Question for gay bottoms: Does frequent anal penetration change or damage your rectum or bowels?


Literotica Guru
Aug 18, 2006
I've been reamed up the ass a few times, and it left me hurting for a few days after each time. It also effected my bowels movements. I'm asking what would happen if I got fucked regurarly, like a few times a week. Does your ass loosen up, so it hurts less with regular abuse? Does it loosen bowels forever?
Over time, a person does stretch and open much easier. I have no issues with incontinence whatsoever and have taken a fist in and out of me over twenty times in one setting. Loved every second of it.
I have frequent anal sex and have no long-term bowel issues, and I can't remember when was the last time I had any serious pain from anal penetration. My trans girlfriend fucks me several times a week and can enter me with minimal lubrication. Her cock is only about 13 cm long though. My male FWB, however, has a 26 cm cock that is rather thick as well. He fucks me usually once or twice a week but sometimes it's several weeks between our hookups. When we are together regularly, my ass does loosen to accommodate him and requires minimal lubrication - usually just a bit of spit does the trick. If it's been while since his wonderful cock has been inside me, my asshole does firm up a bit and I usually do a bit of prep with my anal plugs and a large dildo before he arrives. I love the pleasant mild soreness I feel for a day or two after he's been wrecking my ass. If my girlfriend fucks me after my FWB, she says it's like sticking her cock in the Harbour tunnel! Usually I top her on the days that my FWB has been inside me.