Question for Americans

How do you really feel about the EU support in the war on Terror?

  • What support?

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • Fuctards

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Hope they get nuked

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • What Support?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hope they just shut the fawk up!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They really are all like p_p_man

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Up there with REDWAVE!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What support?

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • I\'ll be there when it\'s their turn!

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • I\'m just unable to explain the depth of my disgust...

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Rural Racist Homophobe
Nov 29, 2001

How do you feel about Europe?
Your poll is an excellent example of the American 'democratic' process.
Thank you.
tee hee

A mirror image, eh? Just like the UN. The body you all hide behind you gutless cowards...

Coolville said:
Your poll is an excellent example of the American 'democratic' process.
Thank you.

Cool is 100% correct, Sin, You left out the obligatory "Other" I could vote and add "They are all Wankers!"

That's option 10. For those who can't find the proper words to express themselves... :D
SINthysist said:
tee hee

A mirror image, eh? Just like the UN. The body you all hide behind you gutless cowards...


possibly a generalisation? perhaps inserting the words "your governments" would be more on the ball?
No. They keep saying their governments are responsive to them, better than ours, more representative, well, if that's true, then they're hiding behind their governments, who are hiding behind the UN who are hiding behind yet another round of high-sounding but meaningles, toothless resolutions.

Gutless Cowards.
I'll give the Islands Blair. But that's just one brave, moral man standing against the crowd... But at least we have one true ally!
Glad to see that Mountain Man remembered us 'Brits' you know the ones who have stood with you from day the little island of the coast of Europe and not in Europe. :rolleyes:
SINthysist said:
No. They keep saying their governments are responsive to them, better than ours, more representative, well, if that's true, then they're hiding behind their governments, who are hiding behind the UN who are hiding behind yet another round of high-sounding but meaningles, toothless resolutions.

Gutless Cowards.

but everyone knows that any government doesnt really listen to the people. just a few token suggestions taken on board (spesh round election time) to keep the people sweet. politcs & polotitions , therefore governments, are not about the most truthful, its who can lie the most convincingly.
Blair is just to scared to piss off the country by kissing up to Europe any more than he already is, he knows that most of us hate Europe and the Euro thats why he's trying to show he is not a Franco/German poodle. Funny that because all our lefties say he is Bush's poodle instead, how short their memories are. I believe it was Churchill who stated that it was up to the English speaking countries to save the world. ;)
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Thieves, liars and cowards

we should bomb those lily-livered bastards too. specially the english
Mr Wolf nice editing!

The UK is massively overpopulated. This is all a cunning plan to kill off huge numbers of young men and women, leaving the rest of us to get richer selling guns to the Iraqi's, just like most wars the UK has.
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Crab, Either that or its Blair's way of getting more asylum seekers in so that he can be voted European of the Year! :p
War "ON" terror?

I've seen this same typo many many times. It's a War between terrorists, pure and simple.
A couple of towers was nothing..... quit whining, you Seppos.
Mr Wolf said:
he knows that most of us hate Europe and the Euro thats why he's trying to show he is not a Franco/German poodle. ;)

Now, please repeat that comment on everyone of p_p's threads.

We are not Europeans, never will be Europeans!
Must not forget the Italians, who are quietly being our allies.

Well, when they're not drinking espresso. ;)
Just when I tried to vote for "what support ?" Tony Blair appeared and guided me into the right direction... thanks Mr PM