Quoll's sudden passing away


Just Visiting This Planet
Jan 12, 2010
Dear General Board,

I am passing on this sad news to the General Board. It was posted in the HT Cafe, and I'm not sure how many GBers were aware of the post. The link below will take you to his wife's original messsage.

My deepest sympathies to his wife and children and friends. ella:rose:

As I said in the blurts, it's awful news. He was smart, witty and one of the genuine good guys. We weren't close, but I'll miss him posting. My condolences to his family.
we weren't close. i hadn't confided in him and he wasn't my rock.
but last month, i think for the first time, we swapped a few PMs.
and, after years of merely absent mindedly respecting his posts,
i realised he was someone i liked. with morals and compassion.
and now i feel sorry that we didn't talk more. or talk sooner.
he was someone worth knowing better than i got to know.
He changed my life. He made it better. He made me better. He was one of the most remarkable human beings I have ever known, and now he's gone, and I don't know how to process this.

He loved his family with every ounce of his being, and I know his love for them was returned, tenfold. I can't imagine how hard this must be for them. I just can't fathom it.

My thoughts and prayers are with his beloved wife and children and all those here who were touched by his kindness, empathy and compassion. My biggest fear is that he never realized how much he meant to so many. I pray that he understood that he had graced all our lives with his own.
He was such a sweet man, and a friend to so many here. I can't begin to imagine the sense of loss his family must be feeling now. My thoughts are with them. :rose:
I actually feel choked up. That is very sad news, indeed.
Wow! That is a shock! So very sad.

Healing thoughts for his spirit and his family.
Thanks for posting it here. Many Lit denizens would probably not have known otherwise.

I don' think we ever spoke, as it were. But from the posts I remember, he seemed like a mensch.

My condolences to those of you who knew him better. :rose:
terribly sad news. a huge loss for everyone who interacted with him. :(
There are no words for things like this, save for condolences and good wishes for his family and friends.
I lost a real-life acquaintance last night as well. It's a week for mourning.
I never interacted with him but this is terrible news. My condolences to his family.