Quesion About Babies



In my Zombies 2 series an infant is growing older. Maybe six months old in the story now. Never had any kids. What traits would a six-month old have? Would they be crawling, trying to stand up, exploring their environment? Still breast feeding or eating soft foods, or both? Walking yet? I wouldn't think so but I don't know.

Any parents out there who can assist?

Thanks in advance, would like the story to be plausible.
In my Zombies 2 series an infant is growing older. Maybe six months old in the story now. Never had any kids. What traits would a six-month old have? Would they be crawling, trying to stand up, exploring their environment? Still breast feeding or eating soft foods, or both? Walking yet? I wouldn't think so but I don't know.

Any parents out there who can assist?

Thanks in advance, would like the story to be plausible.

Question: given that it's a zombie story, are we to assume that things like formula and foods made just for toddlers don't exist?

With the giant asterisk that every kid is different, at six months mine refused all solid food and was still on breast/formula--I know some babies will eat things like mashed potatoes, rice cereal, and other really mushy foods at six months, but mine acted like that was torture and made some awesome faces when we tried potatoes. Some kids crawl at 6 months, others don't--I think mine did at 7, but at 6 she was pulling herself around the floor on her belly and rocking back and forth on all fours. It was like she was in training or something.

I think 6 months is way too young to be walking or trying to walk.

Mine was also at her fattest at six months--she'd done nothing but eat for six months, with no real exercise to speak of. It was impressive. She started slimming down after she started crawling.

They are definitely smiling and making other facial expressions. They recognize parents--mine cried when we left, and hated being held by other people. Mine slept through the night by six months; others might not.

And no real words--just a lot of gurgling, laughing, crying, etc.
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Like Tatyana said, every baby is different. You could look at a site like babycenter.com if you wanted rough milestones.

By 6mos, they are probably sitting up, and could be sitting up unassisted (not sure of the exact time there). Could have a couple of teeth, but if not would likely be teething and drooling a lot in preparation for the teeth. Six months would be very young for walking, and possibly young for crawling but I wouldn't raise an eyebrow at that.

I started my kids on baby food -- like rice cereal -- around five months. A lot of pediatric guidelines recommend breast feeding for the first year, so the kid would be nursing or on formula (if it could be had) at that point. Kids shouldn't have real milk until a year or so.

Other things as Tatyana noted that are reasonable at six months are smiling, laughing, recognizing people, sleeping through the night, also reaching for and grasping objects.
Ours were just getting to the point where they were beginning to want to crawl at around six months. Trying to get to their feet or walk is roughly around a year. Although some might reach this milestone at 9 months, others might not get there until a year and half. The timing really means nothing. Every infant is different but by and large they all get there eventually, and when they hit milestones like these - early, on time, or late - really has no bearing on much of anything.

Ours were on breast milk for about a year, although by six months they would accept other very, very soft foods. I would assume that since this is a zombie baby that its first solid food would be pureed human brains.
I've heard that kids with older siblings reach all these milestones a lot faster. So if the baby is the only baby around, I'd err on the side of fewer milestones reached.

I would assume that since this is a zombie baby that its first solid food would be pureed human brains.

Mmmmm . . . pureed brains.

Obviously too young for chianti, but I hope the poor kid at least gets some pureed fava beans.
In my Zombies 2 series an infant is growing older. Maybe six months old in the story now. Never had any kids. What traits would a six-month old have? Would they be crawling, trying to stand up, exploring their environment? Still breast feeding or eating soft foods, or both? Walking yet? I wouldn't think so but I don't know.

Any parents out there who can assist?

Thanks in advance, would like the story to be plausible.

I'm no expert on child development--I can comment only on my two kids. Milk and/or formula was still the dietary staple for both at that age, but both would eat soft foods like applesauce or vegetables that had been run through a blender. Neither could say actual words but both were heavily into nonsense words and trying to crawl. They didn't get the hang of walking until somewhere around a year of age. And, yeah, the younger one did seem to get everywhere a little quicker--maybe he really was emulating his "big" sister.
I would imagine a zombie child's first word would be "Braaains!" :D
I would assume that since this is a zombie baby that its first solid food would be pureed human brains.

ROFL! No, a human baby. The product of a love story between two survivors in an empty world after a pandemic and they run into zombies much later in the series.

I started my kids on mixed ceareal/oatmeal in a bottle at 3 months. I tried everything to get them to sleep more than four hours a crack. About 5 months it was babyfood plus. (i breastfed, so would pump and add the ceareal, slit the nipples of the bottles so the thicker consistancy would go through)

Both my girls would repeat sounds by six months. Dada mmamma. They were rolling, scooting (half crawling) etc by six months. My oldest walked at 10 months she was such a peanut it just looked crazy. My youngest walked at 12 months. Walking is related to balance, which is related to size. Smaller children generally walk sooner than bigger ones.

They could sit at six months, they loved help standing, or tried to pull themselves up even if they didnt succeed. Lots of head bumps. Lol

Poking eyes, pulling hair, singing, grabbing things to manipulate, everything in their mouths. Loved to be moving to sleep, swings, cars, just being held and walked, strollers.

Lol there was a baby boy at one of my daughters choir concerts about six months that would belt out loud singsong like sounds, as if mimicing the choir. That was a hoot.

By about six months they are discovering the world exists and learning hand/eye cordination, vocalization, as well as trying to get around to get to the things that grab their curiosity. They do interact with others, are more aware. My girls both were talking full sentances by two. (simple ofcourse, and you needed to be used to their accent to understand)

Watch some you tube with babies at a variety of ages, you may get a better idea of how to write the baby in. Babies do have unique personallities, just limited ways to communicate. If it wont be a main char, dont worry to much about what they can or cant do, if it will be a main focus, invest in a child development book to reference back to. :) Remember too, there is room for error as long as its not waaayyy off. Every child is different.
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In my Zombies 2 series an infant is growing older. Maybe six months old in the story now. Never had any kids. What traits would a six-month old have? Would they be crawling, trying to stand up, exploring their environment? Still breast feeding or eating soft foods, or both? Walking yet? I wouldn't think so but I don't know.

Any parents out there who can assist?

Thanks in advance, would like the story to be plausible.

Don't get out much among breeders, eh?
Yeah, pretty much every thing that TheFamiliar said happened with us as well.
There are a lot of generalities, but as others have pointed out every baby is different. Some begin crawling at 1 year or later (bigger babies). Most seem to be crawling around 6 months, or at least rolling or pushing or pulling themselves into position. At 6 months they grab anything within reach, especially if an adult reacts to it (good or bad reaction is all the same to a 6 month old). Some seem willing to eat any soft food put in front of them while others want to stick with nursing - leaving the soft food in a variety of unexpected places.
Also in general, girls seem to socialize earlier than boys. At 6 months our daughter was trying to let you know by sounds and reaching for something that she wanted it. At the same age our son would get angry with us because we couldn't read his mind.
Some kids at 6 months are very oriented to someone familiar, especially Mommy sometimes - sigh, while others show no fear of strangers whatsoever.
Strange noises and sights catch and hold their attention. Sudden loud noises startle them.
At 6 months, they all seem to love moving animals and woe to any feline or canine that wanders too near.
At this age, they haven't a clue about cause and effect, although they're getting close to figuring it out...
They do know exactly what buttons to push to get you to feed them, especially the girls.
My son reached six-months this last week, he's my first child and I have no experience of babies other than him so I really don't know how much of this is true of most six-month-olds but: he's just about ready to crawl but getting around pretty well on his stomach, he's sleeping less, he's eating mushy solid food and in the last month he's gone from babbling to trying to articulate actual words, I swear to god yesterday I got him to repeat 'hello daddy' to me. I hope that helps.

And yes, his mother and I do try to get him to say 'braaaaaaiiiiiiins', we're young* parents and heavily tattooed, people already stare, what the hell else are we gonna do?

*Young for where we live, I'm 30, she's 26, yeah, that's young apparently.
Don't get out much among breeders, eh?

No. The wife and I are pretty much socially isolated. I'm retired military and had friends active-duty but those relationships are only brief. No real friends to speak of, the few we have the kids are older but not enough to have kids of their own.

Just wanted to keep the details of the story realistic so I asked. That's all. I can't tell from your post if you're just being funny or otherwise. But thanks for the response regardless.
In my Zombies 2 series an infant is growing older. Maybe six months old in the story now. Never had any kids. What traits would a six-month old have? Would they be crawling, trying to stand up, exploring their environment? Still breast feeding or eating soft foods, or both? Walking yet? I wouldn't think so but I don't know.

Any parents out there who can assist?

Thanks in advance, would like the story to be plausible.

Zombie food.