Question about pregnancy tests


Professional Dufus
Jul 14, 2001
This isn't really a 'How To...", but more a general question. I figure this is as good a place to post question related material.

How long does one have to wait before they can take a pregnancy test? It doesn't apply to me personally, but since I'm writing an impregnation story, I'd like there to be a sense of realism rather then something that is way off.
Sorry, i can't really help, although i would guess you would need at least a week after sex to get an accurate test, cos sperm can stay alive for a few days, or so. My guess would be sometime more than a week, less than a month.
Hope that helps somewhat, sorry if it's too general.
flawed_ethics said:
How long does one have to wait before they can take a pregnancy test? It doesn't apply to me personally, but since I'm writing an impregnation story, I'd like there to be a sense of realism rather then something that is way off.

I think that depends on the brand/type of Pg test.

Suggestion: Go the the local drug store and read some packages to see what they say about timing.
Most tests are made to be taken at least three to four days after you miss your period. I know I've taken one sooner than that and it came out negative while I was actually pregnant.
Anytime after the expected time of your period should be fine. Unless you had unprotected sex a couple of days before your period, then you should wait until the next one. Hope I helped.
Alot of things can effect the results...

but most common brands of pregnancy tests allow you to test as early as the first day of a missed period- great if you have a period like clockwork but many women don't.

General rule of thumb is to wait until you are at least 5-7 days late before taking a home pregnancy test. This will allow time for any drugs which may have caused a delay in your cycle to pass thru your system or for any stress related delay to pass. It is also best to test with first morning urine as it will contain the highest concentration of Pregnancy hormone. Also bear in mind that any positive result with a urine test would have to be subsequently backed up with a blood test by an OBGYN to confirm no human error in home testing.

Hope that helps.
What Mstrskey said, with exception to the blood test. Usually the doctor will schedule you for another urine test first, and if that comes up positive will schedule another appointment for the bloodwork and whatnot.
Some general facts:

There are two ways to go about finding out if you are pregnant. Urine test or blood test. Both tests look for the presence of hCG, the pregnancy hormone.

Urine tests can generally detect the presence of hCG about 2 weeks after ovulation. Some more sensitive urine tests can tell if you are pregnant as early as 6 days after you conceive, or one day after you miss a menstrual period.

Blood tests are extremely accurate and much more reliable, sooner. There are two types of blood tests; a qualitative, which gives a simple yes/no answer and a quantitative, which measures the exact amount of hCG. It is actually the same test, the only difference is in the way it is reported out. Blood tests can detect the presence of hCG 6-8 days after ovulation.

Most of the doctors that I deal with all say the general rule of thumb, especially if you are anxious and want to know before you miss a period, use a urine test around three weeks after the date of supposed conception or a blood test about one to one and a half weeks after the date of supposed conception.

Wrong thread!! So sorry, but not an issue for me any longer.:rolleyes:

-kym- trying to back out of the thread quietly>>>shhhhhhh!!<<<
thanks y'all... inadvertent help to me... i MAY be pg, but i'm not testing 'til next week...