Racism In L.A. Isn't Black And White

It doesn't quite fit the liberal narrative does it? No evil white guys oppressing the black folks, just a horde of evil brown folks killing and running black folks out of their traditional neighborhoods and towns:


Man... quite a dilemma you have there; which side to root for. If some pregnant teens get caught in the cross-fire, you'd have a hat-trick.
Because the liberal neighborhood says that intra-racial crime isn't a problem or something?
I think the liberal claim is apparently it's old whites vs everybody else and everybody else are united by the power of friendship or something.
In Long Beach its primarily Latino vs Asian gangs. There at least been a somewhat uneasy truce between the two of late..
"Traditional neighborhoods "

What Vetteman really means by "traditional":


Poor lil' pressed old guy. He's like a bargain-basement version of Buck Rogers, a man out of his time and no way to get back to the past he pines for.
Vette, I know I shouldn't have to say this but racism is not and never has been a white/black only issue. The primary issue with black/white racism is that its roots in America started in slavery and just because slavery was abolished and the U.S. legislated civil rights, black/white racism is still alive and well. For you to feel the need to try and prove that racism is not just a black/white issue is kind of naive. I mean really. I've been called a cracker by a Puerto Rican, physically attacked by whites, threatend by blacks and been assumed (erroneoulsy) to be Polish because someone thought I was just too pale to be anything else. Racism, bigotry and hate belong to the whole human race. I would guess that many whites still can't get a grip on the fact that racism is not extinct in America because afterall America is so exceptional compared to other countries. :rolleyes:
It is to black people in Compton


I hope I'm not too close when Vette mistakes a Mexican for a Cuban or vice-versa. The last thing I want to do is get caught in crossfire between two tribes of latinos.

I hope I'm not too close when Vette mistakes a Mexican for a Cuban or vice-versa. The last thing I want to do is get caught in crossfire between two tribes of latinos.

I read that same article today in the LA Times. Never thought blacks would be harrased in Compton. Think of that good rap music we're going to miss out on !
I read that same article today in the LA Times. Never thought blacks would be harrased in Compton. Think of that good rap music we're going to miss out on !



Oh you Becky-Boo...you keep slaying 'em in the aisles with the rapier-sharp, smugly witty, cross-racial reparteé like this and we're gonna have to rename you George Burns-Down-A-Barn.

I hope I'm not too close when Vette mistakes a Mexican for a Cuban or vice-versa. The last thing I want to do is get caught in crossfire between two tribes of latinos.

It's easy to tell a Cuban from a Mexican. Cubans have a "Don't blame me, I voted for Romney" bumper sticker.


Oh you Becky-Boo...you keep slaying 'em in the aisles with the rapier-sharp, smugly witty, cross-racial reparteé like this and we're gonna have to rename you George Burns-Down-A-Barn.

Say Goodnight, Gracie !