Quick turn around November Challenge: CAUGHT


Literotica Guru
Apr 15, 2011
Inspired by Remec's excellent poem in the 5 senses challenge - I realized that we did not have a November challenge. Which is a shame.

The theme is: CAUGHT.

Yes, I am going to leave it that open. No form requirements. Participants highly encouraged to submit to Lit so we have something to review and can be amazed by what Tazz comes up with as a comment.

Hope to read your Caught poems.
Interesting addendum:

I just re-read Remec's poem in the New Poems section and realized it has the same title as the challenge : Caught. I did not realize that when I posted the challenge, but it is clear testament to the absolute rightness of the poem's title.

gills flap
breathing air
anglers rap
hooked fish fair
my only thoughts are these:
Trophy or catch and release?
Stalked by a Landcruiser

He circled us in a landcruiser
on our way to the market
up and down the one street town
there was no where to go anyway
driving so slowly the car window
does not move ahead of our leisurely pace
he smiles from the open window and says
C’est toi qui je veux
It’s you that I want
I can only laugh at that
The very idea of me cruising around
some dusty African town
in a diesel landcruiser that sounds
like a frontier steam engine
His lion eyes should have tipped me off
Lions are hard to escape.
Hangnail caught
snagging fabric
grey with no design
pulled thread unwinds
cloth rips
tailor sought
the kick

I spread my paper on the courtroom desk
He turned to me and spoke in care turned arabesk
inquiry so delicate he had to know
“Is he related to you, if so how?”

Before I knew I answered to his tone
“his hotter sister” was my answer quick
I smiled, he laughed, I blushed, he turned aside
At my so unexpected, quickened whit

It took him 30 seconds, to recall
Our common enterprise 12 years ago and all
He blushed, I smiled, remembering the kick
Never underestimate
the treachery of sex
the biological urge
that keeps the hunter hunting
and the hunted wanting to be caught
over and over again

but not like this
in some crowded cafe
she wouldn't want a public scene
wouldn't want her prey to know
he is really the hunted
wouldn't want him to know
he's good for a lay
and a few free drinks

the sport is in the hunter
not realising he is the prey
his not understanding
his roll in her little game
she wouldn't want him to know
he couldn't domesticate this bitch

I leave them to their game
there was a dislocation anyway
I was bored of her constant disatisfaction
at how the world was unfair to her
let him wake up to her demands
that he should do something with his life

I leave them with their drinks
holding hands beneath the table
I salute them across the room
feel the weight lift from my shoulders
and walk out into the night
there was a fille giving me the eye
in a bar down the road
the other night
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...like my fingers
in your dark, wet, tousled hair. God,
leverage to greet your hips.

...my feverish slurry.
Everything that I am, run out
in meiotic halves.

...in the only trap
I bait myself. And there snare
myself as well.

...by breast, by leg, by thigh.
But don't fool yourself; your thought
is your barbed hook.