Questions about SOs and Lit


Literotica Guru
Apr 9, 2001
Does your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend know you are at Lit?
If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?
Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?

These questions came up because earlier today.. I got a pm from someone with No posts at Lit.. but yet he knew where I lived (State, not town). I haven't had my state listed in my location in a long time. He had to have read it somewhere in my almost 13000 posts.. or he knows me outside of Lit.
He wanted to know if I have any nude pictures.. if I was interested in a relationship outside of Lit.. and blah blah blah.

My first thought was.. "It's Mr Freaky being a butt". Then I remembered he doesn't have Net access from work.

To answer my own questions: Mr Freaky knows all that goes on here at Lit. Nothing is hidden. He could log onto Lit today.. and nothing I've posted would come to a surprise to him.
Maybe someone new here recognized your face in your av?


If I were in any kind of LTR, I likely wouldn't be here....I ditched using Lit once before, years ago, when I started seeing someone steady.

Does your boyfriend know you are at Lit?

Yep, he's right here when I'm on. Half the time I'm showing him things he might be interested in.

He's also got a whopping three posts and usually just uses his account to PM me cute shit when it's his turn on the computer.

If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?

I haven't, and I won't ever.

But, if I was into doing that, I would definitely let him know that I was or had in the past (Before I met him) plastered my naked twat all over the internet. It would be pretty damn shitty if I kept it a secret and he stumbled on them on his own.

Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?

No :) Before we lived together he lurked ('Cause I showed him Lit) but only posted that one time when Licky called him out on a thread.


This is my place to play around online and he respects that and doesn't get into it because of that. However I have nothing to hide from him at all so I don't give a shit what he sees.

I hate when Random freaks PM me.

(Non-random freaks are okay ;))
Yep, cause I met him here.:D

OK, I know what you mean, and a juicier answer is that when I first started my pic thread, my ex used to be my camerman, cause I didn't have a clue what I was doing.:rolleyes: I never did total nudies, but I did lingerie shots etc...and so yes, he knows about Lit, and when we were chummier, he used to sit here with me and read posts, and helped me pic which avs to use, etc.
We're pretty good friends.
Lancecastor said:
Maybe someone new here recognized your face in your av?


If I were in any kind of LTR, I likely wouldn't be here....I ditched using Lit once before, years ago, when I started seeing someone steady.


That could be. *shrugs* I'm not worried about it. It just kinda threw me for a minute. And got me thinking.

As far as being here while being in a relationship. I have no problem.. and neither does he. I don't do anything wrong. We have trust in each other. If there was any problems between him and I because of Lit.. the computer would be gone in a heart beat. He isn't worth losing over some stupid little machine.
I get offline when he comes home at night.. I don't spend as much time online on his days off.

Lit is an escape for me.. nothing more.

Angel.. Do I fit into that non random freak catagory? ;)
Does your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend know you are at Lit?
Yup, he's totally fine with it

If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?
I haven't yet, but he keeps encouraging me to.

Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?
Nope, he's almost never online.
freakygurl said:

Angel.. Do I fit into that non random freak catagory? ;)

Of course you do, chick.

It's the people I've never heard of PMing me about breaking their virginity or dyking it out with their girlfriends that annoy me.

I mean jeez, I'm pickier with women than I am with men. ;)

Oh, and the freaking foreign anonymous feedback person who has been trying to cyber me via one of my stupid ass poem feedbacks for the past year and a half.
Can I be your freak Angelcakes?? :p

Well, the only SO I've had since coming to Lit woud be Juspar, so I'd say it's safe to assume that he knew about Lit, and was okay with my nudies on here. ;)

This guy I'm with now, I can't wait to introduce to Lit, he'd fit right in with the rest of us pervs. :D
If I had one he'd know.

I will never post nude pics on the web.

I'd assume he might read anything I posted here; and if I thought he was the type to do crap like that to test my loyalty I wouldn't be in a LTR with him (I'm extremely demanding when it comes to trust - which is one of many factors explaining the lack of an SO :D).

* * * * *

Maybe it's an old timer who's changed ID's?
Mine doesn't mind. ;)

So i'm not one of those "people I've never heard of PMing me about breaking their virginity or dyking it out with their girlfriends that annoy me." ? :p
lickerish said:
Mine doesn't mind. ;)

So i'm not one of those "people I've never heard of PMing me about breaking their virginity or dyking it out with their girlfriends that annoy me." ? :p

Dyking it out with you isn't anywhere near annoying.

The first couple of random PMs from people with no posts freaked me out a bit, but I came up with a standard welcome answer that was extremely noncommital. I tell them to get on the boards and let people get to know them by posting. I usually explain that it's a safety issue for the women especially. Sometimes that scares them off. Sometimes they appreciate it and get busy posting.

I can't believe you've been here this long and only just got one of those.

Oh, and to answer your questions, I met my SO through Lit. We have no secrets but I don't post pictures.
Yes, he knows that I'm on Lit. No he doesn't care what I post. He's seen my avs and the ONLY time I got a reaction from him on those was the strap-on chick. He simply said, "Oh dear." (I kid you not).

I have never and would never post nakey pics, so that's that.

Do I think he's ever lurking? Nope. He's more than welcome to do so, however.
Oh.. Licky, you need to bring Angel up here with you in March. Celebrate your birthday in style ;)

I'll even buy new sheets.. how's blues clues? :D
Does your husband know you are at Lit?

He lurks here on rare occasion. Thankfully very, very rare or some of our local obnoxious men would be on the 6-month gravesite plan.

If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?

He dared me to. They weren't nude, but I wouldn't want them posted in non-pornoland public.

Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?

Nope. I'd know from all the yelling. He's doesn't suffer fools easily and the board abounds. He trusts me not to do anything he wouldn't approve of and I don't do things that he wouldn't approve of.

He actually wants to meet Laurel and Manu. He likes the draaah, cymbidia and TN_Vixen, thinks PC sounds cool, wants to go shoot with Ishmael, wants to break Svedish_Chef's neck in three places, thought pagancowgirl was nice, and thinks that for a lot of pornohounds we spend waaaaaay too much time talking politics. He was talking about getting an RV so we can cruise the country some summer and meet up with various litsters. Maybe go fishing in New Zealand.
freakygurl said:
Does your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend know you are at Lit?
If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?
Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?

My SO knows that I post here at Lit, and he's aware of what I post.. he doesn't read them all, but I usually tell him what I've been up to, who I've been flirting with, etc.

He knows about my pics.. hell, he's taken a good deal of them.

He doesn't lurk.. mainly cus he has no interest to, but if he did, I wouldn't be ashamed of anything I'm posting.
Yep....Knows all about Lit, in fact suggested I should check it out....Lit chat was getting boring....:D

The only thing I have posted nude is my lips....We have an understanding....;)
april-wine said:
Yep....Knows all about Lit, in fact suggested I should check it out....Lit chat was getting boring....:D

The only thing I have posted nude is my lips....We have an understanding....;)

HI April.. and hi April's SO.
freakygurl said:
Does your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend know you are at Lit?
If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?
Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?

He knows because he introduced me to Lit. He only pervs the stories and the pic forum. I dig those as well. I started posting and digging the boards as well. He knows that I post, but he hasn't figured out my user name yet.

He should have figured out by some of my AV's, but hasn't yet. He doesn't have a problem with it per se, but I can't say as we have ever discussed it. We are both of the opinion that we are free to do as we wish.

I do wonder, if and when he figures it out if he will actively seek out my posts and read them. It doesn't necessarily inhibit me, but it does give me pause at times. (I figured out his user name ages ago. 0 posts)
she did
knew about it all..... well not all she didn't know what I posted word for word unless she read it, so some stuff did confuse her.

I see no reason to hid anything from someone you trust so.
Yes she knows. She also lurks the boards a bit and reads the stories. Sometimes she will send me the link to a story she wanted me to read.

As for pictures, the only pics of me...were taken for her to begin with, and she saw them first and ok'd my using them.:)
freakygurl said:
Does your husband/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend know you are at Lit?
If you have posted nude pictures, do they know?
Have you ever wondered if they lurk in the background or even post/flirt with you and you don't know it's them?

My man knows I post at lit. I write for a living, and most of my writing is erotica, so my mischevious self perusing EVERYTHING erotic is something he actually expects. ;)

No nude pics posted. Ever.

Does he lurk? I think he does. But he's the kind who would never admit it. ;)
