Question. Mostly for the women.


Dead is dead.
Apr 10, 2002

A boy and his female coworker go out for drinks after work one night. They have fun.

A week later, they decide to hang out again, but actually allot a specific time for it. On a Saturday night, not Tuesday at midnight after work.

Furthermore, this boy isn't sure if it was a 'date' or just 'hanging out'. They bowled and then ate dinner and then went drinking. Through the course of the night, she would touch his hand and his arm and do the friendly little shoulder/arm bumpy thing. He paid for bowling, she paid for dinner, he paid for drink. They sat in her car in front of his house for an hour making some manner of talk and laughing and such. They set another night for the coming weekend to do such again. She said she'd drive him home from work tomorrow. Now, there wasn't a kiss, but the boy thinks he was supposed to make the first move. There was small amounts of innuendo strewn about.

This night lasted 7 hours.

Was this a date, or two kids hanging out?
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Cibo said:
What do you have to lose if it IS a date?

I'm just asking in the interest of science. Remember, this is a theoretical evening.
Alright then let me ask a theoretical question...what would the guy have to lose if it WAS a date?
If it walks like a duck,talks like a duck,acts like a duck,it's prolly a duck.

Unless it's a confused chicken.
It happens.

Where i come from?
*Chews on some straw*
It's a date if you end up rollin round naked in the back of the ute in the middle of some cow paddock on the way home from the dance at the local hall.
Awesome said:
If it walks like a duck,talks like a duck,acts like a duck,it's prolly a duck.

Unless it's a confused chicken.
It happens.

Where i come from?
*Chews on some straw*
It's a date if you end up rollin round naked in the back of the ute in the middle of some cow paddock on the way home from the dance at the local hall.

Ha. Really funny, that, since the theoretical boy has lived in Kansas and he girl in Iowa.
I'm assuming that has some cultural significance,of which i aint aware.

I'm hoping these 2 places are close in proximity.
Driving a long distance for dates that dont even end up with your dick wet is kinda tragic.
So this uh,theoretical guy and girl didn't end up naked in the back of the ute in a middle of the paddock goin at it like wild things?

Then technically it wasn't a date.
It was a date. Of course women can be really weird on their own personal decisions of what is a date and what is not, but rest assured, it was, for all intensive purposes (I'm using that phrase cuz it sounds good, not because I know what it means), a date.
Awesome said:
So this uh,theoretical guy and girl didn't end up naked in the back of the ute in a middle of the paddock goin at it like wild things?

Then technically it wasn't a date.

Little fast, aren't you?
My last girlfriend insisted that I never went on a date with her during the whole time period that we were having regular sex--despite the fact that we went out to eat (occasionally at fancy restaurants,) went to movies together, and had picnics in the park.

So your coworker might not think it's a date. And...?
MechaBlade said:
Of course women can be really weird on their own personal decisions of what is a date and what is not [...]

horny_giraffe said:
My last girlfriend insisted that I never went on a date with her during the whole time period that we were having regular sex--despite the fact that we went out to eat (occasionally at fancy restaurants,) went to movies together, and had picnics in the park.

Case in point.
RastaPope said:
Was this a date, or two kids hanging out?
The arm touching and innuendo make it a date (and I'm defining date as a social outing involving two people who are attracted to each other). I've done the exact same evening with platonic guy friends, sans the innuendo. That bit makes it move to the next level.

In a strictly hypothetical sense, I'd suggest the next outing be a more formal event - set time, place, and the person asking pays for the evening. If the other person seems uncomfortable or lets up on the flirtatiousness, then the hypothetical guy will have a more definitive answer on the categorization of their relationship.
Theoretically, I'd call it a date. But what do I know.

I kick it with homeboys often, and we keep the inuendo to a zero-type level. No kissin' and all clownin'.
if he'd kissed her it woulda been a date. the next thing together would be a date regardless. time you two get together...Oh I mean, theoretically, the next time these two people get together, I think the guy should kiss the girl, or the girl kiss the guy, whatever. From what you've said, there is mutual attraction. PLus there was touching! Whenever a girl touches it almost always means she's interested.
If I'm reading between the lines, and I try, it seems what a lot of you might be missing is maybe the young man is younger than the woman....

If that's right, she may be shy about the whole idea and not realizeing what signals she's sending. He should proceed with caution but def say the next time out, while makeing future plans "It's a date then!" and then kiss her, if he feels that way, the time after that.
In keeping with the lines of theoretical, it has been determined that it was, in fact, a date.
So that means there should be some serious smoochin' on the next date, right?
MechaBlade said:
It was a date. Of course women can be really weird on their own personal decisions of what is a date and what is not, but rest assured, it was, for all intensive purposes (I'm using that phrase cuz it sounds good, not because I know what it means), a date.
Cliché buddy says "all intents and purposes."
