Queen of the Centaurs: The Rising (Closed for milkmaiden38)


Really Experienced
Dec 17, 2012
Queen of the Centaurs: The Rising (Closed for milkmaiden88)

A few decades have past since the Centauromachy, a great battle between the Lapiths, a legendary Aoelian tribe, and the Centaurs. It was during the wedding feast for Hippodamia, the beautiful Lapith bride-to-be, and Pirithous, the King of the Lapithae, when the Centaurian-kind conducted a brazen attack at the festive celebration.

Interactions between the Lapithae and Centaurian tribes were rather peaceful; both human and beast managed to share the land together with mutual respect. Thus, the kind-hearted and noble Pirithous invited the Centaurs to his glorious wedding day. However, the king's decision would prove unwise when the Centaurs had overstayed their welcome.

The Centaurs were unfamiliar with such festive and opulent celebrations; their minds became clouded by the sweet honey of the wine while their hearts grew heavy with envy as their lustful eyes stared at the beautiful Lapith women. It was when the drunk Eurytion, a leader of one of the many Centuarian clans that were invited to the wedding, made for Hippodamia. The rather large stud took a liking to the bride, and pinned her down when she retreated momentarily from the festivities. It was when the non-consenting female fought against his advances, that Eurytion aggressively forced himself on her and proceeded to rape her.

Luckily for Hippodamia, Pirithious had notice the absence of his bride and went to search for her. Hence, Pirithious disrupted Eurytion's advances on his bride. In an ill-fated attempt, Eurytion tried to kidnap Hippodamia, only to drop her from his grip as he was being chased by the infuriated king. The Lapith men and warriors quickly rallied in support of their king and quickly ousted the Centurian-kind from the wedding grounds. The Centaurs fled away, however, that would not be the end of Pirithious' fury.

Pirithious waged a campaign which forced the Centaurs out of Thessaly; the Lapiths and Centaurs soon became mortal enemies as man and creature fought to the bitter end. As the beasts retreated into the neighboring lands, the vengeful king found it harder to follow and track down the Centaurs. The Centaurs eventually found a safe haven in the woodlands, where they held off the assaulting Lapith army and staged counter-attacks of their own.

It seemed that both parties were now at a stand-still. Pirithius eventually settled with the disbanding of the Centurian kingdom that had once shared Thessaly with the Lapithae; the five year campaign finally came to an end but not without heavy losses on either side. Both the Lapithae and Centaurs developed their hatred for one another and continued to brew this hatred with the next generations born. Seeds of hate were sewn at an early age for the youth on both sides. Skirmishes would occur whenever the Lapith and Centaur crossed paths, but even these became more isolated as the Centaurian-kind dwindle in numbers. The end would seem imminent for the legendary Centaurs.
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The Introduction of Drago of the Boulder Clan

To the south of Thessaly, was Elis, a Greek district that shared the Peloponnesos peninsula. A significant portion of the Centurian population fortified their stance in Elis and made the Foloi Oak Forests of Elis their home. The Centaurs that occupied these woodlands were then divided into five clans: the Boulder Clan, Leaf Clan, Fire Clan, Wind Clan, and the Spirit Clan. Each clan had been ruled by a dominant male Centaur or often referred to as the stud or stallion. The clan sizes ranged from ten to thirty individuals at most.

The stud would be responsible for the welfare of his clan and would represent his clan during the Council of the Clans. The Council of the Clans hosted the leaders of the five clans and would be held in secrecy to discuss issues regarding the Centurian nation, the network between the Centurian clans that occupied the various Greek districts. The Council of the Clans also provided a medium for negotiating local disputes between the clans. For a time, there was much unity between the clans and affairs were good.

However, as the decades past, petty conflicts between the clans and individualism bred hate and resentment. The clans began to openly fight each other; these battle would spread through the Centaurian nation like a virus. Furthermore, the clans began to see the influences of humans within their sheltered communities; wine and other human crafted weapons and trades soon found its way into the Centaur lifestyle.

Inner-clan conflict also spread within each clan like a virus as individuals gave in to their greed and emotions. Soon each clan grew increasingly withdrawn. The Council of Clans began to break apart, which further severed communication and ties between the groups. As if matters could not have gotten worst, the population of Centaurides, or female Centaurs, mysteriously began to dwindle. The limited availability of fertile and prospect mares became a concern for the males. The natural order of the clan allowed the clan stallion to have breeding rights to the Centaurides. This champion steed would often proclaim a brood mare, who acted as the matriarch of the clan. With the sudden decrease in females, Centaurian males began to brutally fight to the death with each other. At times, lesser studs even resorted to rape in order to continue their lineage. It was a dire time for the Centaurs.

Drago, the leader of the Boulder Clan, had a relatively difficult task of ruling his herd; not including himself, the Boulder clan was rather small with three mature and battle ready males and two fertile females making up the herd. Many individuals of his clan were lost during his youth; the males were slaughtered when fighting to defend the clan territory, while the females were often kidnapped by other clans. The reigns to the clan were passed down to Drago from his father, who managed to keep the group together.

Unlike his father, Drago's rule was plagued with unloyalty and mutiny, making it difficult to manage his clan which was on the verge of extinction. The other three males joined together and often tried to oust him from his leadership. Despite multiple attempts, Drago was able to put the males in their places. More recently, Drago found it difficult to keep the males in check while keeping a watchful eye on his females, both to whom he was married to. Indeed, being a Centurian clan leader was no easy task.

On this particular day, Drago sensed that the males were looking for trouble. Silently and skillfully, Drago stalked the other males as they wandered to edge of their clan's territory. It was in these lands where the Centaurs risked encounters with the human kind. The Centaurian nation had made the trade with humans forbidden. This was law and any violation was punishable by death. As a clan leader, it was Drago's responsibility to enforce it. Drago watched quietly from the shadows, keenly observing his subjects.
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Several miles outside of the township of Lire, a beautiful woman rode slowly on her horse trailing three other men. All of them, including their horses, appeared battle-worn and caked with dirt and filth in various places. The woman was soon joined by one of the main group riders stopping and waiting for her. The rider had a large axe strapped on his back. They rode next to one another, as the man with the axe started up a conversation.

“Ivana, you appear sad … what is wrong … we won another battle!” Ivana did not answer right away. After a moment, she turned her sparkling blue eyes to him as she pushed her hand through her long blonde hair.

“Rambel, I’m thinking about the men, we killed. Some of them might have had families or friends … those people now hate us. And will send out fighters to kill us. In turn we send out more fighters … all this seems like an endless cycle of death. Will it never end?” She spoke to him, but her mind almost seemed elsewhere, lost in a thought.

Rambel laughed and clapped her on the back “Stop thinking so hard … you’ll make yourself crazy. The people we killed were evil, the king told us so. It is his desire for us to rid the world of them. It is that simple.”

Ivana repositions herself on her horse, sitting up straighter and wiped a light sweat from her brow. Her skin tight leather pants hugged her sexy hips, a thick utility belt added focus to her slim erotic waist. Her top was a tight leather vest with leather ties in the front. It molded across her large heavy breasts, the top of the vest was not closed, so it show off her deep cleavage, and beautiful curves of her breasts. She pulled a small drinking bag from her saddle and drank the water.

“You are right, Rambel my good friend. If the king tells us to kill something, we should not ask why … we should just kill it.” She did not believe a word she just said, but Rambel mind did not think in terms of sarcasm.

"Hey you two … stop falling behind …I want to get to Lireville by nightfall" another rider spoke up, "I need some strong mead, and some hot wenches! So hurry up!" The other riders laugh at this comment. “Hot wenches?? … I’d like something with a few more muscles and maybe a long hard throbbing horn!” Ivana added to more laugher.

The group of fighters entered the Foloi Oak Forests. Lurking in the forests were some creatures that can be a menace to travelers, as some travelers have been robbed and killed. But this group of fighters were well armed and most creatures would not bother with a group like this. Or so they thought.
The Ambush at Foloi

Cerebus, along with Stratos and Eros, stalked the boundary of the Boulder clan’s territory. The light from the sun peered through the slender limbs, trunks, and dense foliage of the forest canopy as the three males made their way toward the edge of Foloi Oaks. Signs of recent deforestation and human encroachment onto Centaur lands were apparent and increasingly common. As the human population expanded like wild fire so did their consumption of wood and arable land; the entire Greek peninsula provided fertile land from the volcanic ashes of Mount Pelion in Thessaly. As the beasts remained hidden amongst the woods, careful not to expose themselves, the naked landscape appeared before them leading into a vast plain. The human civilization was not far off; the small town of Lireville can be spotted from a distance with smoke billowing from the various blacksmiths and shops.

Unlike most other towns, Lireville had been completely cut-off from the rest of the ruling kingdom, being largely surrounded by the Foloi Oaks. Due to its isolated state, the town had received little support from its ruling king and left to fend for itself. Despite all this, the town faired really well with little governance from the ruling noble class. The townsmen had learned to adapt and survive even with the fact of brutal beasts lurking in the nearby Foloi Oak Forest. Many of the villagers comprised of the warrior class who pride themselves in craftsmanship and swordsmanship. The only paths in and out of Lireville require passing through Foloi Oaks, which everyone knew was ruled by the Centaurs. To outsiders, Foloi Oaks was intimidating and many dare not venture through it. However, the town had learned to defend themselves against marauding Centaurs and develop tactics to defend their coveted trade caravans that connected them with the rest of the human civilization.

After briefly observing the rather quiet town, Cerebus, Stratos, and Eros strode off, disappearing back into the safety net of the woods. Cerebus was an intimidating figure like the rest of the Centurian males of the Boulder clan. Compared to Stratos and Eros, Cerebus was indeed larger and presented a brutish appearance. From waist up, Cerebus was all brawn and muscle; the crème colored skin of his human half was accented by the toned trimmings of his muscular outfit. His head had been crowned with short dark curls. His equine coat was colored a blood bay and presented a fit stallion, much like that of Stratos and Eros. Stratos and Eros, on the other hand, although smaller in size were forces to be reckoned with.

All three males bore the scars and wounds of their battles, and the unique lashes from Drago’s whip when he has to put them in line. Stratos and Eros look remarkably similar, due to the fact that they are both blood brothers from the same father and mother. In fact, Cerebus, Stratos, and Eros were all relatives to the clan leader, Drago, which further explained Drago’s reluctance in killing them, putting an end to their long-lived lives. Cerebus was the outcast brother of Drago; both Cerebus and Drago shared the same father, however Cerebus was born from a lesser mare while Drago was the prime inheritor of the clan stallion position from being born to the brood mare. Meanwhile, Stratos and Eros were Drago’s nephews; they are the sons of Luthor, Drago’s younger brother from the same mother. Luthor himself was slain in a battle with another Centaur, thus surviving by his sons. This complex relationship between the males of the Boulder clan continually evolved as Cerebus conspired with Stratos and Eros to overthrow Drago.

However, the devious males were not focused on overthrowing Drago on this particular day. Their heightened senses alerted them to some foreign visitors to their realm. The males quickly moved through the woods in effort to assert their dominance of these lands; foreigners, or those whom were not of the Centaurian species, to the Foloi Oak Forest were considered threats to their sanctuary, especially the humans. The males came upon a densely wooded hill overseeing a traveled path below. The path was flanked by hills other either side; it was the perfect kill-zone for the Centaurian ambushers.

Cerebus immediately spotted a group of mounted human riders. Their boisterous voices permeated the woods as if they did not fear the beasts that lurked the woods. The metal of their crafts and weaponry clanked together obnoxiously as they rode through the woods. Cerebus identified one of the human riders as female, while the other three were male. The Centurian males have fought against larger human parties many times before and have overcome them for a certain victory despite being outnumbered the majority of the time. The size of this band of fighters did not seem to concern Cerebus and the brothers; they were more intrigued by the female. Indeed, the human female would be a great prize and battle trophy for the males.

The Centaurs waited for the riders to enter the small valley carved into the hills by the path. The crème colored tone of their human flesh and the bay colored coat of the equine half helped blend them in suitably to the wooded environment. The large beasts waited still, controlling their heart rate as they waited in ambush. Cerebus and the brothers were able to sense the uneasiness of the tamed equines as the mounted humans entered into their kill zone; the horses were reluctant to proceed any further into the woods and providing their masters quite the challenge in their efforts to control them.

As if on cue, the Centaurs untied the delicately woven slings that were secured to their waist and loaded them with the rocks found on the forest floor. Taking precise aim, the Centaurs turned the seemingly harmless stones into lethal projectiles. A well placed shot found its designated mark, as it smashed into the temple of one of the male riders, cracking the human’s skull, fatally wounding him. Before the fighters realized what was happening, the Centaurs secured larger stones into the slings and tied them into the sling seat in order to use their slings like maces to pulverize their enemy.

The Centaurs rushed the mounted humans from the hilltop. Their equine hooves pounded the hillside in a thunderous manner, shaking the ground from their united assault. As the humans regained their composure and bearings, one of the mounted riders responded to the ambush with a counter-attack. A well-crafted spear pierced the air, soaring with remarkable direction, before plunging through the ribcage of Stratos, ripping through the fibers, tissues, and muscles of his human torso and shredding his heart. The spear continued to travel through Stratos before its journey was halted when it entered the equine portion of his body. Stratos immediately collapse; his lifeless form tumbled into the earth while both human and equine limbs flailed lifelessly around before his deceased body came to a halt on the hillside.

Infuriated by the death of his brother, Eros spearheaded the rush, racing past Cerebus as he crashed into one of the mounted male riders, followed shortly by Cerebus who violently engaged the remaining male fighter.
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Ivana and Rambel had still been trailing when the ambush hit. A stone had stuck Artuis and knocked him from his horse. After hitting the ground, he did not move. Barbelius yelled and threw his spear, but at what? Ivana thought. Who was attacking them?

Then she saw the attackers … Centaurs!! The horsemen were racing to down the hillside to attack them. Rambel drew his axe and charge his horse at one of the approaching centaurs.

Barbelius engaged the other one. Ivana drew her Calvary sword and charged forward straight at the Centaur, Barbelius was fighting. Rambel was a great fighter and could take care of himself. There were yells and the clanking of metal on metal as the men and centaurs battled.

The centaur moved quickly to his right, and parried the first stroke by Barbelius. The centaur, his lips drawn back in an evil smile, stabbed his sword into Barbelius’s horse. The horse reared up and threw him to the ground. Ivana saw he was in trouble and screamed at the creature “Hey pick on someone your own size!”

The centaur turned to face Ivana, Barbelius got to his feet and rushed to help. Ivana saw the danger he was in and yelled “NOOOOO” but it was too late. The centaur kicked backwards with both his hind legs … having his full strength behind it, the hooves smashed right through the Barbelius’ studded armor. The human was thrown backwards, his chest crumpled in and blood was splattered all over the hind quarter of the centaur.

Ivana circled to the right as the centaur circle around the other direction. He was grinning wickedly and continued to circle around. No human and horse rider could out ride a centaur … Ivana knew that … so she suddenly dashed at the centaur on her left. Her sword swing missing as the centaur ducked, but in her other hand she had her dagger and ripped it into his side and his hindquarter. The centaur’s blood joining the blood from Barbelius.

“That was for killing Barbelius! Horsehead!” The wound was deep, but probably not life threating. The centaur shifted as he turned to attack Ivana. The centaur thrust his sword forward, just missing her as it skittered off Ivana’s leather armor. Ivana kicked her mount and it rammed into the centaur … The creature stumbled backwards and was knocked off his feet.

Ivana turned to see Rambel axe cut into the upper arm of the centaur he was battling, another deep wound but not life threating. The centaur batted the human's axe away and swung at the human’s knee. Rambel could not get his guard up in time and the centaur’s stroke took his leg off.

“NOOOOO” Ivana yelled … as Rambel fell to the ground, desperately trying to stem the flow of blood from his stump. The centaur quickly stepped around the fallen man and lopped off his arm above the elbow. Before Rambel could even scream, another swing, and he cleaved the man’s skull in two.

Ivana was alone against two centaurs, both of them wounded, but both were still deadly!
Drago Claims the Female

Wounded and exhausted, Cerebus and Eros took a moment to tend to their wounds; both beasts looked over the deep cuts into their flesh inflicted by the strange weapons. Indeed, the weapons used by the Centaurs were outmatched by those developed by the humans; while the Centurian weapons were rather primitive and crude, the humans were constantly perfecting their tools of war which exacted fear and unnecessary pain upon their enemies. It was apparent that their technology was improving as both Cerebus and Eros received rather serious wounds; it will take a couple of months for both Centaurian warriors to fully heal. With blood still trickling from the exposed cuts, the Centaurs shifted their focus on the lone female fighter. Even though both Centaurs had been severely wounded, the warriors were nonetheless still in the fight.

Sensing the human female's growing fear, Cerebus snickered and advanced upon the mounted female. Even with his disabled arm, Cerebus showed no fear toward the armed female who had skillfully wounded Eros. Eros, who received a deep cut into his side and hindquarters, stumbled as the Centaur male fought to gain his balance while he helped Cerebus corner the female. Cerebus watched the female, intently waiting for her to let her guard down. Cerebus and Eros eventually backed the female fighter against the dense shrubbery as they gained the strategical advantage. Eros stumbled on the broken bedrock beneath him, causing the female to shift her focus on the impaired Centaur. Cerebus took advantage of the situation, rushing the mounted female. As Cerebus crashed into her horse, he swung his arm into her form, knocking her off her mount, causing her to land hard onto her back. Subsequently, the female fighter lost grasp of her two weapons. The female's mount reared in discomfort; as the horse landed onto its forelegs, it fled into the woods. Cerebus immediately moved over the female, his brutish form towered over her.

Eros advanced seeing that Cerebus had disarmed the female. Both Cerebus and Eros smirked at each other, knowing that the disarmed female would be unable to put up a fight without her weapons; the males would easily overpower her despite their wounded state. Soon the males would be able to have their way with the human female.

Their victory was short-lived as Drago emerged from the shadows and assaulted the unsuspecting Eros. Drago was a force to be reckoned with; his overwhelming sized dwarfed Cerebus in all aspects. The dark bay color of his equine half represented the champion stallion bloodline that he carried. Despite bearing the wounds and scars of innumerable battles, Drago was rather well groomed. His eyes held a set of amber orbs which was contrasted by the darkened edges of his eyelids. Dark hair crowned Drago's head; it was groomed back and tied into a neat pony tail. The dark facial hair around his rigid skull structure was trimmed, while he allowed a patch of hair to grow under his chin; this goatee was subsequently braided into a singular strand.

Eros provided little resistance as Drago hugged his muscular torso against that of Eros while Drago had his arm choking Eros' neck. While the massive stud slowly suffocated the younger male, Drago eased Eros' suffering as the clan leader plunged a Centurian blade through Eros' human back, twisting the blade through Eros' beating heart. Drago released Eros, allowing the lifeless Eros to collapse to the ground.

Cerebus sneered, wielding his blade toward Drago. The brothers looked at each other with disdain as Cerebus positioned himself between Drago and his female prize. Drago bellowed a deep chuckle, dropping his blade to the ground, taunting Cerebus with his inherent brute strength. The massive stud flexed his muscular human torso, and stretched his massive neck from side to side. "I will end your life with my bare hands," Drago exclaimed as he smiled at the wounded Cerebus. "Drago claims the female."

Enraged by Drago's taunt, Cerebus rushed toward Drago. As both stallions collide, the sheer force of their bodies impacting sent ripples through their equine pelts which stretched tight over their engorged muscles. During the collision, both males reared up into the air. Drago, who was significantly larger, grappled and locked arms with Cerebus before he was able to swing on Drago. Drago let forth a swift headbutt which jolted Cerebus' cranial structure causing the smaller male to ungrapple with Drago. As both stallions landed back onto ground upon their equine pistons, Cerebus regained his composure and countered Drago, swinging his blade around in a slashing motion. The blade found the upper shoulder of Drago's left arm, producing a medium cut and opening a fresh wound causing Drago to back away from Cerebus. Unfazed by the wound, Drago smirked in response to Cerebus' weak attack.

Cerebus rushed Drago, swinging the Centurian blade over his head aimed at Drago's skull. Drago brought up his arm, blocking the momentum of the blade with the brute strength of his arm. Drago's bracers around his forearms sparked as the blade came in contact with the metal bindings. The blades path continued down the length of the bracer before it sailed into the air missing its intended target. Drago swung his torso around issuing a heavy blow to Cerebus' head with the elbow of his non-blocking arm. Stunning the weakened Cerebus, Drago easily pried and wrestled the blade from Cerebus' control.

With newly equipped weapon, Drago slashed the blade up toward Cerebus' neck. The sharpened edge of the blade immediately tore through the soft flesh of Cerebus' neck. Blood exploded from Cerebus' neck as the blade ripped through the male's jugular. As the bloodied blade emerged from the other side of the neck, Cerebus' head fell to the earth below, followed by the rest of his lifeless body. Blood sputtered out from Cerebus' decapitated form, pooling around the body. "I should have finished you a long time ago brother," Drago spoke to the beheaded Cerebus.

Drago's attention was now turned to the female. "Drago claims you." A stern look appeared across Drago's face. "What is your name?"
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Ivana was furious at herself, her fall from the horse had knocked the wind out of her, and by the time her breath had returned the centaur stallion stood over her asking for her name. She did not even have time to recover her weapons. Why hadn't she paid more attention? She should have seen the other centaur punching her off her horse. She could have ducked the blow. Stupid, stupid!! Now she was caught and there was nothing she could do about it.

“I am Ivana, of the king’s forward guard.” She said proudly as her sparkling blue eyes stared into his eyes. She took a moment to brush her long blonde hair from her face. “May I stand?”

The Centaur nodded “yes”

Ivana stood up, a little sore but ok. Her tight leather vest with leather ties in the front had been cut. Although it still covered her large heavy breasts, it was held closed by a single leather tie. The stallion was seeing most of the beautiful curves of her breasts.

“Are you going to kill me?” She asked.

“No” The centaur said gruffly “I take you to my camp. Now turn around”

She turned around and he got a wonderful view of her sexy rump covered by her skin tight leather pants that hugged her sexy hips. He reached down and tied her hand together.

Then he pushed her in the direction he wanted her to go. “Walk that way” he said. As Ivana walked, Drago picked up her weapons. Then he followed her, making sure he stayed behind her.

Ivana was thinking about all the crazy stories she had heard about Centaurs. She had never encountered any before. Older soldiers had spoken about the wars with the centaurs. How they were amazing fighters and noble in their own way. Of course the older stories could never be trusted; too many things got changed in the telling. She did remember one tale about captured men getting fucked to death by the stallions’ huge cocks! Ouch!
Breaking Ivana

Drago allowed Ivana to rise to her feet. Although she was human, Drago had a deep respect and admiration for her warrior spirit and loyalty; even in his intimidating presence, she expressed her allegiance to her now, former human ruler and provided subtle hints to her role as a servant and protector of her people.

Nonetheless, she was his property now and her life was in his hands. If Drago released the captive, she would surely not survive the night in Foloi. Sparing her life, Drago decided to take her back to the relative safety of his camp. He commanded her to turn around while he reached down to tie Ivana's hands behind her back with the woven sling that had been secured around his waist. Drago finished securing the female's hand, tying a firm knot around her delicate human wrists. The massive male commanded Ivana to walk in the general direction of his camp. Drago followed closely behind the female, securing her weapons as the couple cleared the area and leaving the bodies of the dead where they were.

Drago kept a watchful eye on Ivana as the pair moved through the Foloi Oak Forest. Ivana would occasionally look back to the towering stud for confirmation that she had been walking in the right direction since she took point and had no idea where she was; the Centaur simply nodded to the human when they briefly locked eyes only for Ivana to return her focus on the increasingly monotonous trail.

Drago was in no hurry to make his way back to the camp. Indeed, the male Centaur enjoyed the physical attributes of his female captive. Ivana was indeed a remarkable specimen; her head was crowned with flowing locks of blonde hair while her face had been adorned with a beautiful pair of blue eyes which came from an exclusively human gene. Compared to Centaurides, Ivana, along with other human females, possessed rather large sets of breasts. Centaurides possessed rather small breasts, and like their distant female equine relatives, mainly fed their young from the udders that were present on their equine underbelly.

The adrenaline that had pumped through the champion stud's veins settled, but was soon substituted with Drago's arousal as he watched Ivana tread across the forest ground. The swaying of the female's rump entranced the stallion, while his eyes feasted on the back view of Ivana's massive set of mammaries. Despite being tethered and confined within her leather vest, Ivana's massive globes were quite visible as one stared at her back. Indeed, human females had been particularly alluring to the Centaurs.

There was a history, filled with many stories, of cross-species love and sexual intercourse between the Centaurs and humans. Gender had been quite irrelevant as both male and females from either species courted each other. In rare instances throughout this history, offspring between these two species were produced; human females impregnated by Centaurs would give birth to bi-pedal human babies while Centaurides impregnated by human males gave birth to foals with a human torso. These offspring, often referred to as "halflings" or "donkeys" by the humans, became social outcasts within their human society. Meanwhile, foals fathered by a human, was accepted by the Centurian clans rather well, despite the Centaurs' hatred toward the humans. Certain clans aimed to keep their champion bloodline pure and untainted, did not recognize the validity of offspring between their purebloods and the crossbreeds. However, this interspecies love and mating became taboo after the Centauromachy. As both Centurian and human kingdoms distanced from each other, these practices soon disappeared.

Contrarily, stories of brutal and atrocious sexual acts being committed by the Centaurs were rumoured and often used to spread fear amongst the humans which further fueled their hatred toward the Centurian kind. Some of these tales of battle had been true. During the initial skirmishes at Foloi when Pirithious' army pursued the Centaurs, the humans suffered heavy casualties. Some Centuarian warriors had boasted in their victories and sought to embarrass the human men whom were once their brethren. The adrenaline-filled Centaurs would brutally sodomize the defeated human fighters. Most of these men did not survive their brutal rape; the size of the Centaur's equinous member cause heavy blood loss and hemorrhaging. Those who survived returned to their disappointed noble rulers with these horrific tales. Some of these tales had been exaggerated throughout the years. The only constant in all of these tales was the massive size of the Centaur's penis. Indeed, even in its flaccid state, the equinous cock presented itself as a formidable tool.

Drago weighed the consequences of bringing Ivana back to his camp. At the camp, his Centauride wives, Tia and Irgina, had been taking care of the maturing foals whom were all fathered by Drago. Tia was the Boulder clan's brood mare while Irgina was a lesser mare and also the younger sister of Tia. Like the stallions, the Centaurides competed for higher status. Tia had dominated her shyer younger sister Irgina, however, from time to time the younger sibling would challenge the matriarch. The relationship between the sisters was more peaceful, however, Tia maintained a watchful eye on Irgina, ensuring that Irgina would not conceive before herself during any start of their reproductive cycles. If Drago introduced Ivana into the mix, Tia would definitely view Ivana as a threat and a challenger for her matriarch crown. Furthermore, Tia would probably kill the smaller human to prevent Drago from mating her. Ivana would also be viewed as an inferior being; the Centaurides would be displeased toward Drago for accepting the human female into their clan. In the end, Drago had the ultimate say and he does as he pleases. Considering the reaction of his wives, Drago will mate the human female, Ivana, prior to introducing her to the clan. First, he will need to "break" Ivana.

"Halt," Drago commanded as Ivana was about to make her next step. The journeying pair stepped into a rather cozy clearing which had been riddled with various sized rocks and boulders. This would be a suitable location. Without notice, Drago used a blade to cut free Ivana's hands. The giant stud trotted in front of Ivana while she focused on her newly freed hands. Drago decisively cut the single leather tie that held together her vest around her masive breasts. With the last bastion eliminated, Ivana's heavy breasts spilled out and presented the nude globes to him. Drago enjoyed the sight of her assets, gazing pleasurably at them before he proceeded to break the unsuspecting female.

The Centaur swooped the large breasted female into his broad, muscular arms, hoisting her onto a nearby boulder. Drago quickly laid Ivana onto the tall rock; Ivana's sprawled position matched the height of Drago's human torso. Not allowing Ivana time to react or to gather herself, Drago quickly tore off the rest of the leather garments that had clothed the female. With Ivana mostly naked, Drago eagerly cupped his rough palms over Ivana's massive breasts. Kneading the fleshy mounds together, Drago delighted in feeling the ample, soft flesh of the globes between his fingers. Drago would bend his human torso over Ivana as she was now laid back against the boulder. Drago's lips immediately found Ivana's nipple; his lips suck around Ivana's areola while his tongue relished the protruding nipple. The Centaurs tongue flicked delicately over the sensitive nub while his other hand offered her other breast a similar comfort by rolling her other nipple gently between his fingers. Drago continue to enjoy Ivana's massive breasts, squeezing them together around his face as he sucked and nibbled on the tender globes.

Drago parted Ivana's legs and thighs to find that her reproductive sex was rather similar to that of his wives. Drago smirked as he caught sight of Ivana's tender vulva and the beautiful complexion and composition of her labia. The Centaur quickly dove in between Ivana's thighs. Much like feral equines, the male stallions would often use a technique called flehming where they would curl their lips by the mare's vulva to assess her fertility and determine if the female was in heat phase of her reproductive cycle. In fashion, Drago wrapped his lips around Ivana's clitoral hood. The Centaur began to slowly roll his tongue in a circular motion around the exposed bulb. Drago sucked delightfully at Ivana's sex, enjoying her fertile juices as it was slowly secreted. After tenderizing Ivana's clitoris, Drago skillfully sucked upon Ivana's flowering labia, slowly and gently nibbling on the labial lips. Bracing Ivana's thighs and legs with his powerful arms, he kept hers legs spread wide as he continued to break her in. His tongue sought the warm opening of her vulva. The rather flexible organ flicked gently at the warm entrance before wiggling the flicking tip into the entrance of her vagina. Drago needed to break Ivana before he mated her.
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As a warrior, Ivana had to face the very real possibility of being killed in battle. It was fundamental part of the job. Her approach to this danger was to live and fight as if it was not her time yet. Charging into battle and facing the enemy with no fear of death. As a female warrior, Ivana also realized that being killed isn't the only danger. Female warriors could also be captured and raped. Her approach to this possibility was to endure. To live to fight another day and possible kill the rapist or rapists!

As Drago cut the bonds of her wrists, she knew something was up. As the tie to her vest was cut and her enormous breasts sprung free, bouncing heavily against her chest. She said nothing. Her mind was in shock. She could not believe this was actually going to happen. Her body tensed as she tried not to think of the Centaur stallion that was now seeing her nearly naked body.

He placed her upon a rock of the right height and started to pleasure her nipples. He did his best to cup her breasts in his hands, which were bigger than a human's but still dwarfed by Ivana's enormous orbs. He kissed her nipple and squeezed her other between his fingers. He did not know it, but this kind of fore play turned her on greatly. The sensations made her gasp. Ivana was horrified that she was responding with pleasure to this rape. What kind of a whore was she? She was no stranger to love, but this was not a man … it was a Centaur … she did not even know him.

As he tasted her nipples, his giant equestrian shaft began to crawl up his horse belly, compelled to life by her big jugs. He felt his horsehood throbbing. Ivana took a deep breath and wondered how she was going to weather the obvious brutality fucking she was going to get. Her body went limp. She felt the cool surface of the rock on her back as she laid her head back partially accepting her fate.

Then the centaur did something surprising. He shifted his focus to her pussy. His tongue and lips finding just the right spots to heighten her pleasure. His long tongue sliding abruptly inside of her vagina. Ivana's buttocks tensed and her mouth dropped open, but she stopped herself short of making any noise, trying desperately to remain in control. His tongue slide still deeper inside her.

Ivana shook her head side to side with her eyes closed muttering to herself, "Ohhhhhhh... God!" Her legs tensed up and she pressed her pussy against the centaur’s face. Her hands clenched the edge of the rock. He was exciting her pussy like crazy; he really knew how to lick a cunt.

She bit her bottom lip and closed her eyes. She wondered how much more she could take. Her own juices betrayed her, as her pussy had warmed to the activity. She breathed heavily.

Drago’s nostrils heaved with exertion and whinnying noises began to emit from his breath as his equine nature began to overwhelm his human half. His big horse balls were filled with horse testosterone that drove him into a mating frenzy. His oversized veiny pole slapped against his belly driving some deep aggressive urge to fuck the hole he was licking. His swollen cock was telling him to drill that cunt full of horse dick until his dick came.

Drago’s mouth and tongue went into overdrive. His tongue found her magic g-spot … and was not going to stop licking it until she came …Ivana’s cunt was quivering like crazy. Her mouth let out a series of yelps as she hit her peak. Her whole body began to shudder and thrash. His lips tugged on her hyper sensitive clit adding to the intense assault on her will power. Those magnificent tugs and his tongue were too much for her. Her orgasm hit her like a raging bull. Her pussy wildly quivering and contracting as he licked up the sweet juices. Drago had done it; her pussy had come and was ready for him.
The Breeding

As Drago had his way with Ivana, the brute would begin to display his equinous behavior. While the massive stallion situated his human half between Ivana's loins, Drago issued several equestrian-whinnies, short of the human male's grunts to reflect his own pleasure. Drago's hot, heavy breaths that exerted from his nostrils exhorted Ivana to enjoy his exploration of her sex. With each of his whinnies and breaths, Drago had felt the female's inner thighs shudder with delight.

Meanwhile, Drago's own excitement had been brewing as well between the massive Centaur's loins. Needless to say, the equine half of the massive stud presented the muscular stature of a healthy, breeding stallion. The fit underbelly of the large stud was suitable to the beast, allowing the large male to mount his females easily. The dark bay pelt of the stallion wrapped entirely around Drago's equinous half. Aside from the scars and blemishes of the wounds received from battle, Drago possessed a rather smooth coat along his underside. The dark bay pelt would produce a leathery satchel which composed his ample sheath. The sheath itself housed and protected his masculine, equestrian reproductive organ. To the posterior of his sheath was Drago's large scrotal sack that squeezed tightly around the male's gratuitous, fertile testes.

Drago's equestrian member had slowly emerged upon the sighting of Ivana's nude mammaries. The Centaur imagined that her bare bosoms would have the same effect on either man or Centaur. The intimidating tool continued to protrude from his sheath as the Centaur groped happily at the female's large, heavy breasts which had dwarfed his hands as they palmed the massive globes. The brute's tasting of Ivana's fertile scent and juice between his lips contributed to his excitement, as the massive shaft continued to push through the encompassing sheath before dangling gloriously beneath the stud's underbelly; the giant, flaccid penis gleamed with a light coat of lubrication as it gently swayed from the base of the sheath.

Indeed, Drago's member was an impressive organ, displaying itself at just over two feet; it was slightly longer than the average human's forearms, from fist to elbow. The shaft gave way to a dark-colored hammer-shaped head; the massive spongy head offered a neat entrance of the male's urethra which had been excreting the stallion's pre-cum. The head was supported by the firm shaft which was blemished with a pink membrane before returning to its dark pigmentation. The massive girth of the tool continued to expand with the largest circumference found at the base of the equestrian penis before it disappeared back into the sheath. Drago's member slapped happily against the underside of his equine belly while the Centaur broke the human female; simultaneously, the brute was becoming more erect and rigid to match the excitement and pleasure of the female.

The human female would finally succumb to Drago's flehming technique. The cunnilingus on Ivana continued as Drago's mouth and tongue assaulted her exposed sex, escalating the passion with which the large male had dedicated to the task at hand. His human lips sought to fill the neat and delicate crevices between Ivana's lubricated labia, sucking and pulling the tender, engorged flaps in his mouth while his tongue lapped happily at the beads of her juices that had collected on her folds. Sensing Ivana's impending climax, Drago rapidly entered his flexible tongue into her vagina; the rough texture of the human organ brushing against the tight channel of the female's reproductive sex. The tongue parted her vulva as it bore into the delightful entrance, expanding the tightened entrance to her vaginal canal. Drago's tongue gyrated inside of Ivana's hot sex while his upper lip collapsed over her engorged clitoral hood. It was not long before Ivana broke; her vulva quivered and contracted rapidly in response the the ecstasy that wrought throughout her body.

Drago watched pleasurably as the tender organ "winked" at him; her liquid secretions oozed slowly from her contracting vaginal entrance, channeled by the labia of her vulva before flowing down along her perineal body, rolling onto the tight star of her anus. With each contraction, Ivana continued to expel her juices; it would be an indication to Drago that the female was broken and ready to accept their pairing which coaxed the massive stud to mount her.

With Ivana ready to be mated, Drago pulled Ivana's body closer to the edge of the rock, moving her into position so that he can readily mount her with relative ease. The stallion's hind quarters and hooves pounded the grounded uneasily, as the anxious stud moved around, searching for a comfortable position for himself to perform the mounting. His equestrian tail flicked anxiously, wafting his masculine musk into the air which had been heavily flooded with his pheromones. Suddenly, the Centaur would rear onto its hind legs, while his forelegs straddled the wide boulder; the forelegs splayed as the beast straddled the boulder, preventing the human female from being crushed by the stud's massive size and weight.

It was at first a clumsy display and positioning as the brute tried to make their anatomies more compatible by aligning and realigning his equestrian half with her human form. Eventually, Drago settled with his muscular stallion chest hovering over Ivana's set of mammaries while his human form perched on top, providing a sentry view for the paired couple. In this position, Drago offered Ivana a brilliant gaze of his glorious member and the prime viewing of their mating.

Drago whinnied in a bit of frustration as his massive member speared hopelessly around Ivana, eager to find its rightful place inside of her. The erected shaft aimed blindly at Ivana, slapping against his underbelly and along her thighs, coating both with his pre-cum. The throbbing and veiny girth rubbed along Ivana's tender thighs and loins, slapping gently against her lubricated vulva, as the massive rod struggled to find its seat. As the equestrian cock continued to plunge desperately against Ivana, Drago's veiny shaft would lubricate itself with the female's wetness as its massive girth slid along and between Ivana's labial folds. The spongy head of the penis throbbed impatiently as it coated the female's abdomen with its precum, before sliding backed between her thighs.

It would take several tries until the tip of his endowed member found the hot entrance of her vulva. Carefully, Drago plunged the hammer-shaped head of his cock between Ivana's labial lips; the spongy texture of his equestrian penis soaking her juices as it contorted and squeezed into her vaginal entrance. Indeed, the human female's sex would be extremely tight compared to that of the Centaurides; it proved to be quite pleasurable as the stallion navigated his giant girth into Ivana's love canal. As the Centaur plugged the female's vagina with his meaty tool, the hammer of his penis soon met her cervix and found that it can proceed no more.

Meanwhile, the shaft throbbed excitedly as it found this novel sensation extremely pleasurable; the base of his massive rod pumped blood furiously through the emerging veins. With his cock seated in Ivana, Drago began to thrust slowly in and out of Ivana allowing her to adjust to his massive size before he pounded her like a true stallion.

The human female's tight orifice was all too pleasurable for Drago. It was unlike any other feeling he had before when he mated with the Centaurides. As the massive equestrian cock pumped into the female's vagina, the large girth of his penis continually expanded the clitoris' muscle of Ivana's sex that had wrapped and secured itself around the entrance of her tight vagina, further inducing a wave of ecstasy in Ivana. The massive equine cock soon pounded furiously inside the small framed female as Drago's stallion half lurched back and forth over the bedded Ivana.

It was not long before the veiny penis began to unload the stud's royal seed inside of Ivana; the throbbing, veiny cock expelled jets of his semen into Ivana's canal which was plugged by the large girth of his penis, while the hammer shaped head pushed his hot sperm into her womb. The throbbing equestrian member vibrated inside of Ivana while its veins produced a ribbed sensation as it was thrust in and out of her contracting sex. Drago's testes churned as the massive stud filled Ivana while he continued to pleasure her with his massive tool.

Drago's orgasm lasted the duration of their intercourse, allowing the brute to release his entire load inside of Ivana. As the brute settled from the heavenly feeling that pulsed through his veins, he dismounted from Ivana. As he pulled out of the exhausted female, the excess seed spilled from her contracting sex. Satisfied with their mating, Drago would now take his new female to his camp.
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Ivana was gasping from her orgasm as Drago removed his lips and tongue and repositioned himself to enter her pussy. Her orgasm had triggered a wanton lust in her mind. The lusty part of her mind, wanted to feel that huge shaft plunge into her. Feel it fuck into her, and based upon the size alone, she was drooling for it. As the shaft throbbed on her belly searching for her cunt, she wanted to grab it and guide it in. Help him fuck her.

But another part of her mind was still hoping he would not fuck her, violate her in such a private way without her consent. As the massive shaft slide along her belly, searching for her warm, swollen pussy she thought maybe he will come before he enters me. But then the cock found her opening and slowly STRETCHED her open. She gasped. He'd done it. He'd actually done it. Up 'till now she had held out hope that he would not rape her. But that was gone now … She allowed her wanton lust to take over her body … as the huge cock … just felt too good driving deeper inside her … She got wetter and wetter, and he began really to fuck her.

"Ah... ah...ah...ah...ah...ah...ah...ah..." came involuntarily out of Ivana's mouth with each driving thrust. Her pussy was on fire again, her eyes closed tightly and she bit her bottom lip.

"AH! AH! AH! AH! AH! AH!" Ivana gasped louder at the end of each massive thrust of the cock! Her mind was swimming with the powerful mixture of sensations, her poor over stretched pussy, her clit rubbing against the throbbing shaft driving her wild, the feeling of a cock reaching places inside her no human cock had been. She was worried the centaur was going to split her apart, but at the same time she felt a thunderous orgasm welling up inside of her.

This was an extreme fuck and with it came extreme pleasure!! The jolts of joy were scarring her mind … pleasure so wonderful it made you cry … and she was … tears streaming down her face. Drago was feeling that same joy … as he thrust into a cunt that seemed practically custom-fitted to his big massive cock. He had never had a cunt gripe his cock in such a way. As her quivering pussy clamped down on his cock … he knew she liked his fucking … and that she would want it again and again. Her pussy was amazing and wonderful … and his god like tool loved it. He started to thrust faster.

Ivana braced herself against the rock with both hands as she half-expected the centaur to fuck her right through that same rock!! She could not hold back any more … she screamed “I’m coming!! Yes-yes-yesss, uhh, shoot all your cum in my pussy!!” as she came again from the cock that filled her pussy so completely. She laid her head against the rock as the war centaur impaled her relentlessly, stretching her pussy, as she was close to passing out from the extreme pleasure his cock was causing.

Drago growled and unleashed a blast of white-hot cum. He looked down at her as his primitive instinct took over, and he kept pumping into Ivana’s quivering body. The pleasure he felt as his cum traveled up his long rod was mind blowing. The centaur closed his eyes as he unleashed the remaining blasts of cum, His body tense and locked as he feverishly spunked every drop he had into her...

He rested a bit and then he dismounted from Ivana. Ivana moaned as the monstrous thing pulled out of her pussy. He watched her oozing hole slowly tighten back to normal size as if by magic, the action pushing huge globs of cum out of her cunt. Ivana got up slowly as she gathered her clothing. She got dressed as best she could. Her leather leggings were fine, but her vest could not be tied in front anymore. Make her massive breasts wobble and shake as she moved.

Her non-lust mind was back and Ivana was thinking about the Centaur stories she had heard. How they were noble in their own way. She decided to speak to Drago about what just happened.

“Drago, I want to thank you for being gentle” she said looking down to the ground, a small part of her ashamed for enjoying the fucking so much. Then she continued “I do not understand centaur ways, you are the first I have encountered, but I do understand I’m your prisoner … is it acceptable that I give my word that I will not try to escape during the trip to your camp?” Ivana asked. She was being completely honest with him as she was a bit sore from the massive fucking she had just gotten. Her legs still shaking a bit and she did not seem to have the desire to escape anymore. She wanted to see his camp and understand centaurs better. She looked into his eyes with her glistening blue eyes, brushing back blonde hair from her face, wonder what his answer would be.
Introducing the Human Mare, Ivana

A smirk appeared across his face as Drago watched Ivana slowly rise from the rock upon which she was stabled; the sight of her massive mammaries continued to stir his loins causing his retreating member to become erect even as it slowly withdrew back into the stallion's neat sheath. The stud grinned deviously as he watched the smaller framed female stumbled onto her feet while she fought to gain her balance, resuming her erect bi-pedal stance; Ivana's thighs were still trembling after receiving the monstrous girth and shaft of Drago's equestrian penis.

The massive brute boasted arrogantly at his own sexual prowess and conquering of Ivana, further fueling his ego, as he watched the sexually satisfied human gather herself. Indeed, the mating was like none other that Drago experienced. As the giant stallion gathered his thoughts, he recollected on the amazing intercourse that he just had with Ivana. Ivana's tight sex gripped tightly around his massive tool and milked the male's large shaft with such passion and aggression that Drago's Centaurides had been unable to do. Drago would go on to plan his future matings with Ivana in the near future.

The brute's daydream was interrupted by Ivana, as she stood before him, issuing a proposition that caused him to contemplate. Drago's focus was immediately lured to her set of massive breasts that hung freely from the female's chest; the stud's massive cock stirred within its leathery sheath while a film of his semen coated the furled sheath. Indeed, Ivana's assets were rather entrancing. Shifting his focus back to the human's proposition at hand, Drago frowned with a bit of displeasure. However, the Centaur admired the female's bravery; Drago's subjects would never dare negotiate terms with him. At the same time, the brute realized the submissiveness that lingered behind the broken female's gestures and behavior toward him. The proposition relied on Drago's trust for the human female, which was instinctively difficult.

Humans were simply not to be trusted; they often turned on their own promises, violating their own integrity for personal gains or greed. The Centaurs learned this the hard way during the Centauromachy, when negotioted terms failed to hold due to the human's passion for deceit and lies. Thus, the distrust toward humans was "bred" into Centaurian genetics.

"You shall remain unbound," Drago stated reluctantly after deciding on Ivana's fate. "You are no prisoner. You will now be Drago's mare. I protect you now." After weighing the various factors, Drago decided it would be in his interest to accept Ivana's compromise for several reasons.

First, the journey back to Drago's camp would be a lot quicker; the path back to the Boulder clan's camp ground was laden with obstacles which would require the dexterity of free arms and hands to navigate. Drago and his newly claimed mare would be exposed to danger the longer the couple stayed in the relative shroud of Foloi Oaks, so it would benefit Drago to reach the relative safety of his camp in a timely fashion.

Secondly, the introduction of Ivana to the Centaurides would undoubtedly create tension and unneeded friction. The broodmare would most likely view Ivana as a lesser subject and treat Ivana as a subservient slave if Drago presented the human female in a bounded status. The idea that this new female remained boundless would declare to the other Centaurides that Ivana was the sole property of Drago. His thick equestrian semen that had caked along Ivana's tender thighs would also indicate her stature to the Centaurides that she would be there to stay. Whether the Centaurides would accept Drago's decision was a different story. However, Drago's plan to deal with his Centauride wives would have to save for their return to the camp. At the moment, Drago and his human mare had a long trek ahead of them. The towering stallion nodded to Ivana, nudging the side of her massive breast as the stud led the way.

It would take the couple several hours before they would eventually reach the camp. Drago provided for intermittent breaks, allowing the human female to rest as her body was not adapted to navigate the rough and hilly landscape of Foloi. At the same time Drago found many opportunities to mate Ivana during these brief rest-stops. Stimulated by the sight of Ivana's heavy globes, Drago's massive cock found no trouble in erecting itself; the large equestrian tool easily emerged from the protective sheath, fueled by Ivana's tantalizing scent which emitted from her sex.

The champion stud pushed and herded Ivana to a firm foundation in order to provide the female and he a stable support so that he can safely mount the small framed human. Mating after mating, the Centaur's massive equestrian penis drilled into Ivana's vulva, filling her tight cavity with the throbbing and veiny meat. The girthy organ thrusted multiple times to the pleasure of the human female before it ejaculated Drago's genetic material into Ivana's womb. Indeed, Ivana's sex would appear to be custom fit for the stallion's cock as it milked and gripped the expansive shaft. Drago grew attracted to mating with Ivana in that her tight canal had stimulated and pleased his massive organ like none other.

The stud had hopefully secured his lineage in Ivana with their multiple matings; each of the human's orgasms and contractions drew the stallions seed into her womb. Needless to say Drago's sperm was bombarding the fertile egg that Ivana was securing. Meanwhile, the whinnies and moans of their sex echoed through the forrest, trembling the woods as the human female paired with the Centaur.

Drago and Ivana finally reached the outskirts of their camp. The smell of burnt oak permeated the air surrounding the camp while the pheremones of Drago's urine had marked this historical and important territory. To Ivana's surprise, the sounds of children as they yelled and barked during their play can be heard in the distance. Drago's foals were the first to greet the returning champion. To Drago's offsprings' delight, their father had returned with a living being; it was their first encounter with the human kind. Under the protection of their father, the foals decided to investigate, curiosity beaming from their faces as they approached the stranger.

Much like their father, the foals possessed the Centaurian form; the upper half was human while everything below the waist was equine. Despite the similar appearance of the human half, the curious foals were still intrigued by Ivana, perplexed by her bi-pedal form. Ivana counted five foals; two females and three males. Indeed, Drago was quite the fertile male. Meanwhile, the two tiny female foals found interest in Ivana's blonde hair, playing with the curls in between their human fingers. The boys however, ogled at Ivana's heavy breasts. The boys occasionally fed from the Centaurides' human "udders" which were dwarfed by Ivana's heavy globes. Interested in the prospect of feeding from the stranger's udders, the boys watched from the side, following their patriarch as he led his human mare into the camp.

The sisters, Tia and Irgina were bedded at the camp; the Centaurides groomed each others hair, braiding the brunette strands into neat twists. Towering boulders into which dens were carved offered the clan's inhabitants shelter. These dens developed around an epi-center. At the height of the Boulder clan's reign, the camp grounds would be bustling with trade and activity. In comparison, it would only be the clan leader Drago, Tia, and Irgina, along with their offspring who occupied the camp. As the sisters socialized amongst each other, they held a watchful eye on their playful young. Tia was pregnant, belabored by the young that was developing within her uterus; her equestrian half bulged with the developing fetus. Drago's return alerted the sisters, as Irgina was the first to respond to her returning stud. To her disbelief, her stallion had returned with a captive human female.

Immediately seeing Ivana as a threat, the Centauride charged the smaller framed female. Drago skillfully caught Irgina by her neck with his hand while he pushed the enraged mare backwards. Irgina stumbled back a bit, cowering and kneeling from the intense grip that Drago had on her throat. Irgina's eyes began to water as her human hands tried to pry Drago's crushing hands off from her jugular. Drago released his hold of Irgina, but not before demonstrating his dominance of her. Drago swiftly came around to Irgina's hind quarters and mounted her. The stallion brilliantly mated Irgina as their equestrian reproductive organs joined; Drago unleashed his seed into the tempered female while Irgina enjoyed the rough penetration. With Tia pregnant, her younger sister would be in line to be bred by Drago. Drago dismounted his Centauride wife, allowing her to retreat back to the comfort of her sister Tia.

As her stallion presented himself along with his human captive before her, Tia sneered away, shunning the brute. However, she soon returned her gaze to her massive champion, bowing her head in submission before looking at Ivana. As the brood mare looked the human female over, a jealous rage began to develop. Indeed, Tia had recognized and identified all the alluring aspects of the human female, mainly her massive bosom which was aimed at attracting her stud. As her envy brewed, Tia scowled at Drago before she picked herself up, slowly trotting away from the camp's epi-center.

Meanwhile, Drago remain indifferent; he had expected this attitude and reaction from the Centaurides, especially his brood mare. Nonetheless, the brute had decided and it was his decision that the Boulder clan had to live and die by. "This is Ivana," Drago exclaimed. "She is to be untouched."

The statement fell on deft ears as both Centaurides plotted to individually oust their competition from the clan. Satisfied with the current situation, the Centaur secured the weapons and herded Ivana with him to the master den.
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The master cave/den was very different than what she had expected. It was clean and organized; she might even say it had a civilized feel to it … “cultured” she thought. Like the home of a gentleman of Lireville … who would read books while smoking his pipe and drinking brandy. The cave also did not smell like a cave … the air was fresh with a wisp of the now familiar smell of a stallion centaur. Although the den had a “cultured” feel she saw no cultured items. No books, just simple tools, some candles, lots of fur skin rugs and blankets, a simple smoking pipe … or at least what she thought was a smoking pipe, storage baskets, and the strong box Drago had placed the weapons. … Any item which appeared finely crafted … also appeared not to be made by centaurs. These crafted items had probably been bought, found or maybe acquired during raids on other species.

Ivana was thinking back to the conflict her arrival had caused and how Drago had handled it. He was all male. He needed to be dominant. Sex to him was for mating and could be used as a weapon, but it did not seem to involve love. She smiled to herself as she thought “if I had a cock that big, I would use it as a weapon too!” The thing was massive, but it had felt so good inside her. Centaurs were part horse and part human. It was difficult to figure out which part would control their behavior. But sex appeared to be more horse like, than human like. Both females had been threatened by her, but why? Drago had shown he could mate with all of them and have some left over for her. Was it because human female could mate all the time … while female horses at least would only mate when fertile? That might be the problem, but was that true for female centaurs? She just did not know. What she did know was she needed to keep Drago happy … and the best way to do that was through that massive cock of his … Her pussy tightened a bit at the thought of the Centaur pounding her again and again. Once, twice, three times, the image of him arched his back and cried out in pleasure as he spent himself inside her. His hot cum dripped down her pussy! She liked the plan she had come up with and it that also sounded like a lot of fun for her!

She walked over to face him, her free immense breasts swaying, enticing him. With her eyes to the ground in a submissive stance, she spoke. “Drago, you have a wonderful home” she said and then continued “How may I serve you?” She paused for a second and then suggested a few items. “May I clean you, after all your activities today” She was thinking “fucks” when she said activities. “Or bring you something to drink or fix you a meal?” She asked.

Drago was a bit surprised by this request and was wonder how she was going to wash him. “Wash me” he said. She looked up into his eyes with sexual excitement.

“As you wish” she said. She had seen a bucket near the small fire that contained warm water and what appeared to be a wash rag. She hurried over to get them, her long blonde hair dancing behind her. She grabbed the bucket and rag, and returned to Drago. He had moved to a spot that appeared to be design for cleaning in the cave. She started to clean his sides, hind quarter and horse legs … always avoiding his crotch but coming teasingly close. It was not hard work, but she acted like it was … removing her vest to provide him a better view of her massive assets, swinging and swaying. His eyes followed them … and his cock extended to hardness.

She knew she should not say anything but she could not help herself as she stared at his monster. “Wow ….” She said in awe. “That will require a special cleaning” She added as she got under him and grab his cock with both hands. Stroking him as her mouth leaned forward kissing the head. This time it was her turn to please him with her mouth. Her tongue flicked and licked across the great rod. Drago seemed to love it as his cock was extra hard and throbbing wildly. She wondered if the female centaurs ever gave him blow jobs … she hoped they did not …it would be just another thing, like her huge breast, he would like about her.

She continued to stroke him … but thinking of her breast gave her an idea. She knew he liked her big breasts. So she brought his great cock up to her chest and wrapped her soft pillows of love around it. Stroking his cock with her tits now … His nostrils heaved … he began to make the whinnying noises as his excitement grew. This was something the mare centaurs definitely could not do! She thought. His enormous balls were filling with his centaur seed, as his monstrous cock throbbed like a madman. Her tits were driving him into a frenzy.

“Yes," Ivana moaned, "Oh, yes! Yes!" she knew he was close and she wanted to please him … suddenly he tensed up his entire body began to shake, and then he nighed with pleasure as he came. Squirting like crazy, sending thick heavy wads of hot spunk up her chest, spray it in her face, over and over.

Ivana tried to catch the cum in her mouth …but there was too much. Her heavy breasts were covered in it. His cock continued its seismic after-spurts, cum leaking from his dick in large amounts. She quickly licked his cock clean while it was still semi-erect. She cleaned off his ball, her chest and face and stood before him again.

Her eyes looked into his eyes this time. And he saw in her eyes that she was in dream like state. Her eyes said “That was incredible!! You are incredible … I love you”

She spoke “May I bring you something to drink now or prepare a meal for you?” she asked her affection for him in her voice.
Ivana's Cultural Assimilation into the Boulder Clan

The conniving mares, Tia and Irgina, observed from a relative distance while their stud, Drago, led the small human into the master den. Their envious eyes scrutinized the smaller Ivana while their hearts continued to brew their jealous rage. The tempered Irgina was a little less concerned. The Centauride's sex was still swollen and oozing with Drago's seed as she bedded next to her larger sister, Tia. Irgina had provided a male and female foal for Drago's lineage, however, none of whom will be the successor to Drago's seat as the clan leader. Rather, Irgina's offspring would follow in line after Tia's offspring. Despite the competition between the sisters for the coveted brood mare position, Tia and Irgina were family by blood and did not mind their polygamous relationship with the champion Drago, both sharing the "fruits" between the stallion's loins. Adding Ivana to the equation disrupted the balance that was achieved by the the Centaurides.

Indeed, the Centaurian mares were only mated when the stallions sensed their fertility; both female and male were "sexually dormant" when the female was not in heat. On the contrary, when the Centaurides came into their cycle and season, both stallions and mares went into a mating frenzy. Thus, it would explain Drago's sexual drive. Irgina would fall from her cycle once she was impregnated by Drago. On the other hand, Ivana, did not have set "cycles." Although impregnated, human females still possessed an unprecedented sexual desire. Furthermore, some human females were more sexually active than others, copulating for pleasure rather than procreation. It would be Ivana who would fueled Drago's sexual drive while the Centaurides watched helplessly. The mares would criticize and curse the human female as they watched Drago interact with her. Tia was most bothered by this; she issued a soft whinny as she felt a small chill run along her equinous spine all the way up to her human torso. The matriarch began to feel her grasp of the crown slowly slipping through her fingers. All they can do now was watch.

Drago smirked as he can observe Ivana's surprise while she looked around the cozy dwelling. Despite their brutish and beastly appearance, the Centaurs were rather civilized and noble in their own way. Not giving into the materialistic greed that plagued the humans, the Centaurs lived a very bare and minimalistic lifestyle. Everything that came from and returned to the land. It was the creed for those that made the Foloi Oaks their home. There had been other strange crafted items which furnished the master den while it had been nested with assorted furs and pelts. These crafted items did not originate from the Centaurian kind; most of the items exemplified the far reaches of human influences, acquired during the prosperous and peaceful trade period between man and beast, while other items were taken and looted during the Centauromachy, subsequent battles and raids. These items would remain in the master den, a significance of the occupier's dominance.

Drago agreed to Ivana's suggestion, ordering the female to wash him. Indeed, the champion required cleansing; his pelt had been coated by the blood of his Centaurian brothers while dried blood had caked around his wound from the recent fight. The stallion kept a watchful eye on Ivana as she fetched a warm bucket of water which sat by the campfire, to ensure that the Centaurides did not give the smaller human any troubles. His eyes followed Ivana's swaying breasts as she returned to the den. The towering brute had situated himself in an area where he used for cleaning and hygiene.

Drago watched in approval as Ivana proceeded to clean him; the beast gleamed in delight as he felt her small hands run the rag along his pelt, soothing and providing relief to the irritated skin. The stud could not help but to focus and glare at Ivana's heavy assets. As he felt her hands come teasingly close to the massive leathery sheath, Drago would issue whinnys indicating the pleasurable sensation that had found its way between his loins. Eventually the sight of her swinging breasts enticed the Centaur to unsheath his equinous cock. The arm sized penis hung happily in front of Ivana allowing her to enjoy the glorifying view of his massive endowment.

To the male's surprise, Drago grunted as he felt the small, soaked hands of the human female around the girth of his penis. Indeed, this experience was entirely novel to the stallion; the Centaurides were unable to physically perform this maneuver. Nonetheless, the ecstatic sensation continued as the delighted stud felt Ivana's hands desperately trying to close around his wide girth. The massive male whinnied again as he felt the human's embracing lips close on the tip of the spongy, hammer shaped head of his equestrian tool. The massive rod throbbed violently as Drago felt the skilled mouth of the human female tend to every inch of his aching shaft.

Meanwhile, the blood pulsed rapidly through the veiny shaft as Ivana's skilled lips and tongue ran along the monstrous length. The smell of his masculine musk brewing between his loins combined with the Ivana's own sexual juices and that of the Centauride mare grew extremely potent and rather intoxicating. Soon Ivana's tantalizing tongue was replaced by her amazing breasts which were able to wrap around and envelope the male's ample girth.

The stud was assaulted with pangs ecstasy as he felt his massive cock being straddled in the valley between the human's massive globes. The stallion whinnied as the seed hosted inside of his heavy, firming scrotum churned violently. The breast fucking induced the stud to come. Drago blasted the initial thick, viscous jet of his spunk at Ivana's face; the semen propelled between her cleavage before splashing across her face. The stallion's semen continued to spurt from the lengthy shaft which had been pumping ferociously between the tight wrap of Ivana's breasts.

The massive male vocalised a deep neigh that echoed across the camp as Drago unleashed the last of his spunk. The Centaur shivered with delight as he felt Ivana's mouth work around his shaft, collecting his prized seed before swallowing it down. Drago smiled with joy as Ivana presented herself before him; the Centaur had lucked out indeed with his claim of the human.

"Fetch water for den, Ivana," the brute commanded. Oddly, the Centaur felt a sudden epiphany cross his mind. Has the champion grown weak and tame to the human female? Surely the brute was infatuated with his human lover. Drago had never so politely commanded his subjects before. Drago smirked as he watched the female eagerly turn around and proceed to accomplish her task given by her stud.

Drago immediately stopped her, grabbing her arm with his human hand. Pulling her back into him, the Centaur hoisted her onto an elevated table that was sculpted from a boulder. He looked around briefly before finding a device that was collected in one of the woven baskets. Setting it to the side, Drago bent Ivana over onto her massive jugs; her large breasts cushioned her submissive stance as Drago kept her in the position with one of his hands forcing down on the small of her back. With her rump presenting itself to the stud, Drago brilliantly tore an opening between Ivana's leggings with the sheer might of his hands to allow access to her sex. The brute immediately dove into action, quickly smothering her clitoris with his expansive lips. Drago had learned what had pleased the human female's sexual anatomy as he gently tugged on the rugged folds of Ivana's labia between his teeth.

Meanwhile, the stallion's tongue provided a curling action as it seated at the entrance of the female's vagina. The beasts lips gently nestled between Ivana's tender labial lips while his tongue plunged happily into her sexual canal. His tongue slowly swirled around flicking the underside of Ivana's engorged clitoris as it withdrew her precious juices. Drago's fingers slowly parted the female's cunt while it rubbed in a circular motion over her clitoral hood. As Drago felt Ivana's sex clenching around his tongue, the brute switched his tongue with his fingers; the thick joints of his finger producing bulbous knots as they slowly pumped into her.

Meanwhile, Drago flicked the tip of his tongue over the tight star of Ivana's anus before he proceed to roll his tongue around the rim. The stallion gyrated his fingers inside of the female as he felt her contractions. Please with her lubricated sex, Drago took the device that he seated on table. It was a rounded spearhead plug crafted from wood. It was a device that the humans created for their horses to prevent unwanted breeding; the device would be inserted into the mare's sex seating itself on the lips. It would be an intimidating device; the circumference of the base of the plug was comparable to the stallion's girth while the spearhead was covered with small nubs. Drago slowly inserted and plunged the plug into Ivana's lubricated cunt. Only Drago would mate this female, and the display of the plug as it was nestled in Ivana signified his dominance.

"Now you fetch the water," Drago snickered. "I go check on food.". Drago gathered himself, securing his sling and a dagger before heading out to check on the traps. Indeed, Ivana's inception as the new mare required a feast. The giant brute trotted off, leaving Ivana to her own devices.
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Ivana grabbed a bucket used for drinking water and headed for the nearby stream. Why the centaur stallion had placed a plug in her pussy, she had no idea. But she figured she had better leave it there, or he would become angry. It was a short distance maybe, thirty yards through the forest to the rippling stream. She dipped the bucket in the water and filled it. She placed the bucket on the bank of the river and took a moment to look around. It was a beautiful spot. There was a slight bend in the river … a hollowed out area that was good for bathing and a large, flat sunning rock.

She had not cleaned up yet from her various activities and now was a good time. She pulled off her damaged clothing and washed off in the river. As she did she notice one more thing of interest, there was a bee’s nest in an old tree that hung over the river. "It was prefect!" she thought. Horses loved sweets, maybe centaur liked them too. Here she could gather honey for Drago to add to the food he was bringing back.

She stood in the river, wetting her long, blonde hair. The cold water cascading down her bare chest. The large dark red nipples standing erect from the cool temperature of the water. She stood with pride as her figure was impressive. Years for fighting and training to achieved these amazing results. The water ran down her back and legs, and over her proud perky butt. She washed her arms, hands, shoulders, underarms, neck and belly. But the part Drago would have enjoyed was when she washed her front. Spreading the water over her heavy breasts. Her hands squeezing and kneading them, getting them all clean and slippery. Finally she washed her private area, washing her inner thighs and pussy, getting her blonde bush all wet and clean.

Then she got out of the river and put her cloth back on and made it back to camp. She noticed one of the female centaurs eyeing her. Ivana did not want any conflicts with them … so she tried to ignore her. She grabbed two smaller buckets, and a thick burning branch from the fire pit and headed back to the stream. She removed her clothing and re-entered the stream … holding a bucket and the burning branch above the water. As she got close to the bee’s nest, she took a breath and went under water except for her hand holding the branch. The smoke from the branch “dulled” the bees as she placed the bucket under the nest, poking a hole in the nest with the branch, honey poured out … into the bucket. The bees were mad, but could not find her under the water. The honey stopped and she moved away. As she reached the shoreline, Irgina the female centaur was there.

“So the big uddered human is trying to become one dominate mare. Well, you are no centaur … and I will not have it … BITCH” she said full of hatred.

Ivana knew she needed to stand her ground; she placed the honey bucket on the ground and grabbed the branch with both hands holding it out in front of her. It was her only weapon and she hoped it was enough. Then she answered Irgina “Look, I’m not trying to become anything. I’m a human not a centaur. I’ll stay out of your way … if you stay out of mine. Agreed?”

Irgina just laughed, “I’m going to kill you … make it look like you fell and drowned … Drago will be upset but can’t punish us for a weak human falling and hitting her head. … silly cow” she snickered.

She charged at Ivana … getting ready to smash into her. But Ivana was a trained warrior, and waited until just the right moment and side stepped the charging centaur. She brought the branch around and SMACKED her into the most sensitive area on a horse she could reach … her horse flank, usually very sensitive on most horses. The flank area covers the hind gut and there is very little protection from attack by a predator. Irgina grunted in pain as she plunged past her enemy and splashed into the river.

“AHHHHHH” She yelled and charged back out of the river at Ivana, terrible anger in her eyes. Ivana needed to block a blow to her head with the branch, which was so powerful it knocked her to the ground. If that centaur punch had landed she would have had some broken bones! She scrabbled to get back up … as the female centaur charged at her again.

Ivana feinted a strike to Irgina head and then quickly changed to her front leg. She broke the branch over her left lower front leg. Horse lower legs mostly have just a thin skin covering bone. That is why you may see horses sometimes they have their legs wrapped. The fetlock is an area that is very susceptible to injury from stress or violent impact. This cause Irgina to crash into the ground as she pulled her leg up in horrible pain. It was not broken. But she would be limping on it for a while. Ivana did not want to do this … but she needed to make sure this centaur did not get any more murderous ideas. As Irgina lay on the ground gasping in pain, Ivana kicked the female centaur as hard as she could in her pussy!! She had aimed right at her horse clit to maximize the pain.

Irgina SHRIEKED in agony as Ivana said “I’ll stay out of your way … if you stay out of mine. Got it!” Ivana headed back to the camp, stopped at a small berry bush and picking some berries as well. She stored the food items and water in Drago den. It also gave her time to repair her vest and her leather pants as she waited for his return. Irgina finally did return to camp, but she was limping badly.
The Feast and Ivana's Dominance

The Centaur stallion tended to his traps which had been set in various locations throughout the territory. As one of the few dominant predators in the Foloi, the Centaurs were experts at hunting and trapping. The fact that the Centaurs were omnivores expanded their diet to the local fruits and vegetation that were available in the forest.

There was a cornucopia of prey ranging from the small game of rabbit, squirrels, and wild turkeys, to larger game such as wild boars, deer and elk. Despite the Centaurs' dominance in this realm and the advantages that comes along with their adaptability and versatility in the woods, the Centaurs were stewards of the land; they provided the equilibrium for all the organisms that made Foloi Oaks their home.

This meant that the Centaurs were usually conscious of their carbon footprint. Their traps were always set in different locations through the woods, even if the Centaurs knew where the prime trafficking routes used by their prey. Even though it would mean that most of the traps that were rigged would often not provide, it prevented over-trapping of prey animals. The Centaurs would not hunt more than they could eat and usually utilized and consumed everything that was provided by their kill. The beasts would also ensure the fruits and vegetation they consume have the opportunity to replenish. Indeed, the apex Centaurs provided balance and stability in the Foloi admidst all the chaos surrounding them.

As Drago made his rounds, he freed the captive creatures from the traps, sparing their lives for another day. The male Centaur had been in quite the pleasant mood, extremely exuberant and ecstatic about Ivana joining the clan and as an addition to his brooding harem. The massive brute decided that a fresh cervine would provide for the feast at hand. His nostrils flared gently as the Centaur stallion began the stalk for his hooved cousins.

The stud made his through the territory in a stealthy manner, tracking the movement of various cervines from recent prints and impressions on the forest floor as well as the droppings left by hooved-creatures. Drago was soon onto the trail of a particular elk. From the scent and musk, Drago could identify it as a juvenile bull. The scent grew stronger as Drago closed the distance between him and the prey. The Centaur lurked between the towering trees, slipping through and between the large wooden trunks. As the brute came up on the unsuspecting cervine, the magnificent elk bull was spotted. The juvenile elk was not as big and bulky as other bulls of his kind, but was a comparable size. His antlers provided a three-point display, reflecting the elk's relative age.

Drago was certainly unable to chase down the juvenile elk; the cervinous creatures of the Foloi certainly had a speed advantage over the Centaurs. However, Drago had tools at his disposal. Being a skilled marksman, the brute drew the sling that had been tied around his waist and retrieved an ample sized rock from the forest floor. Placing the solid rock into the seat of the sling, Drago moved closer, searching for a suitable location that provided a good sniping and charging position, while ensuring that he was downwind of the bull.

The forest continued to teem with life and activity which masked the massive brute's movements. The chirping birds and distant sound of the rushing stream soothed the anxious cervine as the elk bull feasted unsuspectingly at the sweet shrubbery offered by the forest. Meanwhile, the Centaur had found a corridor between the large trees where he was able to make his shot and his follow-on approach. With the elk in sight, Drago skillfully prepared his shot as he gyrated the sling in an elliptical for it to gain momentum and speed.

The bull raised his neck allowing his proud head to perch on top as it was alerted to an unfamiliar presence, although it cannot determine if it was a threat or random ambiance of the woods. As if on cue, one swift twist of Drago's wrist and forearm allowed the normally inanimate rock to be cast into the air turning it into a deadly projectile. The "bullet" sailed through the air before striking the elk in the head. This immediately caused the elk to flee, but it would immediately stumble and collapse to the ground from the head trauma.

The stunned and mostly paralyzed bull allowed Drago to conduct his follow-on kill. The large brute quickly made his way to the downed cervine. The Centaur lowered himself to the elk, kneeling the forelegs of his equinous half onto the forest ground while his human half went into action. Drawing the dagger that was sheathed on a holster that had been secured around his shoulder, Drago plunged the sharp blade through the elks exposed jugular. The blade would cut easily outward ripping outward from the bull's throat. Blood immediately expelled and drained from the arteries that ran along the wind pipe. The elk went limp as its life fleeted from its body before expiring.

Drago returned the blade to its holster as it had temporarily completed its duty. As the kill was still fresh, the massive brute heaved the elk around his broad shoulders, grabbing the elk around his hooves as it was hung around his chest. Drago would quickly make his way back to the camp where he would "dress" and prepare the animal for the feast.

As Drago returned, the stud spotted Ivana tending to the master den. Ivana was naked as she was making repairs to her vest and leggings. Again, the sight of her ample breasts excited the beast. His nostrils flared and his loins trembled with excitement as the stallion retrieved the scent of the recently bathed human. Indeed, her scent had dominated that of the impregnated Centaurides, permeating through the camp grounds. The brute also noticed Irgina's pained and labored movements as the Centauride limped around the camp ground. It was indeed a bit perplexing, and the Centaur would only imagine that it was the result of the interaction with Ivana. Drago watched as Irgina finally bedded by Tia, who had been sleeping, before nursing and tending to her pained areas. Paying no further mind to the situation, Drago would offer his human female a smirk as he trotted past her.

The smell of Ivana's fertile scent had intoxicated the massive stud, causing the reproductive organ to stir between his loins. The massive equinous cock emerged from the leathery sheath and hung brilliantly from the underside of the Centaur's body. Blood had been pulsing through the veiny shaft while the hammer shaped head ached and throbbed. The large, thunderous tool dangled from its girthy base and waved back and forth as the stallion freely displayed his masculine member. The meaty rod gleamed delightfully as it had fully emerged from his sheath. This display of the Centaur's glorify and coveted penis definitely caught the attention of both Ivana and Irgina.

Meanwhile, Drago began to dress and prepare the elk. The large beast tied a hemp rope around the elk's neck before easily hoisting it up upon a rack constructed for this purpose. The body of the cervine bull hung lifelessly from the rack as Drago again drew out the blade. Drago placed two pots beneath the elk; one for the draining blood while the other pot would be used to collect the organs. The Centaur began by cutting the throat all the way to the wind pipe, allowing it to fall down into the body cavity. Drago made an initial incision at the crotch, cutting all the way up through the ribs to one side of the sternum. Finding the wind pipe, Drago pulled it down so that it fell into the body cavity. The beast cut the first and second membranes allowing the guts to fall out on the ground.

As the blood began draining from the body, it collected into the pot below. Drago collected the organs into the other pot. Leaving the intestines to the side, Drago began to squeeze the feces out of the organ before he began to cut and prepare it. Indeed everything would be used. After the Centaur skinned the elk, he would skewer the bull onto a long spear, tying its legs to it's body before setting it to roast above the fire. With the elk roasting on the fire, Drago drew the elk heart from the pot of organs and took a bite from it. Blood trickled from the side of his lips, as the stud set his sights on Ivana.

Irgina responded to this, getting onto her legs and making for Drago. Perhaps the Centauride would regain her dominance over the human female if Drago mated her again before the human. Drago was uninterested while the Centauride mare displayed her winking sex at him. Indeed, the mare would ultimately be impregnated by the clan stud, but she will continue to exhibit heat until her egg accepts Drago's fresh seed.

However, as Irgina's eyes met with Ivana's, the Centauride recognized her place, reluctantly retreating from the couple. Drago grinned as his human mare was already developing her place amongst his harem. "Prepare food," Drago commanded to Irgina. Irgina acknowledged and accepted the command from her stud as she went about her task in disappointment.

Meanwhile, Drago's cock had been throbbing in excitement as he acknowledged Ivana's rising dominance. Drago reached down toward Ivana's sex and removed the plug that he had inserted into her. The massive Centaur gently herded Ivana to a suitable location in the den; he slowly positioned over Ivana, bending her over on top of a medium sized stone in the lair, while his horse underside comfortably saddled onto Ivana's back. Ivana would be able to feel her stud's breathing and heartbeat through his soft pelt as it gently vibrated along her back. His elongated cock throbbed and aimed for Ivana's delicate vulva. It would not be long before the aching hammer-shaped head of Drago's equinous cock found the tight entrance of Ivana's sex; indeed, the plug had stretched the human's vulva a bit, making this penetration a bit easier.

Despite the plug, Ivana's sex was still tight as the brute thrusted his massive girth into Ivana. His throbbing muscular shaft stretched Ivana again as it was pounded into her cervix. The massive rod was buried into Ivana's sex while Drago allowed the human female to readjust to his size. Ivana remained bent over atop the stone while her rump rose upward adjusting to Drago's equinous cock as it impaled her. The base of Drago's incredible girth throbbed violently. Indeed, the stallion's equinous behavior took over as he hammered into Ivana's pussy, pounding into her more aggressively compared to the other times, displaying a more primal instinct as he mated Ivana inside the den.
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Ivana watched the alpha male flexed his massive muscles. Drago looked like a Greek sculpture, all muscles … and he was SOOO big. Like a mountain of muscles, his chest was ripping and his biceps bugling!! But his cock was even more amazing … He didn't bother trying to conceal the spear-sized erection from Ivana (she hoped her massive mammaries had caused it!). It was like an open invitation had risen between his loins. “I guess when you are as hung as a centaur, there is no point in trying to hide it, and so you just flaunted it.” She thought. His equine cock jutted proudly, like a guide for Ivana. When he passed her, the view was replaced by his gigantic balls hanging beneath his powerful haunches. He was a potent stallion ... with balls that big … Throbbing hard! Ivana was totally turned on by all of his beef cake!!

As the massive war centaur place her atop the rock … he was going to fuck her doggy style (or maybe more appropriate centaur style) his huge rod sliding over her ass as he got ready to fuck her … Ivana knew it was going to feel incredible!! But she under estimated the intensity of it by a mile. As Drago started to ram with his mighty cock, she could not even scream in pleasure … her body was racked in pleasure … so intense that she could not speak.

His huge rod entered her … STRETCHING her poor pussy … He thrust harder entering her DEEPER than any other fuck he had given her. It was a mind altering feeling, but finally she managed to gasp something out that was very obvious “OH FUCK … YOUR COCK IS INCREDIBLE!!” She was drooling as Drago drove as much in her as he could in one smooth motion. Anyone watching would have seen an outline of his cock on her belly … throbbing inside her … He could not believe the tightness and pleasure of her cunt. He sank deep into her, as her pussy detonated in an orgasm, her cunt muscles convulsed and tighten around him with amazing force.

She had never felt so full of cock before. Drago was an incredible lover. Each powerful stroke rocked her body … sending waves of pleasure through her. She was gasping for breath as his massive cock plunge into her. Over and over. She was lost in the intensity of the pleasure. Soon her pussy exploded in another orgasm.

Each time her pussy would tense up … holding for a second …and then quiver and contract in a powerful orgasm all over his cock. Pussy juice sprayed out of her cunt covering his huge throbbing cock, belly and legs. Her pussy’s orgasms were trying to milk his immense cock … into sharing its potent seed. But Drago hung on … fighting not to squirt too soon … but against Ivana’s pussy begging him for his seed … it was a real fight.
Impregnating Ivana and the Dawn of Boulder Halflings

The dark hammer-shaped head of the Centaur's equestrian penis stretched Ivana's sex to its maximum potential; Drago's throbbing girth vibrated as it continually pumped in and out of the human mare's vagina, vibrating against her stretched clitoral ring that wrapped around the tight canal. The long, throbbing rod thrusted deeper and harder into the tight sex, coaxing multiple orgasms from the smaller female. Ivana appeared to be pleased with the mating; her pleasure evident in her pangs of pleasure and her boisterous moans that vetted through the camp grounds.

Drago, himself, was also sharing the joys and pleasures of this semi-ritualistic mating. His seismic shaft penetrated deeper into Ivana, expanding inside of the human female as the masculine Centaur thrusted into her. Ivana's vulva happily ensnared the brute's incredible girth; the female's labia happily clung onto the throbbing shaft, while continuously lubricating the reproductive organ as it continued on its quest to seek the glory within.

Ivana's tight canal milked cleverly at the stallion's thrusting penis; the muscles clenched tightly around the male's cock, and continued to grow tighter as the Centaurian beast induced orgasms within the female. Although a majority of the brute's shaft remained unclaimed by Ivana, Drago was incredibly satisfied by the immense pleasure that arose from being milked by Ivana's convulsing sex. Unlike the Centaurides, who's sex provided a rather "loose" fit to Drago's penis, Ivana's vagina appeared to become accustomed to the stud's unique shape and length.

Indeed, the champion steed was extremely sexually satisfied by Ivana. Naturally, the stallion's instincts drove the Centaur to immediate ejaculation of the male's potent seed into Ivana's womb. However, Drago fought with all his will against this premature orgasm, as he wanted to exploit the increasing pleasure of their mating. The leathery satchel slowly retracted around the behemoth testicles that were housed within, further inducing the imminent orgasm in the male beast. As Ivana squirted her juices along the stallion's underside and hind quarters, her scent mixed with Drago's musk which drove the brute into a frenzy.

Drago flexed foward, bending his human torso down toward Ivana where his hands found the long, blonde locks of Ivana's hair. Gripping the hair within both his palms, the Centaur pulled her hair back, forcing Ivana to arch her back forcing her to face upwards toward the ceiling of the den. Her arched position combined with the rear mount that the stallion assumed on the human female, allowed Drago to achieve a deeper penetration. The massive girth combined with the incredible lengthy shaft plunged in and out of Ivana furiously in a frenzied lust.

Suddenly, Drago let out a thunderous grunt as he arched his own back. Drago's underbelly rested lightly along Ivana's backside, as she was able to feel the vibrations that rumbled along his leathery pelt. An opening appeared on the hammer-shaped head of the equestrian shaft, letting out a copious rope of the male's semen. The stallion unleashed a barrage of his sperm, as the male filled Ivana with his royal seed.

The massive organ acted as a plug while the hammer-shaped head of the cock pushed Drago's sperm deeper inside of the human mare's womb. Drago grunted as his rod continued to unleash his enormous load inside of Ivana. It wasn't long before Drago's cock pumped the last spurts of the potent load inside of Ivana. The Centaur's massive cock was still throbbing as he carefully withdrew it from the mounted female. As with their first mating, an incredible amount of excess seed spilled from Ivana's convulsing sex. Drago snickered as he withdrew from the mounted position of Ivana, stepping back a few paces to observe Ivana's winking vagina as it happily received his royal seed.

With this mating, Drago should have successfully impregnated Ivana, thus further securing his lineage. Ivana would bear the Boulder Clan's first halflings. Drago briefly thought about the rift within the clan that this may cause; he wondered how the Centaurides would feel when Drago champions his halfling offspring with the human female. Indeed, the Ivana and Drago's offspring would be bi-pedal and possess traits from both parents. It would be the dawn of a new era, and the beginning of royal line of mixed breeds. Despite the celebrations of new life and age, Drago would have effectively ousted his own clan from the ever-weakened Council of the Clans. Already becoming an ineffective entity, Drago's actions will have nullified his clan's vote; surely the other Centaurian clans would immediately attempt to complete destroy the Boulder clan's existence as mating between Centaur and human kind were prohibited.

Meanwhile, Soriatus, Drago's eldest son with Tia, was watching his father dominate the human female entirely from afar. Soriatus was the successor in-line to Drago. Even though Soriatus was no more than 8 seasons old, which had been equivalent to an human of 18 years; the maturing foal had the semblance of his father's traits and was rapidly developing into a fine Centaurian stallion. From the distance, the young male observed Ivana, ogling his eyes at her large mammaries after he had watched his father mate her. Indeed, Ivana had captured the young foal's interest.
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The 18 year old centaur stud gave a deep moan of pleasure as his thick, rock hard cock slid into the gorgeous blonde human's wet mouth. He arched his back as she sucked his length deep into her throat, her red lips forming a tight seal around his shaft.

He moaned again as the blonde's head began to move up and down under his horse belly, and he reached down to cup and squeeze one of her heavy, bare breasts, his fingers encircled her nipple and pinched lustfully. The 18 year old centaur had never had sex before, yet here he was with this stunning blonde sucking on his hard cock. He had been viewing her from afar … his father’s mate … She was a human … but her body excited him … the body of a courtesan, slim waist and perfectly tanned, long, strong legs, a beautifully rounded ass but the most exciting part were her large, flawless tits, … very unlike most female centaur … who’s breasts were never so heavy and full.

"Oh fuck yeah!" grunted the young stallion. The woman on her knees was sucking earnestly at his cock, her tongue doing amazingly pleasurable things as she sucked him deep and fast.

He seized one of the blonde's big hooters in his hand, gave it a hard squeeze, "You've got great big tits … Ivana." The stallion moaned then gave her other tit a sharp slap, watching the firm orb quiver and the nipple harden as she popped her mouth off his cock and gasped in surprise at his roughness.

“Gentle” Ivana said trying to train the young inexperienced centaur… Soriatus's hands then moved to her head and he grabbed two handfuls of her glossy blonde hair. "Sorry … please continue to suck me!" he said with a horny voice. Her mouth returned to his cock sliding over his cock and plunging downwards. Ivana was not sure how she had gotten into this situation. Drago was the head stallion in this centaur group and she loved him a weird way. She was even now carrying his child.

But his eldest son … had shown an interest in her … and an interest in sex. He was inexperienced … and something inside told her, she needed to show him the ropes. To teach him the pleasures of sex. It had started with her bathing in the river naked … she knew he was watching secretly from the bushes … so she had put on a little show for him … rubbing her breasts and flaunting her beautiful body. He had probably been masturbating to it all. As she had heard a grunt and when she climbed out of the water … she had found his seed sprayed over a bush. Then a few days later … as she laid out in a grassy meadow … she had heard him again … so she had slipped off her clothing and rubbed her clit … until she orgasmed. She had made sure her spread legs were facing his direction … to show him what a human pussy looked like.

This relationship … had evolved into his first experience with oral sex … She gave him a wicked smile as he leaned forward and reached out with both hands, grabbing both of her breasts again … eager to feel them.

The young centaur moaned as the beautiful, busty human head dipping back into his crotch to pleasure him with her talented mouth. “MMMMM” he moaned louder, a grin spread wider as her full lips bobbed over the head of his cock, sucking noisily.

Ivana moved her mouth lower, juggling both his testicles on her tongue, and lapping at his hairy ball-sack, before moving her mouth back up his hard shaft and slipping her lips eagerly over the head of his dick again.

For a couple of minutes she alternated, working at his testicles and the hard shaft of his cock. Each time she plunged her mouth back down over his erection, he moaned louder.

It was all too much for the lucky young stud, he launched himself forward driving his cock deeper into her mouth, his balls churning as he thrust into the kneeling beauty, who tightly gripped the base of his cock in an attempt to slow down his impending climax.

"Are you ready for it?" he gasped, his face flushed with his arousal from her oral attentions.

"Give it to me," she breathed huskily, opening her mouth to receive his load.

The centaur groaned lustfully, pushing the head of his penis into her waiting mouth. His cock began to jerk in her mouth. The hot blonde human sucked noisily on the head of his cock as she stroked him faster and faster with her hands. Basically she was masturbating him into her mouth. Her hands sliding up and down on his cock banging against his big hanging balls. With a loud cry of pleasure his cock exploded, cum flooding into her mouth as he orgasmed.

"Oh fucking yesss!" gasped the centaur experiencing a pleasure he had never felt before as he unloaded into her willing, sucking mouth.

Both his hands went to her head and he once again pushed himself deep into her mouth, his dick convulsing as he came heavily. Ivana's eyes went wide at his sudden intrusion into the very back of her mouth, but she didn't miss a beat, and swallowed his load without choking.

"Ah, that was so good," breathed Soriatus letting go of Ivana head … as the beautiful blonde gently sucked the last drops of semen from him. He closed his eyes and basked in the pleasurable and satisfying sensations.

Ivana got up and licked her lips and wiped a few stray drips of sperm from her chin and the corner of her mouth. “Remember … your father must never know. I … love him and do not want to hurt him.” Ivana said.

“If you love him … why are you here?” Soriatus asked.

Ivana looked into his eyes “Because …” she was not sure why she was here “Because you are a good person and needed it. I hope we can be friends …” Ivana said.
Joining the Circle of Pregnant Mares

Indeed, the dynamics of the clan began to change immediately after Drago impregnated Ivana with his royal seed, sewing his oats to secure his lineage with the developing fetus inside of the human female. Along with Tia and Irgina, all of Drago's mares, both Centaurides and human were now carrying his offspring. Oddly enough, Tia and Irgina had lowered the wall that they had initially put up toward the human female, outcasting her for the first couple of months before slowly accepting Ivana within their inner circle that the females developed.

It began with a small gesture from the Centaurides. Ivana was feeling the early symptoms of her pregnancy after Drago's Centaurian sperm successfully implanted itself into the human's fertile egg. Ivana grew increasingly nauseaus as her body initially fought the foreign embryo; as the genetic cells between human female and Centaur combined and multiplied, the female's body was unable to readily identify the fertilized egg as a living cell in which her womb would host. Tia had been bedded with Irgina a distance away from the master den; ever since Drago brought Ivana into the clan, Ivana had made her place next to Drago's side in his master den, sleeping loyally next to him every night.

Tia watched as Ivana stumbled out of the master den. Ivana had her hand on her forehead, as if she was supporting the weight of her cranial structure on her hand, while her legs fought to gain balance, barely keeping herself erect and upright as she made her way to the water reservoirs. It would be Ivana's first pregnancy, and the warrioress' body had not adapted to this new "burden." Tia excused herself from the company of her sister, pinching a small bundle of dried leaves from a grinding bowl as she made her way to Ivana.

Ivana did not reach the soothing liquid that she desired. Instead, she sunk to her knees and vomitted beside the wooden buckets of water as Tia stopped herself short of the human female. As Ivana wiped the trail of her acidic saliva from the edges of her lips, Ivana's warrior senses finally caught up with her as she suddenly realized that one of the Centaurides was now towering over her. Never has Ivana felt so vulnerable as her eyes gazed up at Tia; Tia's own equine belly had been extremely swollen to reflect the growing fetus inside of her. Indeed, Ivana's pregnancy changed her role from warrioress to an expecting mother. To Ivana's surprise, Tia presented a calm demeanor, a gentle, but soothing smirk arose from her human lips. Tia recognized that this was Ivana's first pregnancy for the mother-to-be. Being the mother to all of Drago's offspring, Tia empathized with the human female's situation as the Centauride reminisced of her first pregnancy and being the first time mother with Soriatus.

"Take... please," Tia instructed as the Centauride offered the bundle of dried leaves to Ivana. Ivana hesistantly accepted the offering, responding with a respectable nod toward Tia as she placed the leaves into her mouth. As Tia watched the female awkwardly chew the leaves, Tia would motion for Ivana to place the leaves between the gums of her teeth. Ivana, being the quick learner that she is, nodded and reproduced the unspoken dialogue between the two females. Interestingly, the chemical reaction was immediate; Ivana's naseua dissipated, and she felt increasingly better as the chemical compunds from the leaves were digested into her bloodstream. Ivana was pleased with this outcome, so much that she returned a smile to Tia and rose up to embrace her "sister."

The following will have written itself in history. Irgina followed in suit of her sister, Tia, accepting Ivana into their ranks. It would be peaceful for a while between the females, as all three were belabored with Drago's offspring developing within their wombs. Additionally, Drago had remained closer to camp. When the Centurides were pregnant, the Centaurian mares showed no interest in sex, rejecting and fighting against Drago's advances to the point where the massive stud recognizes the futility of trying to fuck the pregnant mares. Thus, Drago would leave camp, doing as he pleased, mainly in search of wandering Centaurides from other clans in which he can sew his seeds.

This changed when Drago discovered that Ivana was still sexually active despite her pregnancy, which lured the massive brute to stay in proximity of the camp. Ivana was careful to keep the growing baby inside of her safe from the massive stallion's crushing weight when he mounted her whenever they would have sex. Drago, too, was aware of his baby that was developing inside of Ivana, as the stud was more appropriate with his primal thrusting and penetration of Ivana's swelling sex. Ivana's vagina would remain as tight as ever, even with Drago's consistent fucking during her pregnancy. Indeed, Ivana loved Drago's massive equestrian penis.

With Drago closer to and making his stay at the camp grounds more often to satisfy the stud's sexual needs with his human mare, the Centaurides were happier in the company of their champion steed. This meant more protection and more time their offspring had the opportunity to spend being closer to their father. With the Centaurides appeased, Ivana would cury their favor and liking. In turn, the Centaurides helped take care of and nurture the pregnant human. The pregnant females groomed each other and socialized; both Centauride and human began to share stories and culture with each other, speaking in crude human tongue. With their pregnancies being the common denomination between the females, they soon developed a close support circle to look after each other for the time being.
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Ivana's Affair with step-son, Soriatus

It was imminent that Ivana and Soriatus would pair ever since the maturing foal had laid his lustful eyes on his father's new mate. The questions of when and where would be soon answered. This love affair, which was purely sexual in nature, was kept out of sight from the watchful, scrutinous eyes of Drago. Both Ivana and Soriatus both did a fairly good job at keeping this pseudo-passionate "adultery" a well guarded secret.

At 8 seasons old, Soriatus was equivalent in maturity to a human with 18 years. Even at this age, Soriatus was still a tall creature, towering over six feet, from the bottom of his forward hooves up to his humanoid head, rising several inches taller than Ivana. Despite being a several feet shorter than his much larger father, Soriatus inherited the dominating features of his father; his amber eyes glowed fiery orange when the young stallion became excited, adorning his rigid face structure that was outlined by a set of chiseled jawline and chin.

Unlike Drago, his eldest son had his dark black hair untethered, allowing his neatly groomed locks of hair to fall well below his shoulder blades. Typically, a young Centaurian stallion would remain with his full hair until he made his rites of passage to become a war steed. Soriatus still had yet to make this journey; a journey in which Soriatus will make this year in order to define himself as a Centaurian warrior. Soriatus had been training with his father for this path; Soriatus' body was still developing, and he did not yet possess the muscular bulk that Drago did, nor did it reflected the form of a battle-hardened male Centaur. In fact, the young stallion's form was rather unblemished. His dark, royal bay coat of his equinous half was unscathed and in perfect condition, reflecting his sheltered and guarded life.

Soriatus' path toward becoming a warrior was soon challenged by a distraction. This distraction came in the form of a human female that his father, Drago, had claimed and brought back to their camp. Her name was Ivana. Almost immediately, Soriatus became attracted to the incredibly large breasted female. Soriatus' senses was very much embattled by the lust and sexual feelings that arose for a young Centaur whom was maturing to becoming a reproductive stud. Centaurian males complete their pubescent years between 6 to 8 seasons; Soriatus just completed his, becoming a viable, reproducing male. However, even though Soriatus was now a suitable breeding stallion, Centaurian males typically did not begin mating until the stallions aged between 14 to 15 seasons, which was their prime breeding years. As one would also expect, breeding had been regulated by the clan's lead stallion, to prevent elligible bachelors from having mating rights with the champion stud's Centaurides. Indeed, the young Soriatus was eagered to advance on his father's property behind Drago's back.

It began with a bit of harmless voyeurism, as Soriatus stalked and followed Ivana closely. With his father satiating his sexual cravings with Ivana and gone from the camp, Soriatus took advantage of this opportunity to make his move. Quite often, Soriatus would follow the human female to the bathing river, watching Ivana, as she stripped down to her naked form. The young steed's lustful eyes would watch discreetly from the ample concealment of the bushes. Naturally and instinctvely, the young stud began to experience his first erection as he watched Ivana bathe in the nude. This novel experience caught the young male by surprise, as it was the first time the young stud's penis emerged from it's leathery sheath.

Unlike the larger stallions amd mares, the bones of Centurian foals were still developing much like those of a human newborn; this non-rigid structure allowed the young male to be extremely fexible. His upper human torso seemed maleable and would be able to contort in ways an older Centaur can not. As Soriatus flexed forward, bending his human half down, he was able to observe his own erecting cock. Compared to his father, the young steed's cock was dwarved with the pink membrane wrapping around the entire organ to present a uniform color unlike Drago's coloration on his male member.

Still, the young Centurian male's cock was rather sizeable, fully erecting to slightly over a foot in length with an ample girth that supported the lengthy shaft. Indeed, the young male's equinous penis was still larger than those of most human males. Soriatus soon discovered that his hands are capable of reaching his cock. His hands hesitantly wrapped around the thick girth of his penis. Soriatus issued a soft whinnie as the brute gave his cock a brief tug. Subsequently, the young male experimented with masturbation for the first time while he watched Ivana lustfully.

Fate would have it, when Ivana's curiousity and sharp perception soon led her to believe that she was being under a constant watch, which called for Ivana to investigate. Ivana confirmed her suspicions when she found, or caught rather, the young Soriatus prematurely ejaculating onto some bushes as the brute touched himself.

Initially, Ivana did not know what the make of the situation; she was in shock for the most part to see one of Drago's foals publicly caressing and stroking the young stallion's own impressive member. Drago's son was obviously attracted to her sexually, but she was bent on remaining loyal to Drago. Yet, the idea that one of Drago's offspring had been watching her became an exciting prospect; it was a bit arousing to the pregnant female to know that other young steeds were attracted to her. In contrast, the embarassed Soriatus quickly galloped off in shame, without saying a word to the human female. As a matter of fact, Soriatus stopped following Ivana for a few weeks for fear that Ivana may have informed his father of this act of perversion.

However, Soriatus cannot be held back from his own lust; it wouldn't be long before Soriatus faithfully returned to stalking his step-mother. Without hesitation, the young stallion resumed his observation of Ivana. Unbeknownst to him, Ivana had caught on to Soriatus' advances and deliberately put on a show in efforts to possibly discover the true intentions of Soriatus. Ivana's own heart raced at the thought of wooing the young stallion, to have him advance on her, and being well aware that Drago would probably have them both killed if he found out. Needless to say, Ivana went on teasing Soriatus day after day, pushing both their limits to see how far they were willing to take this now personal amd secret affair.

At first, this mutual relationship proceeded without words. The pregnant Ivana lured the young stallion into an isolated part of the woods before she made the first move. Ivana then took the young centaur's hand and led him slowly into a cave. Ivana wanted to take things slowly due to her pregnancy; she did not want a miscarriage and was very protective of Drago's developing fetus inside of her. Thus, Ivana decided to start exploring the young Soriatus by performing fellatio on the young stud. Despite his youth, Ivana knew Soriatus had a lot of potential. Ivana figured that Soriatus would be used for a sexual partner in Drago's absence to satisfy her unbounded sexual needs during the times in which Drago was not present to do so.

Ivana also felt the need to teach the inexperienced young Centaur. The inexperienced Soriatus was often times too aggressive and anxious, reflecting a bit of immaturity that had carried over into his young adult seasons; this actually provided a bit of roughness that Ivana enjoyed. Following the session, Ivana had to emphasize to Soriatus that their affair had to and will remain a secret and that Drago was to know nothing about it this secretive relationship. Growing up after the Centauromachy, Soriatus had been better versed at the human tongue compared to his ancestors and parents. In fact most Centaur foals were taught this perishable skill beginning at a young age; the ability to speak and understand the human language could very well save a Centaurian warrior. Thus, Soriatus understood Ivana's propositions and the importance of keeping the affair with his step-mother a secret.

In the weeks following the amazing fellatio that Ivana provided him, Soriatus felt abandoned as Ivana had been taken by Drago all for himself, continuously fucking her when the war stallion had returned from a week away from camp. This left the young stud sexually frustrated for close to a month. A bit of jealousy also brewed within the young steed.

Finally, Soriatus found the right moment when his father left again from the camp. This time as Soriatus willfully stalked Ivana, the human female was completely clueless to his presence. Soriatus followed Ivana deep into the woods before he made his move. The young stallion charged the pregnant Ivana from behind, forcefully pinning her against a large rock. Unable to respond effectively, Ivana jolted with a bit of fright, only to realize that it was her young lover, Soriatus.

"Careful..." Ivana instructed as the young brute tore the cloth away from her body from behind. "I'm carrying a baby." The young Centaur continued carrying on with his advances, paying little heed to Ivana's request. As Ivana's massive breasts let loose from the remaining fabric, the young stud took the mammaries within his dwarfed palms and proceeded to knead them together. His finger squeezes happily at the soft pillows as he pushed the heavy globes together.

Finally, his lips latched and secured itself firmly to one of Ivana's nipples; it would be the first time Soriatus had ever tasted the flesh from a human female's breast since he had first seen Ivana's massive globes in person. Instinctively, Soriatus began suckling at Ivana's breast in a manner that would induce any female Centauride to produce milk. Indeed, the young stallion was skilled at this, his teeth gently nibbling at Ivana's perked nipples while his flexible tongue slowly enjoyed the texture of her areola. The young stud switched to the other breast after being unable to retreive milk, only to be dissappointed. Despite the lack of the refreshing elixir, Soriatus continued to enjoy the tender globes of flesh between his hands. The young stallion continued to massage the round pillows together when he decided to turn his attention elsewhere.

Ripping off the cloth that had covered Ivana's crotch, Soriatus exposed Ivana's slightly swollen vulva and flowering labia. Soriatus was shown this by Ivana before, but was unsure how to proceed. Naturally, the young stallion lowered his face between Ivanas thighs, holding her legs wide apart as he did. Soriatus drew several breathes, smelling Ivana's sex while he expelled his warm hot breath over her clitoral hood. Soriatus was able to smell the remanants of his father around Ivana's vulva; his dominating musk had claimed the female. As such, Soriatus discovered the human female's reproductive organ.

However, the inexperience continued to prevail in the young stallion as Soriatus' tongue extended and began to lick around the rim of Ivana's anus, mistaking the tight orifice for Ivana's vagina. Th young male enjoyed this, flicking the tip of his tongue slowly over the tight star and lubricating it. The skill tip of the stud's tongue traced brilliantly along the tight rim of the hole. His tongue continued to work against Ivana's asshole until he felt it contract beneath his rough tongue. The tight hole opened slightly during one of the contractions which invited the stallion to drill the tip of his tongue deeper into Ivana's asshole. With the tight grip of Ivana's anus around the tip of Soriatus' tongue, the young steed gyrated the flexible muscle as it was gripped by Ivana's tight muscle. The young stud watched as Ivana squirmed underneath his hold. His eyes watched as her flowering labia began to swell and gape, winking before him as Ivana's sex began to contract and convulse.

Soriatus stared intently at the flowering lips that bloomed from Ivana's vulva which was quivering with delight as the young stud continued the light anal-oral play he had been giving the esctatic human female with his tongue. The stallion would watch Ivana's swollen entrance submit to contractions; the inexperienced brute managed to make the human mare cum, as her secretions oozed from the contracting sex, trailing down to the young Centaur's tongue as he continued to toss Ivana out.
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Even for an inexperienced centaur, Soriatus tongue was something new and delightful. The way he had used it on her pussy and ass was unbelievable … even Drago had not made her cum that way before. There was something exciting and erotic in having the young stallion learn to become a great lover with her body.

As Ivana recovered she realized it was time for round two, and horny centaur was up for the joyful challenge (and she meant that literally … as his huge cock was throbbing against his belly!) Ivana spread her long sexy legs as wide as possible …as his swollen cock entered her. She moaned as his monstrous member sank deep inside her. He was not as large as Drago … but he was still massive compared to human lover. She grasps him with her pussy lips and muscles … as he stroked himself into her.

She could see that the feeling of her tight pussy gave him great pleasure. He slowly worked himself back and forth, in and out of her, ramming his thick hard shaft into her wet dripping cunt.

“OHH FUCK YESSSSSSSS” she moaned as her fingers griped the boulder. Soriatus started to fuck her faster. He leaned down and kissed her head … Ivana turned her head and they kissed mouth to mouth. A loud moan escaped her lips as he felt her pussy quivering again … getting ready to cum. He became an animal, a monster, as he rode her hard, his thrusts uncontrolled. The human squeezed his hardness rhythmically with her internal muscles as she came hard, screaming from the power of her orgasm

“OH SHITTTTTTTTTTTTTTT” She gasped as her pussy shuddered, her arms trembling wildly.

Soriatus loved the sounds of her gasps and the feel of her gushing pussy on his massive rod. "Cum on my great cock" Soriatus groaned, thrusting his cock harder to meet her pussy. His centaur heart now held his mind. He would fuck her, like he had seen his sire, Drago fuck her … only he would fuck her even better! "Take my cock!!” he roared ….as he rammed his cock into her. Her pussy could take it, but could Ivana’s mind take all this pleasure … She hung on with all her strength.

“OHHHH BY THE GODS …YOUR GOING TO SPLIT ME IN HALF” she gasped ...as her pussy exploded again all over his cock, contracting, milking his cock … trying to make him cum.

Soriatus smiled at her words. He lets out another roar of pleasure and fucked that tight pussy. It had been much too long since he last had a good release … So he wanted to milk the pleasure out of this one as much as possible. In his passionate state … he took his hand and slapped Ivana’s cute ass, then he struck it again. A large red mark appearing instantly.

"You're going to cum again on my cock!" He shouted to her.

Ivana was cumming like crazy … could Soriatus be a better lover than Drago? “OHHH FUCKKKK” she moaned as her pussy betrayed her again … quivering and cumming all over his massive throbbing cock. Never had she felt this helpless, his cock felt too good … she wanted him to just keep fucking her until she passed out in pure pleasure.

Her big breasts swayed as his cock rammed into her. “MMMMMMMM” she moaned. Soriatus pulled out for a moment, his cock was standing hugely erect, throbbing, the rigid rod pointing at Ivana’s dripping pussy. She gasped thankful for a break in cumming, but wanting more …thrusting her sexy ass at him. Soriatus missed her slit … and found her ass instead … and buried his cock deep inside her. “AHHHHHH” Ivana gasped in shock and surprise … Soriatus had found a new hole to fuck and it felt wonderful … he fucked her over and over in her ass … as her pussy continued to throb in excitement. Seeing that pussy quiver, He knew she like this kind of fucking too … so his thrusts became more and more powerful. She pushed her ass back against him, meeting each of his thrusts with her own.
He SLAPPED her ass, as she came again. She was close to passing out … she could only think about cumming. Her mind blank …full of pleasure as he rammed it into her over and over, and rode her hard and fast.

She gasped and her pussy came over and over … quivering wildly … and then she slumped over … passed out in passion. He had fucked her silly. He had defeated his father in fucking … he was the better lover! He came … and filled Ivana’s sweet ass with his cum.

Ivana awoke from her orgasmic ecstasy as her ass was pumped full of cum. Big powerful spurts, squirted deep inside her, over filling her tight ass. She could feel his massive cock jerking inside her as the cum traveled up his rod and shot out. There was too much and the cum sprayed out, over Soriatus heavy balls. But after a while he was finally done. They kissed and Ivana told Soriatus what he wanted to hear “Oh my … you’re one of the best lovers I have ever had!!”
Drago's Stillborn

The Boulder Clan was returning to healthy numbers, with the arrivals of Drago's offspring from his mares and Ivana. In previous matings prior to the arrival of Ivana, Tia and Irgina had produced foals, however, were unsucessful in ensuring their survival for more than a season. This trend seemed to plague the Centaurian clans, presenting an imminent doom for the species. It had beem approximately 380 days since Drago planted his royal seed in the females; the Centaurides have already succesfully produced foals. Tia and Irgina gave birth to two healthy boys. With the task of caring for the newborns at hand, there was definitely no room for conflict between the mares and the champion human broodmare; both Centaurides and Ivana shared this responsibility together and became deeply involved in caring for the vulnerable young. As Drago's prime broodmare, Ivana was obligated to assume the role as the matriarch - to be responsible for the immediate protection, sheltering and feeding of the foals in the clan. Tia and Irgina were quick to identify Ivana in this role, to comply with the orders and tasks that Ivana had directed them to carry out, whether it be foraging for food or gathering needed supplies and materials. However, the compliance by the Centaurides was not simply met with good intentions. Tia and Irgina knew all too well that they now had the advantage over Ivana who was still pregnant with Drago's first hybrid offspring. Soon after giving birth, the Centaurides would be in heat again and ready to breed with Drago. The Centaurian females saw this as an opportunity to curry Drago's favor again with their fertile wombs and sex.

Meanwhile, the newborn foals, already on their legs, had assumed a keen liking toward their human queen. It was to note that the female Centaurides possessed smaller breasts compared to Ivana. Thus, Tia and Irgina's ability to produce and carry the milk to feed their young was limited. Naturally, female Centaurs produced and carried small mounts of milk to barely feed their young - only providing them enough to seem them through a generous season - possibly due to genetic dispostions of the creature and the need to be as light in weight as possible to allow long distance travelling and speed. Thus, the survivability of newborn centaurs was extremely low. Often times, if a Centauride gave birth to twins, the weaker of the twins would often succumb to the lack of resources and die before aging to the next season. This was also another contribution to the dwindling Centurian population.

With Ivana as the clan mother, the Boulder Clan now had a rare advantage. At the last month of her pregnancy, Ivana's generous mammaries had already begun producing the coveted milk and stowing them in the fatty sacs within. It was evident that Ivana carried the human immunities and nourishment through the milk she produced, as the foals feasted on her rich, organic and flavorful milk. She would pass on her healthy cells to her adopted offspring, thusly. Burdened with carrying the weight of her milk, Ivana was relieved when she was discovered that the newborn foals had successfully accepted her milk. In fact, Ivana began to enjoy nursing time; after feeding and depleting the milk from the small breasts of their birth mothers, the hungry foals would delightfully find their way to Ivana where they latched their hungry lips upon her swollen nipples. The boys would both rest their heads upon Ivana's chest, as they each attempted to hold one of Ivana's enormous breasts within their tiny palms up, to suck furiously at her nipples, sending thick spurts of the thick, flavor-enhanced liquid from Ivana's nipples into their mouths. Ivana would lay back with a smirk on her face as she watched the boys feed from her bosom. Indeed with Ivana's help, these foals would grow into strong Centaurian stallions.

It was not long before it was time for Ivana to be due. Although Drago had vested interest in successful births of his lineage, he would distant himself during the actual birth, leaving the females to their own devices - typical behavior for dominant stallions. It was during the heat of the afternoon when Ivana's waterbroke. After noticing Ivana's distress, Tia and Irgina escorted Ivana to a bed of dried leaves and grass. The towering Centaurides watched over their queen, as Ivana began her labor. With Irgina fetching water, Tia remained watchful over Ivana, holding her hand and quietly coaching Ivana through her first birth of a child. Indeed, Ivana was completely unprepared for this task at hand; she had been a warrior and had not expected to become pregnant, nonethless under the loins of a Centaur. The day went on, as Ivana's body became increasingly stressed and completely drenched with sweat. The labor was long and intense as Ivana used and devoted all her energy to push Drago's baby out from her womb. The child was larger than that of a normal human baby during birth, causing a more difficult challenge for Ivana. As the sun set below the canopy of the towering woods, Ivana had felt the head of the child she was carrying emerge. As if occuring simultaneously, the head of her child emerged to be followed by the rest of its body. Ivana immediately sat up, eagered to see her new born child, quickly identifying that it was a male. Tia and Irgina smiled with approval, congratulating the new mother. However, the joy and happiness stemmed from completing birth giving was short lived. As the smiling new mother reached down to hold the baby in her arms, Ivana immediately noticed that something was wrong - the baby was not moving. Ivana attempted to stir consciousness into the baby, and slowly became hysterical as she furiously attempted to revive the baby. Ivana's desperation soon proliferated into her worst nightmare as her efforts were futile and the baby never gained consciousness. Ivana could not understand why this was happening to her and was immediately overwhelmed with great sadness and pain. Tia and Irgina, themselves felt Ivana's pain as a mother, however understood that they were unable to console Ivana, leaving Ivana to cope with the lost of her first child. Ivana cried painstakingly into the night, as even Drago was unable to subdue her. Ivana held her stillborn baby in her arms into the darkness of the night, cradling it as she cried rivers of sadness, weeping for the first time with great sorrow. All Drago and his clan could do was watch from the side, as their Queen emotionally suffered from the abrupt loss.

Eventually time went by and the Boulder Clan seem to resume a semblance to normalcy. Drago had already begun breeding Tia and Irgina, while allowing Ivana her time and space to cope with the loss. Overtime, Ivana was able to regain control over her emotional state and resumed her activeness and participation within the clan. Burying her stillborn within the clan's grounds, she maintained her role as the clan mother, happily feeding Tia and Irgina's foals with her abundant milk that was now to be shared by only two hungry mouths. The care and feeding of the boys took Ivana's mind off the loss of her own child, to accept the boys as her own. Tia and Irgina were delighted that Ivana was somewhat back to normal, immediately welcoming her back into their arms, to bring trinkets and other small adornments to lighten Ivana's mood. The anxiety that shrouded the clan was now lifted with the return of their queen. Infact, Drago had been waiting patiently waiting, and not pushing the fact, that Ivana needed to be inseminated and impregnated again.

It had been about a month since Ivana had left the campgrounds; she desperately needed a full bath. Informing Tia and Irgina of her trip to the river, Ivana happily made her leave from the clan's camp and toward her usual bathing spot along the river banks. Ivana still maintained her toned definition despite being pregant, as her sculpted warrior legs stretched freely while her long limbs stalked through the woods. Soon her senses were met with the scent of the cool, refreshing water from the river, and the sight of the sparkling light that danced off the surface of the churning water. Ivana's senses were immediately reinvigorated, reminding her of the life and future she could look forward to. The droplets of water ran down her large breasts, and eventually down her voluptuous form as she emerged from the river. Unbeknowst to Ivana, she was being stalked the entire time during her trip to the watering hole. As she looked up, she was startled by the giant beast before her. Standing in front of her, towered a gargantuan brute of a Centaur, one that she did not immediately recognize. The Centaurian stallion grunted and snorted as he stomped before her, issuing his concern of her presence. His bulky muscle mass quivered and flexed, underneath the tight pelt, as the war steed displayed his dominance toward the smaller human female. Ivana was startled with fear for the first time since her capture by Drago. Indeed, the massive specimen was a force to be reckoned with. His pelt displayed the various signs battle and fighting, as it cloaked the impressive build underneath. The human-like torso of the Centaurian stallion was ripped, the striations and veins contoured every inch of the male's upper body which was packed with muscles, shaping into a v-shaped figure and moving in unison, which could have easily intimidated any enemy that would challenge this male. The steed's tail waved deliberately back and forth along the stallion's muscular hind quarters, wafting his testosterone-infused musk into the air. Ivana's gaze soon met with the eyes of the Centaurian brute, and she instantly realized who it was. It was Soriatus.
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Breeding with Soriatus

Indeed, Soriatus' appearance had drastically changed from the young Centaurian stud that Ivana remembered, to a formidable breeding champion. Soriatus' eyes looked more wary, sharp, and cunning, emblazoned with a dark eye-lining that war steeds had normally worn as part of the intimidating face paint donned prior to entering into battle. The fertile male had aged quite well, to take on a peculiar resemblance to his father Drago, while still maintaining his own unique identity. The physical display of charisma and majestic charm by this brute of a specimen became evident as Ivana's look of concern shifted to that of an approving gaze.

Like his father, Soriatus possessed a great dominating physique, possessing a rock-solid bulk of masculinity, which conquered all other neighboring masses. His bronzed human torso pulsed and heaved with every breath the massive male took; defined veins ran along his chiseled arms, shoulders and back. His hair was no longer free flowing, now bounded and braided into a ponytail that fell to his lower back, signifying his indoctrination into the community of battle-ready males, becoming a war stallion to be fear and loathed by their enemies. His once dark bay pelt was now blemished with scars from the battles and fights he was involved in since he was last seen by Ivana.

Soriatus' dominance pervaded both physically and chemically; the testosterone emanating from this massive steed cut through the dry air, overwhelming Ivana's senses. Along Soriatus' equine underbelly, situated a well-developed sheath that housed his thick equinous cock within. The sheath was cojoined with a heavy pair of testicles within the scrotal sac that hung with burden, covered and saturated with the stallion's sweat and perspiration. The salty membrane and testosterone mixed together to produce an intriguingly, inviting musk, that permeated and lingered in the air around the areas through which the fertile stud travelled.

Ivana was rather impressed with the revamped Soriatus. However, she felt a bit of guilt, while pangs of lust confused her mind and body. It had barely been a month since Ivana gave birth to Drago's stillborn. Ivana was unable to produce live progeny for Drago, and had been mentally coping with that fact. Yet, Ivana's reproductive cycle and urge was now stimulated by Drago's young successor. Was it wrong to breed with the son of Drago, as it was Drago whom declared Ivana as his championed brood mare? To accept Soriatus' seed and allow his seed to fertilize her was to betray Drago. Perhaps, breeding with Soriatus may continue Drago's lineage somehow, as Ivana thought of excuses for her insatiable lust toward Soriatus. Indeed, Soriatus' presence induced Ivana's inner urges to mate.

When in heat, the vulva of Centaurian mares would palpitate and wink, displaying to a breeding stud that she was ready. Similarly, Ivana felt her own sex preparing to accept the equinous member of her imminent seed planter, as her labia flared lightly, becoming swollen and moist. Her labial lips bloomed like that of a flower, inviting any male member that was readily available. Hot blood rushed through Ivana's body as she looked over Soriatus' dominating and oppressing form. Unable to control her urges, Ivana desperately desired a breeding with Soriatus, while wanting to avoid the situation all together. She had felt the shame of being unable to produce for Drago, and was not ready to go through the heartbreak of another failed breeding. Nonetheless, Ivana was in heat, and it was driving her mad knowing that she was to accept Soriatus here and now.

Without saying a word, Soriatus advanced on Ivana. He snatched her up in his arms, providing a firm hug and hold of her before setting her down on her back upon a boulder. Ivana was startled, resisting the advances of the once gentle young stud that she knew; her attempts at pushing the steed away and escaping his grip was futile. The young stallion that she once knew was no more; this aggressive stud knew exactly what he wanted and how to go about getting it. As Soriatus now positioned himself over Ivana, the massive horse cock peered through and emerged naturally from the sheath along his underbelly. Pre-cum can be seen oozing from the hammer-shaped head of the horse cock as it stared into Ivana's face; the strong musk of his rod continued to enrich Ivana's senses. Ivana felt herself screaming, but was at lost for words and sound, as the muted female remained in shock. Ivana was to accept Soriatus' equinous member whether she liked it or not.

The large, veiny horse cock expertly found its way to Ivana's swollen labia as it once found before, before planting the impressive hammer between Ivana's labial lips. Ivana felt her sex tighting up and resisting Soriatus' pressing cock; her vagina tightened as best it could as if to prevent the imminent penetration. The emotionless face of the stallion stared down at Ivana as she adjusted to the massive girth which had been stationed at the human female's vulva. Mentally, Ivana was not yet ready to take his massive organ, after not having sexual intercourse with either Drago and Soriatus for some time now; in fact, Ivana became quite worrisome as to what was to happen. Was her old lover going to rip her apart and damage her? The massive stallion grunted, thrusting his penis forward to penetrate the human female's cunt, causing Ivana to scream as the horse cock hammered into her. As the stud breeded Ivana, Ivana's tight canal began to receive it more willingly, slowly enveloping Soriatus' extremely large shaft, to receive the familar tool, once more. Soriatus grinned as he remembered this orgasmic sensation provided by the sex of his father's human mare. The beast continued to thrust into Ivana, while his massive cock inflated within Ivana. The veins along the lengthy shaft ribbed along Ivana's g-spot as Soriatus pumped unshamingly and undetered into the claimed female human. Soon, Ivana gave into the ecstacy, allowing Soriatus to dominate her, being turned on by his aggressiveness. The hind quarters of the equinous beast rocked forward, bucked and heaved with each thrust, allowing the hammer tip to slam deep inside the fertile reproductive organ of the small human female. Soriatus snorted happily as he breeded Ivana. Soriatus had been waiting for this time to come when Ivana was to become in heat again. Although loyal to his father, Soriatus was envious of Drago's claim to Ivana. It was now his opportunity to impregnate Ivana, before Drago was able to.

The horse cock was now rigid and rock solid, almost lifting Ivana up from the boulder with each of Soriatus' thrusts. Their sexual intercourse was extremely primal and animalistic; Soriatus was fully intended on breeding Ivana. However, this turned Ivana on to realize the fact that both father and son was competing for her and both had been breeding her. His monstrous horse cock continued to pump Ivana's tight cunt, causing Ivana to cum multiple times, coating the thick equinous girth with her juices. Soriatus looked pleasingly down at Ivana, as he saw her eyes roll back from the pleasure. He continued to grunt and snort as his organ throbbed and curved into Ivana's tight pussy, filling and completely satisfying the pulsating cunt. The pink-brown membrane of the equinous shaft throbbed violently between the Ivana's engorged and tender labia as he was ready to ejaculate his seed into the fertile human.
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Soriatus had been the better lover before, but now with his mature body he was fantastic. She also seemed to please him. She had made love to him early in his development and now his thought about pleasure involved human women, particularly ones with large breasts. Soriatus loved to watch Ivana’s big breasts sway as he rammed his cock into her. She could feel his cock “jerk” and “jump” when he looked at her tits. She had what he needed sexually.

The fucking had been therapeutic for her as well. All thoughts of her failed pregnancy last month were gone. All she was thinking about was the massive cock driving into her. She moaned in pure pleasure “MMMMMMM” as Soriatus rammed his huge throbbing rod into her dripping pussy. She had cum multiple times already. Each orgasm had released her mind more and made her focus on the now and not the past. She thrust her pussy at his cock … trying to get it deeper. Her pussy quiver and came again and again. Soriatus loved it and so his thrusts became more and more urgent.

In the final thrust her pussy exploded as her whole body quivered wildly. Soriatus came in huge powerful squirts. It was like Ivana had just turned on a magical fountain. The cum spray was a stream of thick white hot spunk. She could feel his massive cock jerking inside her fertile pussy. There was too much and the cum sprayed out of her cunt, soaking Soriatus's heavy balls and legs.

After it was all over Soriatus gentle kissed Ivana. The two finally spoke.

“Soriatus that was wonderful” Ivana gasped still trying to catch her breath.

“I want you” Soriatus said with an intense glare in his eyes.

Ivana looked away, suddenly guilty about her feelings. “I love Drago.” Then she looked back at Soritus “I love you too. I do not want you two to fight over me. The centaur race needs every stallion, if it is ever to return to its rightful size. I do not want to be the cause of anymore death. Promise me you will not fight Drago … PROMISE ME” Ivana begged Soriatus.