Question about marriage counseling...


Literotica Guru
Jan 15, 2001
Who has any experience with it? What in general goes on? Do they meet with each person separetly first? What can I expect?
It'sasecret said:
Can I get a ball park figure?
75.00 - 80.00 an hour
Or at least thats what psych eval shrinks bill themselves out as.
Actually, if you find a therapist within a Mental Health program or even a Marriage and Family therapy student within a University setting, most of the payment is sliding scale based.
Marital therapy, usually, consists of conjoint sessions. The unit is treated and rarely are partners separated. Then again, philosophy and therapy type plays a huge part in how your counseling sessions are presented.
It'sasecret said:
Who has any experience with it? What in general goes on? Do they meet with each person separetly first? What can I expect?

Each clinic and clinician has different procedures. Some meet with the individuals first before scheduling a session together. Others start right out with both parties.

Check refernences and ask a LOT of questions before commiting. The wrong counselor for you can do more damage than good. That doensn't mean that they are bad, just that they aren't right for you.

If both of you DON'T want this with all your heart, save your money. It doesn't work if one party is trying and the other is just going to the meetings. Call a lawyer instead.

Thank you! Anyone have any ideas about the things they ask you, ideas they offer you, what happens in a session etc...?
IN terms of cost:

Here it varies from a sliding fee scale that begins at $10 /hour to the higher prices already posted.

If you both want to make this work, then it is worth the money.

As far as what to expect.
They will need a bit of background info, nothing too intrusive.
Date of marriage
How did you meet
How are you going to pay? :D

A good therapist will ease into the more personal discussions. However, it is not time for you and your spouse to sit and bash one another or come up with ten things you both hate about one another.

You are more likely to find that they want to know what you like about one another first!

Anytime, I have evaluated a family for marital counseling, I have started with

"What attracted you to him/her in the first place?"
"What do you think made you fall in love?"
"Why get married?"
"Name three strengths about your spouse today."
"What do you hope to achieve with marital counseling?"

Essentially, most marriage had a time when it was good. Try to figure out when it was , what made it work and what has changed.

Oh shit....go to therapy! Dont' listen to me!

Those are the questions I am scared of. It sounds terrible but I really could not answer some of those questions such as: name three good things about your spouse. Don't get me wrong he is not a terrible person or anything but I just don't know...
Then you should think about what you want as the outcome, but not worry too much about what they will ask you. After all, many people they see are visiting for the first time. Go with the flow.
Lukky is right about that.

The counselor will also teach you how to talk to your spouse. I know, sounds kind of stupid, but the way we phrase ourselves usually starts fights, not the ideas or complaints we present.