Questions for Senna Jawa


Really Experienced
Feb 7, 2003
Senna Jawa, I have two questions for you.

-Q 1-
You posted the following threads:

Poetry -- 0. The wider context of my goal. My goal. The goal of my goal. and Poetry -- 1. Poetry's source, goal and ethics

I am wondering if you are planning to post more in this series?

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-Q 2-
You posted the following in response to one of my postings, quote:

“Poets are not experts on what is and what is not knowledge. Poetry has nothing to do with such issues, it can't care less.” …. Then “Beware of didactic tone in your poems! It is a major sin in poetry.”

I looked up didactic and this is dictionary definition: “di·dac·tic 1. Intended to instruct. 2. Morally instructive. 3. Inclined to teach or moralize excessively.”

Am I correct to interpret your message to me to mean a poet should not use dialog that is instructional in tone, dialog that is inclined to teach or preach to its reader? Or was your message one different from this interpretation?

Ever learning,