Question for Mods in including firearms in a story


Literotica Guru
Apr 19, 2019
I have a possible story idea where the protagonist is forced to masturbate at gunpoint.

Would this be a bridge too far for the site's rules?

It would be a non-consent story, yet if the guy eventually enjoys what is happening it would be fine. Firearms are not prohibited. I have many stories with firearms, from handguns to space ships blowing each other up. Firearms are a part of life, no matter where you live.
It would be a non-consent story, yet if the guy eventually enjoys what is happening it would be fine. Firearms are not prohibited. I have many stories with firearms, from handguns to space ships blowing each other up. Firearms are a part of life, no matter where you live.
Yeah, I kind of figured that along the same lines, but just figured I'd ask first just in case.
I don't see a problem with that element alone being in the story.

(This isn't a question for the discussion board mods, by the way. They have nothing to do with content review on the story side.)