VETTEMAN got my curiosity perking about the Giza Pyramids, and I been doing some studying of the subject.
Turns out that way back yonder the Egyptians knew all about ox teams and wheels and other technology. I mean you just about cant walk about without falling over a rock column, and their geometry presupposes competency with circles and arcs and other aspects of the art. Plus oxen are seriously stronger (and smarter) than ragheads, dont take up as much space, and theyre a good brake for a heavy load.
A few brainiacs make an excellent point when they note that bazillions of ragheads need enormous resources and space to build a pyramid.
Turns out that way back yonder the Egyptians knew all about ox teams and wheels and other technology. I mean you just about cant walk about without falling over a rock column, and their geometry presupposes competency with circles and arcs and other aspects of the art. Plus oxen are seriously stronger (and smarter) than ragheads, dont take up as much space, and theyre a good brake for a heavy load.
A few brainiacs make an excellent point when they note that bazillions of ragheads need enormous resources and space to build a pyramid.