punctuate this correctly

Choose your style...

Woman, without her, man is nothing.

Woman without her man, is nothing.

Its a test right?
Woman! Without her, man is nothing.

Woman, without her, man is nothing.

Woman without her man - is nothing. (NO GOOD!) :D

and so on...
LordDarkness said:
Woman without her man is nothing.

Woman; without her, man is nothing.

This way is becomes two separate thoughts. One thought is simply "Woman"

The other thought is that "man is nothing without her"

You separate two separate thoughts in one sentence with a semi-colon; the most misunderstood punctuation mark in the English language!
Woman! Without her, man is nothing.

LordDarkness said:
Woman without her man is nothing.
Hey, now you're worrying over punctuation when last night you wanted me to believe you couldn't even spell well? You certainly are jackass of many faces.