Question about age / underage

Aug 20, 2013
I need help please.

I’ve read the rules about under-age sex depictions, yet I’ve read many stories on here referencing things that happened when the subject was underage.

I’m writing an incest/taboo category mother-son relationship story. It is central to the plot that Mom was date-raped at 17, and she reveals this to her son when he was 18. No graphic sexual acts are detailed.

Would this be acceptable? I could manipulate the ages, but it would really mess up my timeline.


And to save bulletin board space, I’ll be soon asking for a female VE to go over my draft for all the usual errors, plus the things I as a male am clueless about. The two characters are innocents, so they struggle with words and descriptions of sex. The story is currently under 9,000 words in MS Word format.

Thanks – this is the greatest site ever.
Why is it important that she was 17 when she was date raped?

That said, if you just say that, it probably will go through. If you describe it in any way, it won't.

But I think you should think about why it has to have happened at 17 and whether you are just trying to play to the underage crowd and get around the rules. If it has to happen while she's in high school, you are playing to the underage crowd and just wanting to get around the rules.
If the reveal of the date rape is straightforward, like "I was raped in high school," that should be fine. Any specific details will likely result in rejection.

I don't know why it's so important she be 17 -- 18 would be worse? -- but that's how you have to handle it.
Thanks for the quick responses SR71plt and PennLady.

I had wanted her to be 17 so that as her friends were preparing for their high school prom she was delivering her son in May. I wanted the son to be 18 in May for an enlistment into the military before he graduated high school as I did, but that's gratuitous and can be changed.

It was not my intent to appeal to the folks who would get off on the underage stuff. I've put so much work into this I'll just make her 18, and conceiving at the beginning of her senior year. The other timeline details, in the light of your comments don't seem to be all that important now.

I knew writing a story would be hard, but not as difficult as it has become.

Thanks so much .........
Plenty of people graduate high school at 18 or 19, so I don't think it should be an issue if you change her age.
I had a similar problem with the need for both characters to be high school juniors when they met, but found a couple of easy ways to handle the age issue and with just a minimal amount of extra story line.

Have your character held back or flunk a year so she is already 18 before the beginning of her senior year.

Another easy fix would be to have her birthday fall after the cut off to start school...say the first week of October...then have the date rape occur on her 18th birthday which would solve the time frame problem and add a little extra drama too.

And, as others have said, don't make it so difficult that you lose track of the objective.
And be honest with yourself what the objective is.

I think you need to realize that not everyone has an objective with this.

The author has an idea for his story. In his mind it is a realistic detail to have the mother raped in high school.

There is no titillation at all in the statement "I was raped back in Jumior year of High-school and was unable to attend the prom"

If you can find something sexually arousing about that, then perhaps you are the one with the objective.
Try reading what I actually posted. I posted that alluding to it happening is probably fine. If you have to make it a sex scene, you are playing to the underage crowd.
The issue is easy to get around by doing two things.

First and foremost, no sexual details. If you try to describe a sexual encounter in detail while letting the reader think they're under age then at that point you are looking for an under age "thrill"

Referencing just an event is fine, but I would avoid stating the age "It was a year before I graduated or it was the year of the junior prom."

You say I was 17 you're taking a chance.

Might want to add a disclaimer all characters involved in sexual situations are 18 and over.
Try reading what I actually posted. I posted that alluding to it happening is probably fine. If you have to make it a sex scene, you are playing to the underage crowd.

Try reading what the OP posted

No graphic sexual acts are detailed.

Therefore your "be honest with your objective" is out of line.

You do this often; trying to portray anyone who wants people to know their characters are alive before the ages of 18 as some kind of Pedo.

If those are your personal beliefs fine, but not everyone thinks that way
I was pinning down the issue. Your only interest is ragging on me and in hijacking threads to do so.

I can see why you are sensitive on such points--writing from a not so secret wish to torture and fuck your sister--which, happily for you, is permitted here as long as she isn't underage. But then maybe that's your real sensitivity on this issue. You'd like to write it underage as well. :rolleyes:
Thanks all for the advice. I've rearranged my timeline, and it seems to be working.

It's reassuring to know there are folks hear that are willing to help, I was on the verge of chucking the story but I'll soldier on.

The rules are simple that no sexual activity by under-18's should be described, but I don't see a mother telling her over-18 son she had been raped (without details) should cause a problem.
I had similar problems with one of my draft stories. For the plot I wanted a couple shunned by their village community for having a child before marriage, but they couldn't get married because she was under the age for marriage without parental consent.

At THAT time, the age when a man or woman could get married without parental consent was 21, so I could get her pregnant and give birth between her 18th birthday and her 21st, on which day she could marry.

But that fucked up the rest of the plot's timeline. I eventually had to draw up a date chart to work out what could happen when, with historical national events having an impact of the plot. I'm still not sure the historical dates work correctly but they didn't have underage sex by Lit rules.

Dorothy L Sayers has a cop-out in the introduction to one of her Lord Peter Wimsey detective stories. She says that fans will realise from some of the details that the action must have taken place about the same time as the Abdication Crisis when Edward VIII left the throne, but she doesn't mention anything about the Abdication. Her response - I'm writing fiction. Things happen in an imaginary world and I can ignore or include whatever I want.
Thanks oggbashan.

I think the whole issue of underage is complicated. I have seen at least 6 stories posted on here for up to 8 years that specifically, if not explicitly, mentioned sexual acts with subjects as young as 16 years old.

I just wanted to avoid any hassles for overworked editorial staff.

Like you, I had a detailed timeline - I used an excel spreadsheet. It's amazing how much work a six month change can incur when you're building a story around an event.

Here's a very useful website I used to keep track of my timeline:
Thanks oggbashan.

I think the whole issue of underage is complicated. I have seen at least 6 stories posted on here for up to 8 years that specifically, if not explicitly, mentioned sexual acts with subjects as young as 16 years old.

I just wanted to avoid any hassles for overworked editorial staff.

Like you, I had a detailed timeline - I used an excel spreadsheet. It's amazing how much work a six month change can incur when you're building a story around an event.

Here's a very useful website I used to keep track of my timeline:

Have you reported any of those stories mentioning sexual acts with subjects as young as sixteen?
I went to some considerable trouble to avoid breaking the Literotica rule and keeping all sexual activity until after the 18th birthday.

If you can avoid even the implication that sex occurred earlier than 18, it is easier for you and Literotica.
No, I didn't report them as they were not all that explicit, and have been posted for years.

I assumed they fell within the guidelines, my OP was trying to ascertain for myself where the lines were.

Having said that, I think I could have probably kept my original story line of a woman describing events that led up to an underage date rape. Not wanting problems, I chose a discretionary way around it.