Pussies! Shaved or not???

Dick thick

Really Experienced
Sep 16, 2002
I hate to do this because it makes me look like I am trying to please everyone, but I honestlly like both. Shaved no picking hair off your tongue, but theirs just something erotic about "natural".
I usually have the best of both worlds. I have a classic triangle, but I shave the lower regions
I hate shaving...I don't think it looks sexy, I think it looks prepubuscent. I go au natural with some trimming to keep it from getting too crazy.
I used to only like shaved, but I have to say, I enjoy both.
i like perky.

oh wait..that's not the question...uhhhh...
if its not completly shaved i like it with a little on top i seen a girl that had hers pussy trimmed up with a playboy bunny right above it now that was damn sexy...
amelia said:
i like perky.

oh wait..that's not the question...uhhhh...

I lick amelia...

wait, yeah, no, we're gonna go with the licking.
I like to be nice and smooth. I have been like that for a few years, and anything else seems weird to me. It's a personal thing for me...not for a boyfriend or anything like that...it's just the way I like to be....
ohhhhh this is a what we prefer on ourselves thread?

I answered about what I preferred on others.
I'm mostly smooth - only a little red :heart: above...

:kiss: perky!!!!
i answered about what i prefer to have on me...perky...

what? i still got it wrong??
lovetoread said:
Heh..mine are already up.

I dont shave,but I have no hair anywhere other than the front anyway.

Verification confirmed...nice thread by the way
It can be either

perky_baby said:
ohhhhh this is a what we prefer on ourselves thread?

I answered about what I preferred on others.

Yours! Theirs! Both! Whatever..........:rose:
Gee I don't know it's been so long . . . perhaps I should sample a little or a lot of each before I decide. :devil: