Question for Weird Harold


Lost Soul
Jan 2, 2002
Ok, you are the recognized tech genius of lit, so I am praying you might have the time to answer a really dumb question in very basic terms ie, click this button,do this etc.

I have been trying to take an image off a disk and include it in my posts and/or into my signature and have tried inserting it into img format etc as I dont want just an attachment.

Unfortunatly it just keeps coming up as typed words instead of what i want. So for the technologicly impaired, could you explain how please?
I"m not Harold, but I think I can help.

First the image in question has to be posted on the internet somewhere. You can't upload an image directly from your hard drive as a image in a post. has free image hosting, and signing up is free. Just upload the picture to your profile, then post it like any other pic.

Edit: Also, attatchements at Lit, for some reason, never show up as images in posts or sigs even with the /img tags.
sexylilmissie said:
Ok, you are the recognized tech genius of lit, so I am praying you might have the time to answer a really dumb question in very basic terms ie, click this button,do this etc.

I have been trying to take an image off a disk and include it in my posts and/or into my signature and have tried inserting it into img format etc as I dont want just an attachment.

Unfortunatly it just keeps coming up as typed words instead of what i want. So for the technologicly impaired, could you explain how please?

Star Of Penumbra is mostly correct -- the attachment function is configured to show a link insted of the image and an attachment cannot be used as the source for the IMG tags.

However, an old thread of mine named "Experiment in Progress" explains how to make an attachment show in your signature line using HTML IMG SRC syntax instead of the vB IMG tags. The first few posts have the step by step instructions you're looking for.

The reason Attachments don't show an image is that the size of the image attachment database here at Lit causes attachments to seriously slow down the board when showing images automatically is enabled.

If you choose to upload the image to a free site, remember that the IMG tgs require an image URL and NOT the HTML page the image is on -- the URL must end with JPG, GIF, PNG, TIF. (Other image formats might work, but the IMG function of the BB doesn't recognise all of the possible formats.)