PSA to you white folk [brought to you by non-white folk]


Apr 10, 2001
Summer is here, so please tan responsibly. Use an appropriate SPF sun-block.

ps - red is only appropriate if you're preparing lobster.

pps - feel free to post pics of your tan lines and/or farmer's tan.

Considering the incidence of skin cancer has risen dramatically for non-white folk, I would suggest that everyone use an appropriate SPF sun-block.

You're welcome.
How are "white folk" different from "white people"?

White folk has less syllables.

Having lived near the beach my entire life and never gotten down the art of tanning, I've given up and just use SPF 150, or whatever this year's highest number is.
I just read that SPF 30 blocks 97% of the harmful rays. Anything more blocks an additional 1%.
White folk has less syllables.

Having lived near the beach my entire life and never gotten down the art of tanning, I've given up and just use SPF 150, or whatever this year's highest number is.

isn't spf 150 basically the same as "clothes"? :)
As a non-white folk who is still translucent I wear 30spf every day no matter the season.
Folk like folklore, folk music, folk tales, folk art. People don't.
So the sunscreen warning only applies to white people who listen to Peter, Paul, and Mary, tell stories, and weave baskets?
I'm not totally non-white, tan easily. The last time I put sunscreen on, I burned!
I prefer to use SPF 100. Such a nice round number. Oh, and of course it needs to be noncomedogenic. Gotta have it.