anything happening on the floor. I assume the only speeches they carried were those from Ann "Couple of Cadillacs" Romney and Chris Christie.

I think a more interesting question is why Davis, who holds no office, and Mia Love, a mere House candidate and non-incumbent, got to speak at a national convention in the first place.
From my point of view I see that Republicans are at least ashamed enough to try to hide their racism and it isn't encouraged by the leadership, though it may be tolerated in the ranks because it also brings in votes.

Democrats feel completely justified in demonizing the rich and are evangelical on the subject.

Anyway, this is individuals and not entire parties, and it's my viewpoint and not yours.

I'm pretty equally skeeved out by the tendencies of both parties to be hateful in different ways and to not get called out on it by their brethren and sistren.

Funny but my point of view is that it is the right wing that has been demonizing labor unions, the working poor and entitlements. The keynote speaker has done plenty of that. No one has more of a sense of entitlement that the super rich.
If they showed every speeches made by white people and none made by minorities, I'd say you were probably on to something. But MSNBC is pretending to offer gavel-to-gavel coverage, and let's face it, most of its viewers would rather watch its regular primetime hosts than anything happening on the floor. I assume the only speeches they carried were those from Ann "Couple of Cadillacs" Romney and Chris Christie.

I think a more interesting question is why Davis, who holds no office, and Mia Love, a mere House candidate and non-incumbent, got to speak at a national convention in the first place.

and why is ex Florida gov. talking at the dem convention..... Politics, nothing out of the norm there.
Funny but my point of view is that it is the right wing that has been demonizing labor unions, the working poor and entitlements. The keynote speaker has done plenty of that. No one has more of a sense of entitlement that the super rich.

So all dem politicians/supporters are super poor?

Are do they have just as many super rich?